
The Arrival Of The Reincarnated Hero

The Arrival of a late hero has arrived... He shall wield the once heroic sword once again in his journey to remember what he was before.. Will he rise or will he fall? Will the deep swallow him whole? Or will he prevail and see what this treacherous journey has awaited for him.

TheEtrean · แฟนตาซี
30 Chs

Chapter 30: Change Your Fate

Mizu groggily opened up his eyes, he tried to move around but he couldn't. Mizu then looked at his side as he saw that he was chained up. He also saw his companions still knocked out and is in the same situation as he was in.

The dimly lit room slowly covered Mizu's sight, he tried to use at least one of his spells to light up the room but he couldn't, it felt like his mana and reservoir was empty.

Suddenly the lights of the room lit up as Mizu squinted his eyes to adjust to the brightness. Mizu heard a door open, which in turn he looked at where it came from. It was at his left side, he turned his head to that side in which a male that was the same height as Amarico [5'7] came in, wearing a lab coat and glasses, they were pushing a cart with equipment, surgical equipment to be precise.

"Ah. It seems like you are awake"

The male looked at Mizu as they had a blank face and souless eyes. If Mizu could just read someone's thoughts with just their face, he would've saved so many of those bandits he had killed but he doesn't.

"Who are you?"

"Well... That's a first, someone asking who I am even though they're gonna die soon but... I might as well give you some entertainment"

The scientist or doctor, whatever you may call him, stopped pushing the cart as he then bowed a little towards him.

"I am Leon Ixatoki, a..."

The male hesitated, he doesn't know what to call his occupation anymore. The trauma he had experienced is too much but he still pursued with the thought of him someday that... he will be saved.

"A... Doctor of Raven Ivanel and the Lead Researcher of the... Things that you have seen in this Manor..."

Mizu saw him stutter, he could feel like he was suffering in this manor but he isn't one to judge just yet, maybe it was all an act.

Slowly but surely the 2 members slowly woke up, first it was Ada, Amarico, and lastly Faye. Their eyes slowly adjusted to the brighntess of the room

"Ugh... That bitch... My head hurts"

Faye groaned as she shook her head softly and looked around, seeing that she was in a lab kind of room she tried to move around like what Mizu did earlier but then noticed she was chained up.

"What the hell?!"

Amarico was the first to shout as she started to struggle around, she then saw Leon.

"Hey! Who the fuck are you?! Let us go!"

Amarico growled like a tiger as she kept struggling from the restraints that she was in.

"As I said to him here, I am Leon Ixatoki... a Doctor and Lead Researcher in this Manor"

Leon then grabbed a syringe and a vial, he then started to suck out the liquid from the vial as he then placed the vial back down. Leon then looked at Amarico and started walking towards her.

"Hey hey what the hell is that?! Get that shit away from me!"

"It's merely an anesthetic... I do not want a test subject to be moving around"

"Leon you don't have to do this"

Leon stopped dead in his tracks as he then looked at Mizu

"Or what... What can you do?"

"We can change your fate"