
The Arrival Of The Reincarnated Hero

The Arrival of a late hero has arrived... He shall wield the once heroic sword once again in his journey to remember what he was before.. Will he rise or will he fall? Will the deep swallow him whole? Or will he prevail and see what this treacherous journey has awaited for him.

TheEtrean · แฟนตาซี
30 Chs

Chapter 28: Floors

"Holy! There's so many of this Gargoyles! I swear I can count them with my eyes closed!" Faye then bashed one's body with her greathammer. She then grabbed the dead Gargoyle's body and threw it to the other Gargoyles.

"Where did she even get this much?! And I thought it was Celtors?!" Amarico then punched one's beak as it flail around, hitting it's comrades and the pillars around them.

"Either in the Aratel Sea or possibly made Artificially!" Ada then threw a shadow dagger on the monster's eyes as it screamed in pain. She then used Faye's body as a boost for her jump as she then striked it down.

"But enough talking for now we literally need to get to that elevator over there so we can at least progress down this dungeon!" Faye then one handed her hammer, she then used her other hand to use her shield

"Follow my lead! Don't stop!" Faye then shouted, she then starts to rush through the Gargoyles, some going away to not get hit by her.

"You heard her, go!" Ada then followed behind, then Amarico and finally Mizu.

The three were killing the Gargoyles that was charging to them while following closely behind Faye.

"Aw!" Amarico saw that one of them scratched her face, she was fuming.

"You little shits!" Amarico then grabbed one of their beaks as she then used it's body to bash each and every gargoyle that was near them

After using it, she threw it away.

"We're almost there at the Elevator! GO GO GO!" Faye then pushed through as there was a lever that was at the side of the elevator

"Get on!" The crew then went on top of the elevator as Faye then pulled the lever.

A barrier was formed around them as they slowly descented down. The group collapsed to the ground as they breathed heavily. Their sharp breaths were almost audible while they were descending from the elevator.

"If we had stayed there for much longer, we wouldn't have made out alive..." Amarico said in between her sharp breaths

"Wow... If that wasn't obvious" Mizu was panting as well.

"Alright seems like this evelator leads towards the 2nd floor... If the first floor didn't have Celtors... This must mean she changed up her levels... It's gonna be either Celtors or Golems... Whatever the case we need to prepare"

Mizu and Amarico slowly stood up, Amarico pulled out a potion as she then drank it almost immediately. She released a huge sigh of relief as she then started to look at Mizu and the others.

"I think you guys want to use this now, we got significantly damaged by the Gargoyles at the first floor... So" Amarico started to pass potions to Ada, Faye, then lastly Mizu.

"What's this?" Ada then pulled the cork to open the potion as she sniffed it


"It's a Invigorating Soothing Potion! An alchemist gave me it when I went to her shop" Amarico slowly drank another

"Hmm... We should pay her a visit after this whole ordeal, I wanna sign up for her services" Ada then drank the potion

"Wait wait let me guess the ingredients" Faye then took a sip as she started smacking her lips

"Hmm.... It's made with mushrooms... Calabash and... Beewax along with a lavender flower" Faye then drank the rest of the potions.

"I don't know.. She didn't tell me the ingredients"

"I think it's Lavender... Turmeric and probably Calabash Fruit..." Mizu then slowly drank it

"I think Mizu's answer's way better than yours Faye" Amarico laughed

"Oh shut up" Faye then playfully punched Amarico on the shoulder.

The elevator was slowly stopping as their surroundings slowly changed. It was becoming more royal rather than the first floor, being run down.

"Seems like she's been having some decoration changes" Faye then looked around

"Wait so you too didn't know?" Ada then looked at her

"It should've been run down too..." Faye then slowly stepped out.

"Ahh, welcome Visitors"

A loud voice shouted throughout the floor. It was rather feminine like

"It has seems to be you guys went in here without any invitation" A feminine figure started to walk out of the shadow.

"It's her..." The group then started to equip their weapons as they prepared for an attack

"Oh no need to fear, I am actually here to talk"

When the figure stepped out of the shadows, it was a matured woman with dark green hair, her eyes were colored black as she had facial markings as well. She was wearing a dress of some sorts, much like a queen kind of dress

"But first, shall we go to somewhere else?"