
The Arrival Of The Reincarnated Hero

The Arrival of a late hero has arrived... He shall wield the once heroic sword once again in his journey to remember what he was before.. Will he rise or will he fall? Will the deep swallow him whole? Or will he prevail and see what this treacherous journey has awaited for him.

TheEtrean · แฟนตาซี
30 Chs

Chapter 1, New Beginnings:

"Over there!" A female voice shouted as a group of 5 was running towards a big gate as something was chasing them, it looked like angels but they were carrying spears and were shooting lightning type of bullets right at them.

"We just need to start that elevator and we're long gone!" A male voice then shouted as the group of 5 went on, but one went towards the lever to pull it down. Slowly the elevator started ascending, it was slow.

"We won't get on the top in time!" Another female voice said in a panicked tone as the group then prepared for their last stand.


Then a male shouted as they grabbed his sword, it was glowing a orange type of flame that slowly started to become azure "You guys stay there, I'll hold them off"

Then he grabbed a revolver from his side pocket and prepared for a fight of his life "I won't let you have them you damn Angels!" An angel approached the male as the male then shot at it with his revolver.

Just a few seconds later, a white flash engulfed the male as he was now somewhere else, not near the elevator, instead he was at a place where there's dozens of rocks floating around the island he was in. He wandered around as he saw a fountain with what seems to be water but it was too bright.

He approached the fountain as there was some words carved into a stone tablet 'Thou shall pass down everything he ever wants, thy memories shall not be passed' Suddenly a piece of paper appeared on his hand. The male wrote his name. He then passed down the piece of paper down the fountain along with a katana of some sorts as it slowly was engulfed by it.

One final time, a white flash engulfed his sight as everything turned black.

Suddenly a boy woke up. He was wearing ragged clothes as he barely remembered how he came here. He looked around as he saw that he was in an inn laying on the bed. He slowly got up and walked outside a room, he then looked around only to see a man leaning on a wall at the left side of the door as he backs away.

"Oh hey you finally woke up" The man said in a deep voice as he had a grin "Quite a heavy sleeper aren't you boy?"

"Where am I?" The boy asked as he looked around.

The man sighed "Figured you would say that, you're in the Kingdom of Etris home of the finest people in the continent"

The boy was confused as he then walked outside the inn as he looked outside.

Birds were chirping cheerfully, the wind blowing on to the leaves as passersby were having a fun time walking around this Kingdom he was now in.

"Woah.." The man then grabbed the kid's shoulder "Come on, let's get you some clothes. You're looking like a Hobo" The man then started walking towards a smithery as the kid sooned followed.

"Oh yeah I forgot, do you remember your name?" The man asked as the boy then spoke;

"I'm..Umi Mizu"

The man was shocked just for a moment as he then coughed "Is there anything wrong?" The man shook his head "Nah nothing just wanted to cough cause my throat itched, come on lets continue"

They then arrived at the front door of the smithery as the man then smiled once more "Forgot to mention as well, you can call me Trenti"

He then opened the door as Trenti went in "Come on kid let's get you the clothes you need" Mizu then went inside as well.

"What's up Caragen my old pal!"

Trenti then approached the blacksmith who was doing something. The blacksmith stopped what he was doing as he looked at the person who greeted him.

"Oh Trent! How are you doing?" Both men hugged each other as they patted their backs "Yeah I wanted to buy some armor and probably some clothes and where could I buy it? Of course from the best of the best!"

The old guy named Caragen laughed wholeheartedly as he then started to look at his storage.

"Why are you getting some armor now? What, you wanna go back to the upper parts of Erisia?" Caragen then came back as he then brought out what looks like a Steel Pauldrons, a pair of Steel Boots and what seems to be a clothing of some kind as it had an arm in the middle as a design and what appears to be flame on it

"Actually I'm gearing up this little guy over here" Trenti then pointed at Mizu as the old guy nodded "So you're the kid who was saved by Trenti huh? What's ya name?"

The boy then spoke again "I'm Umi Mizu" The old man then was shocked as well as he eyed Trenti, the man in question nodded his head once as Caragen then grinned.

The old male approached him as he grabbed one of Mizu's shoulders "I'll be your blacksmith from now on ey? Give me a schematic and I'll make it for you"

The old man then smiled as he gave the clothes and armor to the young lad "Try them on, the fitting room is over there" Caragen then pointed at it as Mizu walked to it. Just a few minutes later Mizu walked out of the fitting room with his new armor and clothes

"Looking sharp there!"

Mizu then looked at his clothes as Trenti then approached him as he then gave Mizu a sword. Mizu looked at it, it didn't look like a sword more of a Katana of some kind as it had wave lengths as a design to signify it was kind of shattered some sort.

Trenti then went outside the smithery as he waved goodbye to the blacksmith.

Mizu then followed his lead "Come on" The big burly man said.

They then went outside the blacksmith and went to a bridge and looked at the sky and the town.

"I already know you want to be an adventurer, if you want to, I can teach you the basics"

Mizu smiled as he nodded repeatedly as Trenti laughed and pats his back "Hyperactive huh? Let's go kid!" The 2 slowly walked away.