
The Arrival of Naruto in the Marvel Universe

**This is a translation** ... Nick Fury: I have the Avengers. Charles Doyle: I also have an organization. Nick Fury: The Avengers are powerful. Charles Doyle: My organization is invincible! Nick Fury: We defend the Earth and show aliens that humans have the power to take revenge. Charles Doyle: In addition to defending against aliens, we also take the sacred tree to alien worlds for planting. Nick Fury: I am the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., overseeing all threatening beings on Earth. Charles Doyle: Hehe, Snake Shield Agency? ???? ????? Charles Doyle brings the Naruto mobile game to the Marvel world, causing the marvel world to go upside down. ... Support me and get early access to chapters: patreon.com/gfdsa

Gfdsa · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
448 Chs

Chapter 121: Conclusion

#Mass Release(2/5)

At this moment, Iruka, accompanied by Urushi, arrived at the intersection near the Continental Hotel. They observed the scattered corpses on the ground, realizing that Sasuke and the others had been here.

Urushi sniffed the air and then climbed into one of the large buses parked near the hotel's entrance. He picked up a suitcase with his mouth and returned, placing it in front of Iruka. Urushi spoke, saying, "There's one more. Let me go fetch it."


Urushi swiftly moved to another bus, grabbed another suitcase with his mouth, and brought it back.

Seeing Urushi retrieve two pieces of dragon bone one after another, a smile appeared on Iruka's face. He then said, "You've worked hard, Urushi. I'll take it from here."

Urushi raised his head and cast a serious look at Iruka, saying, "I hope you can safely deliver Master's belongings."


Without waiting for Iruka's response, Urushi released his summoning technique and returned to the summoning world.

Iruka watched Urushi's departure, picked up the two suitcases, and was about to leave when he heard a voice from behind.


Turning around, Iruka saw Sasuke and Rock Lee, each carrying a captive.

"Sasuke, Rock Lee, have you completed your missions?" Iruka asked.

Rock Lee eagerly responded, "Yes, we've completed them, and we've captured the two targets."

Iruka wore a smile as he replied, "Congratulations on completing your tasks. However, Lord Charles has given new instructions. We don't need to take these two back; we can execute them here."

"We've already found what we needed, so there's no need to bring them back."

As he spoke, Iruka gestured toward the suitcases he held, indicating that the captives were no longer valuable.

Hearing Iruka's words, Sasuke and Rock Lee immediately released the captives, and Iruka approached to carry out their execution.

After dealing with the targets, Iruka picked up the suitcases and addressed the two young ninja, saying, "Let's go. We'll return and report."

And so, the three of them headed back towards the agency.

On the other side-

Outside Charles's Agency-

Charles sat in a chair, watching the busy scene in front of him. He couldn't help but sigh. Having people to help made things much easier; otherwise, cleaning up this many bodies would take who knows how long.

However, when he glanced at the nearly ruined office, Charles felt a headache coming on. Rebuilding it would be a daunting task, and the construction progress here was painfully slow. It was almost unbearable.

It seemed that once Ginny returned, he would have to assign the construction tasks for the office and the base to the construction team from China. Otherwise, he feared that even after a year, his office might still not be fully rebuilt.

As Charles's thoughts wandered, Iruka returned with Sasuke and Rock Lee, along with two suitcases.

With a series of whoosh sounds, the three of them appeared in front of Charles. Iruka took out the suitcases and said, "You can rest assured, Lord Charles." 

"The enemies at the Continental Hotel have all been eliminated, and the mission targets have been brought back."

At this moment, Bowery King and the leader of the gang both turned their gazes towards Iruka as he spoke, their eyes filled with shock and disbelief. 

Was this the Elder's Adjudicators?

"Only three of them, with two being youths, managed to eliminate all the enemies at the Continental Hotel. It's truly terrifying!"

Charles took the suitcases from Iruka and said, "You did well, and I appreciate your hard work."

"No trouble at all," they replied in unison.

Sasuke glanced at the scene and said, "Lord Charles, the crisis at the hotel has been resolved. Charlie will come later for a detailed cleanup."

Charles nodded, indicating he understood.

By now, the bodies on the street had been mostly cleaned up and neatly piled together.

The leader of the gang walked over to Charles and said respectfully, "Elder Charles, Charlie will come later for the final cleanup." 

"Currently, your office has been destroyed, and the hotel has been attacked. It's not suitable for resting here. How about you take a break at my place?"

Charles considered for a moment and accepted the offer. "Alright, I'll stay at your place for a few days."

Hearing the Elder's agreement, the leader's smile grew wider.

"Bowery King, I'm leaving this to you. After Charlie finishes cleaning up, you can withdraw on your own."

Hearing that the Elder was going to rest at the gang leader's house, Bowery King didn't offer a place for rest, as he knew that his territory wasn't suitable for the Elder's stay.

"Understood, Elder Charles!"

Following the leader of the gang, Charles and his group of five arrived at the theater managed by the Belarusian Mafia.

"Elder, this is the best room in the opera house, and it will always be reserved for you. You are welcome to stay here anytime in the future."

"As for the three Adjudicators, I have arranged adjoining rooms for them. If you need anything, there are phones in the rooms, and dedicated service staff will be available."

Charles accepted the room key, nodded, and didn't say much.

After opening the door, Charles addressed his companions, saying, "Goodnight, and I wish you all sweet dreams!"

He closed the door and immediately opened the two suitcases containing the dragon bones, proceeding to recharge.

Ding! Recharge successful. Received 500 gold coins!

Ding! Recharge successful. Received 500 gold coins!

With this, Charles's gold coin count reached 6,296.

Having taken care of the dragon bone business, Charles went into the bathroom and took a good bath.

After finishing his hygiene routine, Charles didn't go to sleep right away. Instead, he began to contemplate.

Two consecutive attacks had made Charles realize that, although their strength was not bad, they lacked a proper security force.

While the attack by the Hand had resulted in their demise and earned Charles 2,000 gold coins, he couldn't tolerate such successive attacks.

This time, RPGs, sniper rifles, and heavy machine guns were used. What about the next time?

Once the suburban base was established, wouldn't the enemy be able to use artillery and missiles for bombardment?

Of course, using missiles might be an exaggeration, even for the suburbs, which were still part of New York City. However, considering that Tony's mansion had been struck by missiles, there was no guarantee that some lunatic wouldn't launch missiles at his new base. 

The damage in such a scenario would be immense, as destruction takes only a moment, while construction takes much longer.

However, Charles couldn't let fear paralyze him and prevent him from building the base. It seemed that upgrading his security force and increasing the number of ninjas had become an urgent necessity.