
The Archivist's Ploy: A Tale of One Against The World

Far above the horizon, beyond the clouds and the apocalyptic storms under it, hovered a yellow-haired old-looking man. His yellow eyes gave off a bright radiance, and countless books floated around him. Throughout history, the man was known by many names, (The Watcher - The Chronicler - The Historian - The Custodian - The Recordkeeper) But during this Era, he was known as The Archivist. The Archivist's perception inspected thousands of kilometers far and wide, Yet 'Nothing interesting is happening' His frustration grew 'What's the point of a worldwide perception if there's no apposite change to perceive?' 'The world has become mundane' 'And no one is doing anything about it' Ergo, The Archivist will take matters into his own hands 'I'll orchestrate a worldwide, All-embracing scheme against an oblivious individual' With a sinister smile on his face, he devised his plan 'Turn the entire world into a person's antagonist, Then enjoy the show' And he had the perfect plot for it 'First, Utter Despair that would cause immense Pain' 'Then, More Despair that would turn the Pain to Loathe' 'Then, As the Loathe grows, The Despair will transform into Rage' 'The Rage will make the Being Crave Revenge, and the intense Crave will result in Devotion to his goal' 'Finally, The Despair, Pain, Loathe, Crave, and Devotion will all be used as fuel for the Rage, Transforming it into an even extremer emotion' "WRATH" How would a single person unleash his Wrath against the entire world? 'That's what I'm going to find out' "AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA" The Archivist's maniacal laughter echoed loudly 'The world is about to be entertaining' He looked up and asked with a reverberating, Bleak voice "Who will be the unlucky one?"

Adhaman · แฟนตาซี
295 Chs


When Leus exited the room, it was around evening.

'I now have to focus on that agent, Arno said that she's a female huh ... should I activate the Abstract of Concealment to be able to assess her?'

Leus mulled it over for a couple of seconds, but eventually, he decided against it.

'She's likely stronger than me, so the Abstract won't even work on her'

'Also, I don't want to look like I'm showing off or whatever'

He still remembered what happened in the restaurant

'Being viewed as an attention seeker once is enough for a lifetime.'

He walked until he reached the door of his old training room, which was partially open.

Leus still knocked on it then slowly pushed it open and entered.

Inside the room, a red-haired woman was wearing a black short dress with red leggings and a golden belt around her waist.

She was sitting in front of the desk, where a guest would normally sit.

Her legs and arms were crossed, and her chair was adjusted to face the door.

As soon as Leus entered, she stood up.

Both started assessing each other

'She's beautiful and she looks young.

But since she's Ignatius' agent, she's probably very experienced regarding these matters, I won't be fooled.'

On his way to the room, Leus came up with a simple plan

'I'll let her do most of the talking, I don't really want much anyway. All I'm going to do is keep a straight face so she can't know what I'm thinking about.'

The woman's thoughts on the other hand were much more ... chaotic

As soon as she saw Leus she froze in her place.

It took her a while to process what she was seeing.

'OH MY GOD, he's really an S-tier Mage!!!!'

Her mind raced at a speed she didn't even imagine was possible

'Does he know he's an S tier? ... There's no way Arno has told him, it's classified information. No wonder Arno wants to take him to the Capital ...

Actually, it's more strange that he is still here.'

'The possibility existed but seeing it with my own eyes ... I can't believe it, it actually exists!!!!'

'And what the hell is this body? This is a 6-year-old child? No way, he looks like he's at least 15, a strong 15 even, it wouldn't be far-fetched if someone said that he's 17.'

Yet she was certain that his actual age was 6

'Arno confirmed it ... but still, nothing about Leus makes sense ....'

Originally, she planned to stand up and greet him, but after she saw him she froze in place

Leus approached her and said

"Hello, I'm Leus"

'Terrible, terrible sign!!!! He doesn't identify himself as Leus Inferno ...'

It took her a second to reply properly

"I'm Fia Inferno"

She extended her hand to Leus and he shook it

'Calm down ... calm down, we can still get him, it's still possible'

Attempting to be the leader of the conversation, she pointed at the seat in front of her to Leus, which he sat on

'Good, good ... so he thinks we are equals'

In Fia's mind, if Leus had sat behind the desk, then it'd have meant that he thought he was in a superior position.

'Well, he actually is. But as long as he does not know, then it does not matter.

Sitting on this chair is a very good sign.'

Little did she know that Leus' mind regarding this matter was very ... Empty.

Because she was within his Domain, Leus was able to sense her aura.

'Oh wow, She's an Elite ...'

'Since she doesn't have a sword, I assume she's an Elite Fire Mage ...'

'Impressive honestly, I think she's even above Felix's level ... '

He looked at her expressionless face and thought to himself

'Hmm, I wonder how this will go? What's gonna happen? Is she gonna offer me all sorts of cool stuff and I should accept or add more demands?

How does this work? Shouldn't Arno have given me more information about it?'

Leus didn't know what to expect, but he knew only one thing

'The entire reason behind Arno's plan was to get these people to make the first move, which means that they want me, so I don't have to try hard.

I'll just wait and see how they play their cards, I trust Arno'

To Fia, Leus seemed really casual about the entire thing, not desperate, not excited, not even interested...

'It's not like he's about to get a life-changing offer at all'

The more calm Leus seemed the more nervous Fia became.

Luckily, her poker face was immaculate, so Leus didn't notice anything.

About a minute passed in silence

'He won't talk first'

She quickly decided to take the initiative

"I heard a lot about you, what would you like me to call you, Leus Inferno, The Purple Saint, or maybe Warrior-Mage Leus?"

Leus narrowed his eyes

'Is she trying to say that she knows everything about me or something?'

Nevertheless, he didn't comment on it

"Call me Leus"

"Ah, is that so? Then call me Fia as well"


"Now that we know each other better, let's get down to business"

Leus nodded without saying anything

She spoke with a smile

"In the esteemed halls of the Red Mansion, it is our collective belief that your exceptional talent merits our earnest consideration.

We extend a formal invitation for you to join our distinguished community."

Leus tilted his head

'Why is she talking in this way?'

He leaned back on his chair

"Can you talk in a normal way? I'm not really into formalities, it complicates things."

The smile didn't disappear from her face and she continued as if she didn't hear anything

"Being part of the Red Mansion offers various benefits. Do you initially agree with the idea? We can work on the details later."

Leus was getting bored

'Nothing she said so far is interesting, Let's spice things up.'

"I think your offer isn't worth my time.

Either offer me something valuable or let's not waste our time, I'm certain a busy lady like you will have a lot of things to do."

Fia's lips curled up

'Got you!'

According to Fia's experience, there are two types of people

'Those who like to slowly bargain and feel that they're winning, and those who get annoyed by it'

Fia's act was a test to find out which type was Leus

'If he was a bargainer, I'd have let him slowly win and enjoy it'

But since he's not

'I'll directly give him the second best offer'

"You're quite blunt aren't you, that makes things easier, hear my offer."