
The Archivist's Ploy: A Tale of One Against The World

Far above the horizon, beyond the clouds and the apocalyptic storms under it, hovered a yellow-haired old-looking man. His yellow eyes gave off a bright radiance, and countless books floated around him. Throughout history, the man was known by many names, (The Watcher - The Chronicler - The Historian - The Custodian - The Recordkeeper) But during this Era, he was known as The Archivist. The Archivist's perception inspected thousands of kilometers far and wide, Yet 'Nothing interesting is happening' His frustration grew 'What's the point of a worldwide perception if there's no apposite change to perceive?' 'The world has become mundane' 'And no one is doing anything about it' Ergo, The Archivist will take matters into his own hands 'I'll orchestrate a worldwide, All-embracing scheme against an oblivious individual' With a sinister smile on his face, he devised his plan 'Turn the entire world into a person's antagonist, Then enjoy the show' And he had the perfect plot for it 'First, Utter Despair that would cause immense Pain' 'Then, More Despair that would turn the Pain to Loathe' 'Then, As the Loathe grows, The Despair will transform into Rage' 'The Rage will make the Being Crave Revenge, and the intense Crave will result in Devotion to his goal' 'Finally, The Despair, Pain, Loathe, Crave, and Devotion will all be used as fuel for the Rage, Transforming it into an even extremer emotion' "WRATH" How would a single person unleash his Wrath against the entire world? 'That's what I'm going to find out' "AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA" The Archivist's maniacal laughter echoed loudly 'The world is about to be entertaining' He looked up and asked with a reverberating, Bleak voice "Who will be the unlucky one?"

Adhaman · แฟนตาซี
297 Chs


The dark-haired man shouted loudly

"What are you waiting for? ATTACK"

His shout brought his underlings back to their senses, And they dashed forward to attack Leus

The dark-haired man -The leader of The Butchers- stood beside a red-haired man -The leader of The Gizmos- and neither of them attacked, but the four remaining Soldiers dashed forward towards Leus.

Seeing that, Scar came back to reality as well, He shouted

"Protect Leus"

Bones and Kyle ran forward and intercepted one of the Soldiers, and Scar intercepted another one, and they left only two for Leus

The two were running toward him and shouting loudly.

Leus narrowed his eyes and understood what was going on

'He must've realized that he won't win, So he's sending his subordinates to die so he can escape'

A sinister smile appeared on Leus' face

'Tonight, All will die!'

He cast Poisonous Melee and summoned two black daggers

The daggers were hovering above Leus' shoulders, He was about to will the daggers to impale the skulls of the charging Soldiers, but suddenly his domain activated

'That's why they are needlessly shouting!'

Leus sensed an attack coming from behind,

A club was about to land on the back of his head.

'Someone must've been hiding behind waiting for a chance to ambush me'

Sadly, Leus' domain was very small

By the time he sensed the incoming attack, it was already too late to dodge it or even block it, The only thing he could do was

'Minimize the damage'

In the last second, he took a step forward and bent his head, reducing the strength of the attack by just a tiny bit

Leus plummeted headfirst, the forceful assault drove his skull into the hard floor.

The impact reverberated through him, causing his vision to blur and a sharp pain to surge through his battered head.

The metallic taste of blood flooded his mouth as his teeth broke.

Yet, with a resilience born of sheer determination and hunger for murder, Leus swiftly rolled across the floor, narrowly evading the next hit.

Leus' head turned around in the direction of the Black Haired man, Only to see him and the Red Haired man who was beside him running away

It was then that Leus snapped


While he was focusing on the escaping men, one of the three Soldiers kicked him in the abdomen,

He sensed the kick before it hit him but his mind was so occupied by the desire to kill the escaping men that he just didn't care to block the kick


Leus groaned and spat even more blood

He became outraged, His wrath reached its peak


He cast Poisoned Flame on his hands, Both his hands started burning fiercely with black flames and black smoke came out of them


Leus' willpower, now a chaotic storm, devoured all reason. 

The relentless desire for murder surged within him with such ferocity that the very essence of the world seemed to bow to his will. 

As the boundaries of his consciousness blurred, a malevolent force, a monstrous entity, seized control.

His own awareness became a distant echo as the monstrous presence within him emerged, an entity fueled solely by dark impulses and a ravenous hunger for death and destruction.

The transformation was complete as Leus' consciousness faded into the shadows, overshadowed by the emergence of the unleashed monster.

Leus' eyes became abyssal-black, with no pupils, no whites, no iris, just two black circles emitting black smoke, but not only that, his entire body was emitting strange black smoke as well.

He looked at his hands with a strange expression, as if he had never seen them before


Then he looked at the two Soldiers in front of him and smirked

He aimed both his hands at the two Soldiers in front of him and shouted


Black tendrils of smoke slithered from his outstretched hands, coiling around the two helpless Soldiers.

The moment the inky darkness made contact with their skin, a nightmarish transformation unfolded.

Their anguished screams pierced the air as the black smoke began a relentless assault.

Their skin melted away like wax under an intense heat, leaving grotesque trails of liquefied flesh. Their eyes and hair slowly dissolved into liquid as the Soldiers convulsed in agony.

Their desperate attempts to escape the suffocating cloud of smoke proved futile.

It followed their every movement like an unrelenting shroud of doom.

Slowly, The insidious smoke infiltrated their bodies, ruthlessly dissolving their lungs.

The soldiers, once humans, crumpled to the ground, their desperate struggles silenced as their bodies transformed into a gooey, unrecognizable substance.

The black cloud persisted, an ominous presence lingering until every trace of the Soldiers was eradicated. Even their bones dissolved into nothingness, leaving behind only the echo of their demise.

Leus looked behind him at the horror-stricken Soldier paralyzed with fear, Staring at him with frightened eyes,


Leus, fueled by unbridled viciousness, aimed his right hand at the Soldier's head.

A blast of ominous smoke shot forth with explosive force.


The blast surged through the Soldier's skull, obliterating it in a gruesome spectacle.

Yet, the headless body defied the laws of nature and remained standing.

Blood erupted from the severed neck like a morbid fountain, a grotesque display that painted the surroundings in shades of red.

The blood, akin to a firework show, arced upwards, drenching Leus in a macabre rain.

Despite the gruesome spectacle unfolding around him, Leus remained indifferent to the crimson shower, an embodiment of the unfathomable darkness that now controlled him.

Leus got up and looked at the two running men,

They weren't far yet so he ran and used Boost, and in just a couple of seconds, there wasn't much of a distance between them anymore.

Scar, Bones, and Kyle were about 100 meters behind Leus and the red-haired and dark-haired men were about 50 meters in front of him

Leus extended both his burning hands forward and shouted in a demonic voice

"Death spares none"

Black smoke shot out of Leus' hands and took the shape of a chain, The chain wrapped around Leus' hands, Then extended out and kept going forward until it coiled around both the men's bodies.

The men became confused and tried to keep running forward but Leus was tightly holding the chains and stopping them, They took out their swords and tried to cut or break the chains.

Every strike against the chains echoed through the air, a resounding CLANK reverberating as if hitting solid metal.

Leus tried to pull the men back but he couldn't, Both men were heavy and were frantically trying to run away, Making him stumble and almost fall

Leus activated Mud around his legs and firmly fixed his position, Becoming immovable.

The three were in a deadlock, The men weren't able to run forward and Leus wasn't able to pull them back.

The two began fighting with each other

"That's not what we agreed on you bastard"

"Shut the fuck up and break the chains"

The red-haired man was cursing and swearing at the dark-haired man, Making Leus even more agitated and bothered by his shouting.

The red-haired man was tied in a chain that was coming out of Leus' left hand


Leus clenched his left hand, and in an instant, the chain encircling the man's waist transformed. It ignited, becoming a searing, razor-sharp blade.

With a malevolent precision, the chain-blade closed in on the man's body.

A frenzied scream escaped his lips as the ethereal blade sliced through flesh and bone, methodically cleaving him in two.

A heavy thud resonated through the air as the man's lower body collapsed to the floor, while his upper torso slumped atop it.

Silence engulfed the scene, the once-piercing screams and shouts were silenced.

Leus' anger slightly decreased as the shouting and screaming stopped, and then he started pulling the dark-haired man towards him, who now appeared devoid of any resistance—perhaps, having surrendered to the hopelessness that had consumed him.

Leus dragged the man until he was in front of him and smiled maniacally.

When The man was freed from the chain in front of Leus, He held his sword, So Leus expected that he'd attack him and prepared to block, but instead, the man was about to stab himself


Leus caught the sword with his bare burning hands and then punched the man's face with the other

The man fell down and Leus mounted him, Sitting on his chest.


Leus punched his face


Another punch


Another punch



And another ...

Leus unleashed a relentless barrage of punches upon the fallen man.

A frenzied onslaught!

The blows continued mercilessly—punch after punch, an unrelenting storm of violence.

The count became irrelevant; Leus, consumed by absolute darkness, lost track of the passage of time.

As the onslaught persisted, the man's skull yielded to the relentless assault. First, his skull caved in, then, it cracked, and finally, it shattered. Yet, Leus showed no mercy, his fury transcended the limits of reason.

The once-solid structure was reduced to brain matter and blood, yet, Leus's assault continued.

He punched until there was nothing left to pulverize, and even then, he didn't cease.

The echoes of blows against the ground reverberated.

In the aftermath, all that remained was the chilling testament to the depths of darkness within Leus, a monstrous force capable of relentless, unbridled violence.



No matter how many times Scar called his name, Leus didn't stop punching.

Finally, Someone came and held Leus' burning hand, Burning his own in the process.

Leus looked at his hand, Then at the hand holding it, Then at the guy's face.

Slowly, Leus' consciousness started to return from the shadows, the black balls that resembled his eyes started to come back to normal, and the black smoke stopped being emitted from his body.

It took Leus a bit of time, but eventually, he regained control of his body again.


"Saint, It's over"

Leus looked at the man's head, Or its lack thereof, and didn't say anything.

He got up and cast healing on Kyle's burnt hand, Then looked around him.

Scar and Bones were looking at him with ... strange expressions 

A mix of fear, pity, and worry in their eyes

Kyle was looking at him saddened, But no one said anything.

The ground was soaked with blood, and there were corpses everywhere.

The rage in Leus' heart was quenched, Yet, The feelings of hollowness, sadness, and guilt, Didn't go away

Leus looked at Scar without saying anything for a long time, then he said

"I'm leaving, Follow the plan"

Then he turned around and walked away

Scar tried to stop him but Bones gripped his shoulder

"Let the kid go, Being in this place any longer isn't a good idea"

Scar sighed, Kyle came to them and asked

"Do you think he will come back?"

No one had an answer.

This was .... An interesting experience?

Overall, this and the last chapter took way too long from me and I'm not sure if it came out good enough .. Leave your thoughts.

Also: Do you like Gore?

Note 1: This monstrous entity, or whatever it is, was hinted at before, do you remember when?

Note 2: When I say "Controlled by darkness" or darkness this and that, I do NOT mean the element (Darkness) as in (Light Fire Water Wind etc), nah, I just mean darkness/evilness and such.

I hope this is clear ... so, you're free to guess what this is, but it'll take you a really LONG time to know if you were right. In essence, it's simple, nothing out of the world (Not a crazy wild guess), but cool.

Adhamancreators' thoughts