
The Architect Reincarnated in the System

Daoisttq55fi · สมัยใหม่
7 Chs

Chapter 3

Kim Minji could say with much confidence that her relationship with Kin Joon was no different to that of any other pairs of siblings who had lost their parents when their were still children. She remembered it well; when the little Kim Joon had cried non-stop at their parents' funeral, Kim Minji had hugged him tightly while she herself did not utter a single word.

While their parents had not been great parents to them, it was clear that Kim Joon had admired them enough to feel sad for their passing. For Kim Minji, that was enough to let her know that they had not completely failed as parents. As compared to when she was with their half-sibling, it meant nothing as opposed to being Kim Joon.

While Kim Joon was busy cleaning away the dishes, Kim Minji quietly sat on the couch and took the remote from the coffee table. The news channel was covering a recent dungeon break, with reports of increasing monster activity all over the city. They were dungeon breaks which had taken place already in their previous timeline, nothing out of the ordinary. However, there was no telling when something expected would happen.

Eventually, Kim Joon joined her on the couch.

"...Noona, I'm sorry."

The boy eventually said while lowering his head in shame, and Kim Minji turned her head towards him.

"For what?"

A single apology would not be enough to place them back into the past before the dungeons appeared. However, it would certainly be a start, the apology which Kim Joon was giving was better than not giving an apology at all.

"I'm sorry, I upset my relationship with you, it was the result of my own choice to monitor, interfere with, and blind you all in the name of protection. I'd also made my guild knowing many people would aim to touch my only blood relative."

He said, causing her to soften. It was definitely a start, Kim Joon must have thought deeply about what to say. Because he was placing his words in such a way that it would made her believe he was only talking about the past years and not the future that would eventually take place as well if they continued on the same road the went on before their regression.

"At first, I didn't want to burden you, and later I thought that you wouldn't understand."

It also made sense, had Kim Minji been a regular person, she was sure that she may have ended up resenting him.

"But I was wrong. You were still thinking about me and worried about me like when I was a kid. I misunderstood Noona, and didn't confirm anything either, I'm sorry."

"…I didn't do you much good either."

And it was true, had it not been for her, Kim Joon may have been able to enjoy his childhood for a bit longer before the dungeons broke out.

"You were interrupted in everything you tried to do without a proper reason, it was understandable."

If it have been in the past, they would have never been able to have this talk, it was only possible because Kim Joon had retained the memories of the previous timeline and was willing to explain things to her for the sake of not repeating the past again.

That was what she believed initially that is.

"I can understand the situation, but do you really need to go this far? Nothing has happened so far anyway."

Kim Minji tried to reason out, how could he?

The moment, Kim Minji had expressed her will to leave, Kim Joon's expression stiffened greatly.


However, the boy was firm on his decision and didn't allow her to take even a step outside of the apartment located on the top of the Guseul-ok building.

"Why not? I'll be very careful, I was alright throughout the whole morning while I was out-."

"This morning and now are different. The only reason Noona could move around freely before was because I had cut off our relationship."

Kim Minji sighed and tried to think of another reason.

"Isn't it illegal to lay your hands on an unawakened person? Most people would also think that it's not worth the risk."

She figured it was valid enough because Kim Minji had yet to register as an awakened person as of their current time.

"If I command the Museoun guild to take note of Noona's safety then many people will begin to target you regardless, many will already be keeping an eye on you because I brought you to my house."

It wasn't entirely wrong, but even if she didn't have the stats, Kim Minji was sure she could defend herself from such people.

"Still, I can't stay here..."

"But you said you were okay with it."


Kim Minji began to harrow through her brain as though to try and figure out when she allowed herself to live in captivity.

Kim Joon replied with an expression of clearly visible mischievous intent.

"Noona, you hugged me and expressed your feelings to me openly. You also accepted everything I did to you in the past, that's as good as receiving permission."

Kim Minji stared at him in wonder, wondering if that really was how her brother had interpreted her words?

"Joon-ah, I refuse to live in captivity, even if it is luxury."


Kim Joon held the look of a puppy who'd just gotten kicked after hearing her words.

"Noona, please put up with it for just 3 years. I'll get rid of them in 3 years."


Kim Minji wondered if he was meant to be making a puppy's face while saying such things but decided to ignore it.

"I refuse to live in captivity for even 3 years, I can't stay in for a week, and whether or not there are people going after me, making a fuss in broad daylight isn't difficult. Wouldn't it be simpler if you were to assign a guardian to me instead to go out with instead? someone like Man Geon, he specialises in defence right? Wouldn't I be safe as long as I am with someone of his level?"

"Of-course, You will be allowed to go out from time to time."

"How often?"

And that was how she had found herself in the present where she sat across from her brother who adamantly refused to allow her to leave the Museoun guild building. It was not even their mother.

At her age, her mother would not have said anything even if she disappeared the entire night without notice. So how exactly had she ended up in this position?

"It will depend on the schedule. If we enter dungeons, then we won't be able to hire A-rank hunters to protect you. We can't leave your protection to B-rank hunters either because they're weak.."

'If a B-rank heard that they'd be offended.'

The bottom line was rather simple to understand. A-rank awakener or higher, that was the condition for her to be able to go out.

"Then I will be able to go out if I can find a dedicated A-rank bodyguard, right?."

"You're going to find an A-rank guard?"

Kim Joon looked at her and she only shrugged her shoulders and his eyes suddenly became sharp; and almost suspicious. The reason was very straight forward for her, and Kim Minji simply couldn't allow him to find out.

She was cure that he wouldn't say anything which could expose himself, and so, Kim Minji only waited for the words to leave him.

"Does noona have a skill that let's her find hunter ranks?"

"I suppose, it's something similar."

Kim Minji answered simply, she casually went through her window while avoiding her brother's sharp gaze. Kim Joon's eyes narrowed towards her, clearly not buying the evasive answer.

"If you have a way to find A-rank hunters, that would be incredibly useful. But it's dangerous to rely on skills you don't fully understand or control yet."

"I know my own limits, Joon-ah. Besides, if I can find a capable bodyguard, wouldn't that ease your mind?"

Kim Minji replied, leaning back and meeting his gaze steadily, and her brother sighed, running a hand through his hair.

"Fine. If you can find an A-rank hunter willing to be your bodyguard, I'll allow it. But no less than that."

"It's a deal then."

Kim Minji nodded her head and smiled, feeling a bit victorious.