Wyatt was alone in the world. When the rifts opened the world was thrown into chaos. Archaic mages came through those rifts, and war after war followed. The last war had ended when Wyatt was just a baby, but he had still lost his eye to it. The empty socket, and loss of depth perception made him an easy target. Wyatt being an orphan meant that no one back him up when he did get targeted. Wyatt was used to fighting for himself, and the draft was going to force him into military academy. He had no genetic markers to become an ability user so he had already accepted the fact that he would probably die during his two years required military rotation after the academy. It was just a fact of life. Non ability users were just cannon fodder, and archaic abilities were highly restricted. Wyatt didn't think anything off it. That is until he found a marble in an old rift area. A marble that would change everything.
My new novel Tame featuring some of my animals is a cultivation type story. I would like to have 15 different cultivation stages, but I suck at naming things. Do my readers have any ideas for what I could call my different cultivation stages?