

I pulled my blanket up until only my neck, and head stuck out. System what are my stats?

8/15 hp

strength 20

agility 20

stamina 20

instinct 10

damage resistance 10

mana 1/30

System how fast does my hp regenerate?

1 hp every 15 minutes

System how fast does my mana regenerate?

1 mp every 5 minutes

So thirty mana total means my mana will be fully regenerate in. My tired brain couldn't process multiplication. Five, ten, fifteen, twenty, twenty-five... my eyelids felt heavier... thirty, thirty-five, forty, forty-five. An alarm startled me awake. I groaned as I reached my arm out.

Hp fully restored. Mp fully restored.

Then I realized I was still wearing the school watch. Despite the fact that I had shrunk considerably. The watch had resized to my smaller size. It was also the source of the annoying alarm beeps. I clicked the alarm off, and stretched slowly before standing up on the bed.

I looked down at the watch, and tapped it's face. It stopped showing the number two, and popped up an options screen with three options on it. Credits, classes, and communications. I clicked on credits. It showed a balance of five credits.

I looked at the history, and it showed a deposit of ten credits with a five credit withdraw for repairs, and the balance at the bottom. Repairs? I looked at the two shoots on the wall. They both showed green lights now. I thought about jumping from the bed to the chutes.

I remembered how epically I'd failed when trying to jump on the bed. I sat there thinking about it for a minute. This was my real body now so I would have to get used to it eventually. It really did feel like my real body I realized. I'd been uncomfortable the entire time I'd been camouflaged yesterday.

Like my skin didn't fit right. I got ready to jump for the chute. I tensed my muscles, and jumped. I still went a bit high, and hit the wall but I'd landed more or less on the handle for the chute. I wrapped my arms around the handle, and let my weight pull the chute all the way open.

I looked into the damaged clothes chute, and there was a perfectly clean shirt looking almost like new. I pulled myself up, and hooked my legs in the handle. My tail wrapped around the handle as well. It felt odd. Having a tail.

I reached as far as I could with my arms, but they weren't long enough to reach the shirt. I stretched my neck out, and my head easily reached. I bit down on the shirt, and drug it out of the chute dropping it on the floor below. Success! I moved over to the edge of the chute, and reached for the other chute.

Again my arms weren't long enough. So I bit the other handle too. Using the strength of my neck to bring my body up. The other chute closed once my weight was off it with a dull fawap sound. I grabbed the handle, and took my mouth off of it as it came open.

I pulled my legs up to the handle, and did the same thing I'd done with the first chute. Now I had a full set of clothes on the floor. All I needed to do now was get down. I sprung off the handle, and out into the free air behind. Time slowed again as I squirmed in the air, but this time I kept my eyes open as the floor got closer, and closer until just before I hit my legs were under me.

If you'd been looking at my little dragon face right then you would have seen a smile. I looked at my watch again. Clicking on classes this time. My first class was at six thirty. I checked the time.

It was five thirty now. That meant I had another half an hour to fiddle around with the watch before classes started. I glanced around my room for the map I had yesterday. I must have left it on the desk when I grabbed my clothes. Ten hours.

That was how long I could maintain my transformation once I transformed. I looked at my class schedule again. There were six hours of regular classes. Then free time afterwards. Most of the regular classes were book work, but the last one was combat.

My stomach growled at me.

New Quest. Eat meat. Reward 5xp.

The quest got me thinking. I won xp from the fight yesterday. System why did I get xp from the fight yesterday?

Combat xp rewards ongoing rewards.

25 xp for beating human enemy into submission.

50 xp for killing human enemy.

Killing? I swallowed nervously. Human enemy? System do I get a different reward for non human enemies?

Difficulty unknown for all other enemies. Xp will be determined when difficulty is established.

Right. The system was damaged. It couldn't remember everything. I settled on the floor. I checked the time quickly.

It was almost six. I stood up.

"Activate physical camouflage," I felt my tail whip to the side in anticipation.

My body surged into my human form as I stood up slowly. Getting my bearings quickly as I grabbed the clothes off the floor. I got dressed quickly before heading into the common area. That was the first time I saw my roommate. He was a tall beefy level two like me, well besides the beefy part.

His skin was as dark as night, and his eyes the darkest brown I'd ever seen. I realized I was staring, and looked down at my desk where the map was still sitting. I picked it up nervously.

"I'm Wyatt nix," I thrust my hand out for him to shake, "I've never met anyone who was african american before. I'm sorry if I stared."

He just stared back at me as I squirmed under his gaze.

"You're eyes are two different colors," Ethan looked back at me as he spoke in a quiet voice.

My hand went up to the left eye out of habit.

"Yeah," I smiled weakly, "Odd isn't it?"

Ethan nodded quietly.

"Not much of a talker are you," I let my hand drop slowly.

"No," Ethan shook his head slowly.

"Then we'll get along just fine," I held my hand out again.

Ethan slowly took my hand slowly. One quick shake, and I was off.