

Heading to the north was priority. I crossed the rest of the guild quickly. My escorts recognized me in my human form, and followed us out of the guild. It didn't really matter that I looked young. That the three of us looked young.

As a group we were the strongest people in the guild. Taking us on wouldn't be smart or profitable until they were able to clear out all the wyverns. Crossing through the gates where the escorts abandoned us. A few quick strides, and I was far enough from the gates to revert to my true form. Savannah, and Ethan both didn't need any more invitation.

I searched mentally for Jax right quick. He was close by.

{Where are you?} I asked.

{They shipped me north,} Jax answered.

His answer was clear. Our bond was slowly growing stronger. I jumped into flight. Heading straight toward Jax without hesitation. It didn't take me long to get to him.

I circled down, and landed next to the path that Eric's vehicles had cut into the ice forest. There was a supply camp nearby. Jax was there. I avoided landing too close. I didn't want them to attack me for coming down on them.

They might mistake me for a wyvern if I came down right on top of them. I waited there for Jax. He wanted to be part of the fight. I would take him into the fight. I still didn't really like the idea of taking him to the battle.

Especially since he would be the most effective on the ground. I'd have to set him down before going to the air born battle. I flicked my tail as I helped him up onto my back. It didn't take me long to reach the front line.

{You're not much help to me in the air,} I glanced back to where Jax was sitting, {Do you want me to drop you on the ground?}

Jax was relieved I was bringing him to the fight, but he didn't like the idea of being dropped on the ground.

{You'll be in the front line,} I continued, {I won't leave you alone.}

{I'd rather be with you,} Jax had been brought up to speed on what happened to me the last time I'd gone north, {You have a habit of trying to get yourself killed.}

{I'm a dragon,} I spotted the front line, {Fighting is what I do. One day I will make it to the point that nothing can harm me. I don't know if you'll live long enough to see that.}

{Nothing more exciting then having an unstoppable dragon at your back,} Jax chuckled mentally.

It was obvious that he was nervous. Ethan was listening in. There was a sly smile stretching across his face. Jax was slowly getting more attached to me. I circled down to the front line in the north.

They didn't have a space for me here. I hovered over the encampment. Waiting for Jax to take the invitation down. Jax shifted his weight, and hung both of his legs on one side. I wrapped my tail around his middle, and hovered a bit lower as I set him down.

I pushed myself higher into the air with a few wing beats. I headed into the battlefield calmly. My muscles tensed as my wings drove me forward. It didn't take me long to run into an opponent. Two wyverns came at me head on.

It was damn near the stupidest thing I'd ever seen. I don't know what made them think I would take them head on without some sort of trick up my sleeve. It took half a thought to activate my foresight ability. I'd been using it so much that it was becoming second nature. I dodged snapping teeth with such ease, and efficiency that it bordered on stupid.

Raking my own claws through the flesh of his belly with one hand, and his wing with the other as I rolled beneath him. I was glad I hadn't brought Jax with me since this kind of maneuver would have thrown him off. Savannah, and Ethan could both anticipate my moves, and both had clung to the spines in front of them before I'd rolled. The other one followed the first closely, but I'd already finished my inhale, and he caught a mouth full of lightning as he tried to breath fire on me. My lightning didn't stop his fire as it licked it's way over the scales of my face, and ran along my neck.

I was partially blinded by the torrent of flame, but I'd aimed before being blinded by the flames. I knew my lightning hit as the flames fell off course. Small spits of fire flitted out of the wyverns mouth as his severely burned face sailed past me on the low side. Dropping out of the sky limply after having his brain fried by a strong blast of lightning. I chuckled heartily as I leveled back out, and banked sharply.

The wyvern was already on my tail at that point. I started releasing a thick mist from every inch of my body as I turned in a tight circle. Every once of that mist was still infused with my mana. The wyvern tried to follow me through the mist. Large icicles starting forming within the mist as I circled tightly.

The wyvern cried out angrily as he collided with a few of them. My spatial awareness told me exactly where he was so when I sent all the icicles I'd formed his direction from all directions the vast majority of them hit. The ones that hit his wings pierced his wing membranes. The ones that hit his body battered him, and knocked scales free. Creating big blank scaleless spots.

A sly toothy smile split my face as I let the mist disappear. That wyvern didn't have scales to protect him in many places now. My lightning wouldn't have a problem getting through. He realized the same thing when he saw me turning his direction. His damaged wings were only supporting his weight because they hadn't torn completely yet.