

Calen probably knew that so he might sit on the information for a little while. Ethan automatically leaned my way when it came to planning. I flicked my tail slowly. To the humans it might appear to be a sleep twitch, but I was using my infrared to peer at them all through the closed lids of my eyes. I let my bonded sleep until it was long past dawn.

I didn't need that much sleep, but it wouldn't hurt to let the guild members think I did. I waited until Ethan, and Savannah woke before pretending to wake. Their tent was the only one that was close to where I was sleeping. We left as soon as they were ready. I went out far enough that we couldn't be seen before vanishing into a portal.

Appearing to the north a second later. It didn't take me long to find the four wyverns that were corralling weaker beasts. They were bringing the corralled beasts food as well as fencing them in with large blocks of ice, and stone. They were smart enough to keep a captive food source. I dove at them suddenly.

I wasn't going to patiently observe this time. It was long past time to do some serious killing. If I found some that were worth leaving alive then I would do just that. I accelerated my dive by increasing the gravity on my body. Ice formed along the front edge of my wings as my mana pulsed in perfect rhythm with my heart.

The snow was drawn to me as I created a chaotic blizzard around me. My water element expanded within me. Fusing with me like lightning had. Two dead wyverns later, and I was flaring my wings to keep myself from slamming into the ground. I glanced off the wall before using it to propel myself skyward.

I didn't have to go far before slamming bodily into a third wyvern. Ethan's daggers dug into either side of the beasts neck as it tried to snap at me. I unleashed my own power in response. My lightning was drawn the the daggers as they charged. Ice formed on the majority of my scales turning them all sharp, and dangerous.

My tail became a whip of ice. Covered in sharp dangerous blades of ice it wasn't something to fuck around with. I stabbed the wyvern in the guts with my sharpened tail. The daggers had just about reached their full charge. The wyvern tried to dig his teeth into me, but failed as I let go of him to drop toward the ground.

Rolling mid air to land on the ground. Seconds later the large explosion that the dragon scale daggers liked to cause rocked the surroundings. Ethan called the daggers back to himself before they could be flung out of range. Savannah launched uncontrolled darkness at the last wyvern as it descended on us. I added my own darkness in to take control of the raging magic.

{Don't use magic you can't control yet,} I shouted mentally as I roared.

My agitation caused my mana to lash out. Mixing lightning, and water into the darkness I was trying to control. Turning the darkness into a liquid form that moved as fast as lightning. I hadn't expected the nature of the darkness to change like that as it shot into the last wyvern. Slamming into him like a ball of wet dough.

He screamed in pain. I flicked my tail as I darted away from the wyvern that was rushing toward me screaming in pain. Savannah switched to flames, and dropped a firestorm down on the wyvern as he skittered toward us over the frozen stone. The darkness wasn't burning through him very quickly. I was still coated in ice blades.

I whipped around in a tight circle. Slapping the wyvern in the face with my bladed tail. Leaving a long deep gash on the wyverns throat. I forced the odd darkness liquid into the wound. Dragging another scream out of the wyverns throat as the pain intensified.

I reared up, and slammed his head into the ground. Digging my claws deep into his scales. Ethan spun the daggers at high speed as he slammed them back down into the wyverns scales. They continued to spin. Doing even more damage to the wyvern then my claws were.

Savannah's fire wasn't doing much damage, but this was a wyvern we were talking about. They had higher elemental resistance then most species. Even if they were artificially created. The wyvern slammed his wings into the ground repeatedly as he tried to bring his head off the ground. I slammed gravity down on us all.

I was finally managing to pull off gravity magic. The more I used my different types of mana the better I would be at it. The wyvern struggled to move as his weight increased. I unleashed my icy breath down on him. Now that the element had fused with me it was much more potent.

This planet actually made it easier to use ice then most of the other elements. My wings extended as the hooks on the front of them stretched out. I slammed the hooks down into the front of the wyverns wings. Pinning them easily. I kept my hands on the wyverns head.

I still had my teeth, tail, and legs. I dove my head into the dark mana, and bit down hard. It had devoured a good portion of the wyverns body so my teeth sank straight through to the bone. My teeth clamped down on his spine, and I yanked hard. My teeth dug deep into the bone as I pulled hard.

The wyvern screamed again as I continued to pull. Another sharp yank was all it took to break the wyvern's back. His body went limp as he continued to try struggling, and screaming. I retracted my teeth, and backed off. Cutting off the mana that the darkness infused mana was using to devour the beast.