
The Arcane Heiress Shadows of Destiny

In a realm of magic and nobility, Princess Seraphina defies expectations to prove her worth. As she uncovers her hidden powers, a rebellion brews within the Aetherium Academy. But when a shocking betrayal leaves her standing alone, Seraphina must navigate treacherous paths and face a dark presence threatening their world. In a gripping cliffhanger, the true mastermind behind the impending destruction is unmasked, leaving Seraphina with an unimaginable choice—one that could shatter her world forever.

Aliyya_Olowolagba · แฟนตาซี
22 Chs

Chapter 19: Darkened Ones

Isabella and Seraphina materialized within the familiar confines of Nathaniel's house, the teleportation scroll's magic dissipating around them. The atmosphere was heavy with tension, and as they stepped forward, their gazes locked, ready to exchange cutting words.

However, before their clash could escalate, a soft voice broke through the air, diverting their attention. A maid stood nearby, her eyes filled with warmth and understanding. "Ladies, please set your differences aside. Nathaniel is eagerly awaiting your arrival."

Silenced by the maid's gentle reminder, Isabella and Seraphina exchanged a glance and followed her toward the training room. As they entered, the sound of Nathaniel's swordplay filled the air, his movements fluid and precise, guided by an ethereal aura.

Nathaniel paused his practice, his eyes brightening with a mixture of relief and curiosity as Isabella and Seraphina entered. Sweat trickled down his forehead as he greeted them with a genuine smile. "Ah, my dear friends. It is good to see you both. I trust your journey here was uneventful?"

Isabella's anger dissipated in the presence of Nathaniel's genuine warmth, and she found herself captivated by his skillful display. "Nathaniel, your swordsmanship is truly impressive. It's as if the shadows themselves dance to your command. You've become a formidable warrior."

Nathaniel nodded appreciatively, wiping his brow with the back of his hand. "Thank you, Isabella. The shadows, they are both my ally and my teacher. Through them, I have learned to harness their power, to strike at the heart of darkness."

Seraphina, her curiosity piqued, spoke up, her voice filled with earnestness. "Nathaniel, we've been observing the darkened ones, and it seems they become more powerful when they succumb to the darkness. But what happens when they can't handle this power? We've seen some of them explode in a surge of immense energy."

Nathaniel's expression grew somber as he considered Seraphina's question. "It is a tragic consequence, Seraphina. When a person becomes overwhelmed by the power of darkness, their darkest thoughts and desires are amplified. They transform into the darkest versions of themselves, driven by their most malevolent impulses."

Isabella's eyes widened with understanding. "So, the more twisted and sinister their thoughts, the stronger they become. It's as if the darkness feeds on their deepest darkness."

Nathaniel nodded gravely. "Indeed, Isabella. The shadows that attach themselves to their bodies amplify the darkness within. It is a delicate balance, and when that balance is tipped, the consequences are dire."

As the conversation deepened, Nathaniel, Isabella, and Seraphina delved into the complexities of the darkened ones' transformation. They spoke of the risks they posed, their growing numbers, and the looming threat they posed to the kingdom. The weight of their shared knowledge settled upon them, emphasizing the urgency of their mission.

Time seemed to slip away as they exchanged thoughts, theories, and fears. The shadows cast by Nathaniel's training room seemed to mirror the darkness that encroached upon their world. In the face of uncertainty, they found solace in their shared determination, their unyielding will to protect their loved ones and preserve the light that still flickered within.

As the conversation reached its end, Nathaniel's gaze met Isabella's, a silent understanding passing between them. Despite their differences, they were united in their fight against the encroaching darkness, their roles intertwined as they faced the challenges ahead.

As the conversation drew to a close, Nathaniel couldn't help but sense the lingering tension between Seraphina and Isabella. The air seemed charged with unspoken words, and his gaze narrowed as he turned his attention toward Isabella.

With a stern expression, Nathaniel addressed Seraphina, his voice tinged with concern. "Seraphina, I couldn't help but notice the tension between you and Isabella when you first arrived. What transpired? Is there something I should know?"

Seraphina hesitated, her eyes briefly meeting Isabella's before she spoke. "Nathaniel, when we arrived, Isabella made hurtful comments about my appearance, suggesting that I bear the mark of peasantry and that perhaps mother had an affair."

Nathaniel's glare intensified as his attention shifted to Isabella. His voice grew cold and stern. "Isabella, is this true? Why would you speak such words? Seraphina is our friend, and she has proven her loyalty time and again."

Isabella's expression remained defiant, her eyes narrowing as she met Nathaniel's gaze. "Nathaniel, I speak the truth. I find it difficult to respect someone who carries the mediocrity of common blood among the noble lineage. It is a disgrace to our heritage."

Nathaniel's jaw tightened, his voice filled with disappointment. "Isabella, your words are unbecoming. We are bound not only by blood but by friendship and camaraderie. We must rise above these petty prejudices and unite against the darkness."

Silence filled the room as Nathaniel's words hung in the air. Isabella's cold demeanor wavered, a flicker of realization crossing her face. For a brief moment, the weight of her disdain for Seraphina seemed to burden her shoulders.

Seraphina, her voice steady but tinged with sadness, spoke up. "Isabella, I have never sought to be anything but true to myself and those I care for. My worth lies not in noble bloodlines but in my actions and the bonds I forge. It saddens me that you cannot see beyond such superficial measures."

Nathaniel, his disappointment still palpable, interjected. "Isabella, we stand on the precipice of a war against darkness. We cannot afford division within our ranks. I implore you to set aside your prejudices and focus on what truly matters—the safety and well-being of our people."

Isabella's gaze softened slightly, a flicker of remorse crossing her features. She remained silent for a moment before finally nodding, a trace of humility in her voice. "You're right, Nathaniel. But I still don't like Seraphina , I find it hilarious that the golden child ended up being so mediocre when she grew up ."

As they took a collective breath, the weight of her words hung heavily in the air.

They had much to face together, and the bonds they had forged would be tested in the moments like this , despite Isabella's hatred for her Seraphina knew deep in her heart Isabella was a good person she just hated her to no end

. In the midst of their discussions they joked, laughed and when Nathaniel's toddler brother came running in calling him naithiyell and falling flat on the ground. Nathaniel rushed forth to carry him but Isabella stole him from his hands.

" How dare you, your covered in sweat and grime why would you want to touch this little angel" She said pouting at him as she said it.

" I agree Nathaniel, he could get easily infected if you aren't careful" Seraphina interjected.

" mmmm" the boy struggled to free himself of Isabella's grasp a

to his elder brother " naithiyell Kari mi " And he scooped him up Isabella's grip "Naithiyell , Hahaha that sounds like a good nick name , hahaha right Seraphina. " Isabella said as she handled Nathaniel his baby brother back.

" What's his name?" she said.

But Nathaniel was far too transfixed by Isabella's laugh to hear her for now.

" His name is Benjamin my your highness" said the maid who was in the room with them. Apparently Benjamin was only 2 and a half years old while Nathaniel was almost 21.

Seraphina thought to herself

She can't be the only one thinking that Benjamin was a mistake . Right