
The Apocalyptic Command: A Military Isekai LitRPG Novel

John Glenn Quagmire, Major General of the Imperial Republic. Tasked to defend the Fortress City of the Vatican. Unfortunately, before reinforcements arrived, the city has already fallen, and with it hundreds of thousands of souls along with Quagmire. With his last dying breath and wounded body, filled with anger and regret, because of his failure to save the people, all the while cursing his faith, before he lost consciousness. At the same time in the cursed world of Altair, a man in the middle of the cursed world awakens from his long slumber.

SPBasilio · แฟนตาซี
4 Chs


Thunderous explosions echoed throughout the sky, followed by a shining star that seemed to be climbing the heavens. However, after a few moments of climbing, the shining star made an arc in the sky and started falling down from the heavens. As the star was moving closer down the ground, a sharp wheezing sound was silently emanating from the surroundings. This didn't last as the star descends, the sound became louder. Thus, at the moment before impact, the silent wheezing sound became a scathing screech.

The world rumbled as the star that descended crashed into the ground and exploded, creating a shockwave that undressed the surrounding forest, followed by a dark billowing smoke, all the while leaving a humongous crater of eternal fire.

In the ground, in the sea of trenches, far from the point of impact, a person stood alone above the trench with a trench whistle in his hands. Side by side, the man observes, with no shots nor enemies on sight, he breathes a large amount of air, in which he blew as hard as he can on the trench whistle.

As if the barren no-man's-land came to life, dozens, if not hundreds, of silhouettes responded to the trench whistle, with only one goal in mind, and that is to make it across the fields and take over from the enemy side the enemy trench, so that the army could advance further into the enemy territory.

Meanwhile, as the smoke from the point of impact was clearing up, a person stood up and look over the trench. What he saw was forever ingrained in his mind. It was like an avalanche, a human avalanche that was coming to kill them. He glanced to the sides of his comrades and saw them disorganized and was still recovering from the numerous artillery harassment for the past few hours, and so with a mouthful of air.

"Yankees, advancing on the front!!!" with a single shout from the man, the disorganized army looked in horror at the advancing enemy. However, it did not last long as they found their resolve within their hearts to give up their life for the motherland.

Men of all ages, no matter the career, all grab a weapon, be it a cooking pan, a gun, a stick, whatever they have, they grabbed as long as it could kill. With both fear and courage at their hearts, they took up their positions, and started aiming down their sights and eventually the pulling of the trigger.

In the midst of the fields of no-man's-land, the enemy was pushing through. However, they were too late, as they did not expect the wind to be strong today, which dispersed the smoke screen that the explosion made earlier, and so they were now sitting ducks in the middle of the battlefield. Unfortunately, losses have been made, and so progress must be made, and so they advanced with a heavy heart towards the other side of the trenches from which they came from.

The first casualty came, as the advancing army was met with a barrage of bullets, the ground was dyed red, flowers of death came, and a river of blood soon followed.

With the enemy advancing further into their trenches, the more fear the army felt. However, bravery and courage are needed on this battlefield. After all, if they falter now, the enemy will get a breakthrough, and spread its black wings over the meadows of the motherland. With it, their friends, families and all the people they care about will perish in the sea of fire. Which is why they cannot falter no matter the cost, and so even with calluses on their hands, injuries from all over their body, hallucination from sleep deprivation, they still hold on to their weapons, still pulling the trigger.

After breaking through the barbed wire, the enemy was now pouring into the trenches. The first one to enter stabbed their adversary with a bayonet from the rifle, to the horror of the person that was stabbed. The bayonet, even though extremely sharp, did not go through properly towards the flesh and so the person pulled the trigger in which a sound echoed throughout the system of trenches. With horror evident in the eyes of the man that was stabbed, he grabbed the service pistol from his side, seeing the action of the man, the enemy or the one that stabbed attempted to pull out the bayonet. However, the man grabbed the rifle where the bayonet was attached, as if refusing to let the enemy pull out the bayonet.

With sweat dripping down his back, the enemy looked in horror at the adversary he just stabbed. Even in death, they are witty. However, his horror turned into surprise and back into horror as he saw the man smiling at him.

"Go to hell!" The man smiled and shouted at the enemy in front of him, before he unloaded an entire magazine at the stomach of the enemy. The enemy blurted out a mouthful of blood before going down, while the other person also fell with a bayonet in his stomach.

Another man on the other side saw the events transpired, however this man was vastly different from the others in the trenches, it was as if he was of a higher rank. In any case, he clicked his tongue and brought out his service pistol and unloaded everything on to the people coming towards the trenches. One by one, they fell. Unfortunately, an enemy got past his sights, and was able to aim its sight down and shot him.

The officer groaned as the pain emanating from his shoulder was comparable to extreme of all extremes. Nevertheless, even with a bleeding shoulder, he still used it to grab a magazine from his side pocket to replace the empty magazine in his service pistol. Unfortunately, days without sleep have caught up to him, as he did not notice an enemy coming towards him. He only noticed it when he a mouthful of blood came out his mouth.

Now that he's been stabbed with his eyes losing light, he looked at the enemy that had stabbed him one final time. The enemy was smiling as he reached for his neck. Anger welled up inside him, but he found no strength to resist. The enemy grabbed and stole his medal of honor, the greatest shame and insult a soldier can ever feel and experience. With that final scene in his eyes, the officer finally lost consciousness.

Greetings, after a long time, I am happy to be finally back! I know I have dropped a lot of novels in the past, but please bear with me for the next few weeks. I will make sure to stabilize my updates for the sake of you, the reader, and me the Author for my enjoyment..

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