
The Apex Hero: LionHeart

U.A. University, the top hero school in all of Japan is about to receive its most interesting class of students. A young man who can can take out any enemy with but a single punch... only to break every single bone in his arm... a young man with a quirk that can blow you to smithereens... who also happens to have an uncontrollable temper... and a young man with the power over ice and fire... with the emotional intelligence of a teaspoon. All three of these students are aiming for the top. But unfortunately for them the [King of the Pride] has arrived. #MHA #BNHA

DreamTheInsomniac · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
6 Chs

Operation Onii-chan

A week had passed since the exams.

Mom and I spent that time taking in the sights of the Mustafa prefecture. We even did a three-day trip to Tokyo and enjoyed what the grand city had to offer. Of course, I also bought some gifts for the twins that I made sure mom would take back with her when she flew back to Texas, but the time I spent touring around reinforced my decision of moving to Japan.

You see, even though I looked like the poster boy of the Texan way, I was in fact a not-so-secret closeted Weeb. From the media I consumed to the references I made, most would think I was a geek who did nothing but read comics and watch anime.

That was until they saw me of course, then the duality of my personality and hobbies would lead to me not having much in common with the gun slinging, truck driving, proud citizens of Texas.

I mean I of course also loved blowing shit up, drinking beer, riding broncos and bulls but those weren't my primary avenues of fun.

Thus, I didn't make many close connections with any of my peers. I did have one or two close friends, but they all decided to go different routes. Opting to try their hand in different careers other than the hero biz.

"IT CAME! Your letter from U.A came in the mail!" Mom yelled as she burst through the door of my room, bouncing on the balls of her feet with excitement.

I was in the middle of mocking up some sketches of what I envisioned my Hero suit to be. Apparently, the school's support program would make each Hero course student a suit for them to use during their time at U.A.

"Well go on! Open it." I replied, smiling at how excited she looked, almost as if the letter was for her and not me.


Tearing the envelope right open, instead of a letter as you would expect, she ended up taking out a metal disk. Twirling said disk around in her hand and looking at it from all sides, she can only pout when she doesn't find anything out of the ordinary with it and instead places it down on my table, where it immediately lights up and starts projecting an image and voice.

"<b>Hello Young Lionheart! I am here, as a projection!</b>"

"What the hell? Is that All Might in a suit?" I blurt out, surprised that Japan's number 1 hero is sending me a video message.

"<b>You must be confused as to the why you are seeing me instead of your U.A. acceptance letter. Well, the truth of the matter is, that you are looking at the newest UA faculty member.

And as one of your future professors, it is with great joy that I show you the results of what has undoubtedly been years of hard work.

For the theoretical portion of the entrance exam, you scored a commendable 92%, putting you in the top percentile of those who applied to my dear alma mater.

As for the one-on-one interview, Professor Midnight had nothing but high praises for you. She asked me to let you know that she was impressed with your strong moral fiber and looks forward to having you in her class.</b>"

Mom was practically vibrating with unshed pride. Acutely listening to every single word All Might said while coming to stand behind me and wrapping me up in a hug.

"<b>Finally for the practical exam.

I must say, you put on quite the show young man! On combat points alone, you scored an outstanding 100 points. HAHAHAHAHA</b>"

All might continued, a floating box appearing beside his head in which some of the highlight of me kicking ass start playing, causing a mixture of oohs and ahhs to come out of my mom.

"<b>But wailing on villains isn't all that Heroes do.

No, heroes are the paradigm that keeps our society ever moving forward.

We are those who protect when no one else will.

And thus, I congratulate you for amassing a total of 100 rescue point! Not only did you help one of your fellow competitors when those who are meant to be his peers turned on him, but you also went out of your way to help the rest of the applicants when you saw them in trouble.</b>"

"That's my baby!" Mom whispers into my ear as she starts peppering me with kisses, her arms tightening around me as she deepens her hug.

"<b>Not to mention the courage you showed when the odds seemed stacked against you.

At the beginning of the exam, you were told that it would be best for you to avoid the 0 pointers. They offered nothing to your score if you managed to defeat it and posed a greater risk than any of your other foes.

But you Young Lionheart…</b>"

All Might says, his ever-present grin growing larger while my own cheeks blush at how over the top I went when facing said 0-pointer.

"A little carried away huh?" Mom once again whispers.

Her tone thankfully not having the bite I was expecting once seeing me take on the behemoth with little care of my own safety, instead she just sighs after the clip ends.

"<b>You brought your namesake honor and charged forward when no one else would.

You battled against a titan and won!

So, it is my great honor to congratulate you for not only taking 1st place amongst all your peers in the entrance exam but to also inform you that you have broken my own personal record when I took the entrance exam!

With that being said, Young Lionheart, it's of no surprise when I say that you have been accepted into UA!

Let me be the first in welcoming you, to Your Hero Academia.</b>"


Even though my mother's squeezes became tighter as the video progressed her celebratory cheer when the video stopped were infectious. Scooping me up from my chair with only moderate effort, we both danced around my room and celebrated the news.

Through my parent's efforts I was already set up for success.

But like my scores showed, I aimed to be the best. I didn't want to coast by on my families' laurels or squander the gifts I had been born with.

This was the first step. Now I just had to make sure I didn't falter.


It felt like we were doing nothing but celebrating since getting to Japan. After letting the video projection sink in, Mom instantly made plans for us to go out and party.

Dinner at a nice restaurant, that led to her getting the idea of going to a karaoke bar, after one-to-many martinis, led to a hangover mother that I had to care for as we made our way back to the airport so she wouldn't miss her flight back to Texas.

"Mmmmm, I don't wanna. I'll just stay here with you!" The Black Canary, a woman whose mere mention drove fear into evil doers, was whining at the terminal gate, adamantly trying to convince me into agreeing that she should stay.

But as much as I loved her, I was looking forward too much to being alone for the first time to let her teary eyes sway me.

"It's just a couple of months mom. You'll barely even notice I'm gone." I tried placating, but apparently that was the wrong thing to say because once the words left my mouth, the water works began.

It took her name being called over the intercoms 6 times, me promising to Face Time her as much as I could, and plenty of words of affection, for her to finally disengage the koala hug she had on me and board her plane.

"Well damn… now what?" I wonder to myself, exiting the terminal and realizing that for the first time in my life, I was alone. Not really wanting to go back to the apartment I was renting and having no friends yet, my mind came to one logical solution. "Shopping it is."

It didn't take me long to find my car, and man does the sight of it still give me chills. A murdered-out BMW M5 with custom rims and a lowered body brings a smile to my face and a silent thank you out of my lips, grateful to my parents for the graduation gift.

Opening the door, my eyes roam over the inviting tan leather seats, wood detailing on the console, and the large touch screen display that controls virtually everything about the car.

Connecting to the car's blue tooth, hitting shuffle before pulling up Google maps and typing in the clothing boutique I had been hoping to visit, I gleefully rev my new baby's engine before burning rubber and taking off.

<i>Now Playing: Many Men (Wish Death) – 50 Cent</i>

Flexing all 627 ponies of this twin turbo V-8 work of art, the 45min drive is efficiently shortened down to just 30mins.

Even though I'd like to think that I'm not a vane person, the head turns that I get when I arrive are enough to pump my ego a bit. But putting those thoughts to the side, I quickly get out of the car and head into the store with hopes of making my day exponentially better by finding the sneakers I've been hunting for the past 2 years.

"Good afternoon, sir! Welcome to 'Da Plug'! Please let me know if there's anything I can help you with today." A pretty cashier greets me, as I step into a Hype Beast's wet dream.

"Thank you, I'll make sure to do that." I absentmindedly respond. My senses a bit overwhelmed by the exclusivity of some of the products on display. "Actually, I'm looking for a pair of Jordan 1's. Haven't been able to find them anywhere and I was hoping to get lucky today."

"Oh! In that case, please follow me sir. I can show you to our Air Jordan wall and let you look at what we have in our collection." The cute black-haired salesgirl cheerfully replies, her mood brightening at the possibility of a prospective sale.

"Then please lead the way."

The store itself isn't that big. At least no bigger than your average high end clothing store.

What really sets it apart from any other store I've visited so far, are the retro pre-quirk brands on display. Brands like Off-Whitetm, Louis Vuitton, Supreme, and KITH on display in the form of shoes, clothing, and accessories, start to give me hope that today might be the day my search ends.

"Apart from having one of the rarest curations of streetwear in Japan, at 'Da Plug' we also offer services like treasure hunting, which basically means that if you want something and have the money, then we can look for it and find it for you."

The sales attendant drones on while I make note of some pieces that I'm definitely going home with, even if they don't have the shoes I'm looking for.

Pieces like KAW statues, Be@Rbricks, "KEEP OFF" rugs, and some pre quirk comic book art.

"And here we are sir. The Air Jordan Wall of Fame." The attendant grandly introduces. "So, any of these the ones you're looking for? A pair of 85' Chicago's or maybe some Shattered Backboards are more your style?"

Quite a few do catch my eyes. But only because of familiarity and less to the desire of buying them. That is until my eyes land on the illusive beauties I've been hunting for the better part of two years.

"The Union LA Black Toe's." I reverently whisper, my feet already moving to the display they're sitting on, paying no attention to anything else but the siren songs the high tops are singing.

In my stupor, I didn't even hear the squawk of the person I almost ran into, my hands reaching for the shoe and hoping above all else that it's in my size.

"Ahhh, so those are the ones you were looking for. We've only had those for a couple of days now. The price tag and the shoe size have been keeping most collectors away, but if you happen to be a size 13 and have…"

The attendant begins explaining, only to get interrupted by my next statement.

"I'll take them."

"Uh… Are you… I mean… Yes of course. Let me go pack them up then." The mildly shocked attendant retorted, my willingness to spend what the price tag said, taking her by surprise for a moment.

"Aaah, a fellow man of culture, but then again the Panda Dunk's you're currently wearing are clue enough that you too appreciate the golden age of fashion." I hear over my shoulder.

Turning around, I'm greeted by the presence of someone who definitely has style.

To an untrained eye, the black hoodie the young man who spoke up is wearing looks like any other, but the words embossed across the chest that read 'ESSENTAIL' say otherwise. Paired with some Moncler tech wear pants and Shadow 1's, the thought of hopefully meeting a new friend quickly enters my mind.

"Uhm, yea. I've been hunting for em for quite a while. Shadow 1's right?" I respond, ignoring the last part of his own peculiar comment while trying to open up easy conversation and gesturing towards his own shoes.

"A keen eye, I actually just bought them a week ago. A good luck charm while I took the entrance exam to the University I wished to attend."

"Hahaha, small world. I'm actually buying the Union's in celebration of getting into the University that I wanted to attend." I jovially respond. "Did they bring you the luck you wanted?"

"Very much so. I just received my acceptance letter a couple days ago."

"No shit? Same here. What are the odds we're both going to the same one?" I ask, hope of meeting a fellow schoolmate making me a bit giddy. "How about we both say what school we're attending on the count of 3."

"Hahaha, I like this idea. Alright on the count of 3."




"U.A University"

"Hahahaha, hell yea man! The names Nathanial Lionheart by the way. Ohh, uhm last name Lionheart, first name Nathanial, but feel free to call me by my first name or Nate for short." I excitedly introduce myself, extending a hand for the young man to shake, not believing the luck I've been having for the last couple of days. "I'm from Texas so I apologize ahead of time if I slip up with the honorifics."

"It's a pleasure Nate-san. It's quite fortuities to meet a fellow schoolmate before the start of the year. My name is Tokoyami Fumikage, but please feel free to call me Tokoyami." The young man with what appears to be a mutation quirk in the form of an avian head says as he firmly shakes my hand. "What class do you happen to be in?"

"Class 1-A. You?"

"Class 1-A as well. It appears we are destined to have met."

"Did we just become best friends?" I joke, truly happy to have met a potential new friend. "I've actually just moved to Japan, and I was hoping to make at least one new friend during the entrance exam but that didn't work out. You mind showing me around some time? I spent a couple days doing the whole tourist thing with my mom, but some insider knowledge would be much appreciated."

"Anyone who can quote Stepbrothers is someone I would be glad to call a friend." Tokoyami chuckles out, speaking very formally for someone my age. "I'd be happy to show you around. Do you live in the area?"

"Yea, I'm renting a room nearby so I can get use to the area before classes start. What about you?" I answer, handing my new black feathered friend my phone so he can put in his contact info.

"Yes. I live here as well." Tokoyami confirms, his own phone ringing a couple seconds later after he finished putting his contact info into mine. "Apologeez but it looks like my little brother is done with his play date. I have to go pick him up."

"No worries, man. I'll give you a shout and we can get into something." I wave after shaking his hand once more and saying our goodbyes. "Alright. Let's see how much money I'm spending today."


A lot of Yen's lighter and quite of few bags heavier, I ended another successful day with sushi and WcDonald's.

*Ring* *Ring* *Ring*


My two adorable little sisters singsong in unisonance, their cute faces filling up the entire screen of my pear phone as I accept their face time call.

"Hey little minotaur's. How are you two, being good girls for Pops and momma Belle?"

"YES!" / "Always!"

They respond, their smiles the perfect picture of innocence that's only given away by the snort in the background that's easily recognizable as coming from dad.

"So you're just not going to tell him about calling the Air Force and asking them to fly you to Japan, on their fastest plane mind you, for an emergency that only you two could handle?" The deep baritone voice of the man who had a hand in raising me into the person that I am today, teases the adorable twins who instantly blush at the reminder of one of their operant antics.

"But it was an emergency!" Little Alice, the brunette of the two, pouts. Her chocolate doe eyes misting over as she activates her get out of jail free card.

"Yea, yea! If you would have just let us go with Nii-chan then none of this would have happened!" Olivia, the silver haired twin, quickly agrees, backing up her sister with a sassy smirk.

"Yes, yes, yes, you miss your big brother and can't wait to see him. Now let me talk to my little boy!" The impatient voice of my second mother figure cuts in, her cheerful visage quickly replacing the little twins. "How are you doing sweety!"

"Hey Momma Belle… Honestly, It's been a pretty crazy couple of weeks. From mom taking me to pick up ya'lls graduation gift, Millions of kisses and thanks for that by the way, to taking the U.A. Exam and getting in… I honestly haven't had time to properly process everything. Oh! And I finally found them!" I excitedly explain, before shooting off of the couch and into the dining room where I left my bags of goodies. "Only took two years but tah dah!"

My dad is the next to take the phone. Although my mothers have always indulged my collection of retro items like Pokémon cards and clothing, it's my dad that got me into it in the first place.


"The LA Union's! Damn, one of the few shoes I haven't been able to find for my own collection. Any chance they had a second pair in a size 12?" My father asks, his eyes shining as he looks at the shoes through the screen.

"Nah, they only had the pair, but the sales chick did mention a service called 'treasure hunting'. They basically do the searching for you. I can ask sometime and see if they can track a pair down for you." I offer, my dad's lips already moving to say yes before he's cut off by momma belle.

"Nopenopenopenope. No more shoes. You already have too many!" The blue-eyed brunette beauty interjects, taking the phone away from him once more. "Now, tell me, are you enjoying Japan? Met any cute girls yet? You know if you're not having fun there it's not too late to come back home. I can even pull some strings and get you into the Academy on recommendation if you want."

"YES! YES! Nii-chan! Come back."

"Hey! Onii-chan isn't allowed to talk to girls! See mommy, this is why you should have let us go with him!"

"Hahaha, oh hush you two. I'm sure you're still number 3 and 4, on his favorite girls list! Anyways, how are you getting along little kitten?" Anabelle, or Cow Lady when she's on the job, off handley remarks back to me.

"Hey! What do you mean 3 & 4!"

"Yea! I'm obviously #1"

"Japan's awesome! And no, no girls yet. I did make a new friend at the retro shop I got the shoes at. Probably gunna try to link up with him and get him to show me around." I respond, laughing to myself at the argument she caused between the twins as they fight for a higher spot on this nonexistent list of favorite girls.

"Well, your momma texted us about some acceptance video of you kicking some serious a… butt and you snagging the #1 spot amongst the other applicants! Where you just that good or is U.A just over hyped?" The long-horned brunette curiously asked.

All three of my parents had been a bit miffed when I told them of my plans to move to Japan and attend U.A. University. They were supportive of my plans of becoming a hero, but they had been under the impression that I could do that just as easily by staying in Texas.

So, any chance to make U.A. seem just a bit less appealing, would be one Momma Belle would happily jump on.

"Nah, it was actually stupid impressive. They had entire ghost-towns, that probably cost a fortune, on deck just for our entrance exam so I can't even imagine how the student only facilities are.

On top of that the robots that they placed up against us were definitely military grade. The material they were made out of might not have been the best, but still, you could probably take over a small country with the kind of fire power they were packing.

Best of all… All Might is apparently going to be a professor at the school. Can't say any of the other hero universities can boast about a #1 Hero being a full-time professor, less be said about their already impressive roster of faculty."

I excitedly reply, not really noticing the displeasured grumbles stating that The Hero Academy of Texas probably has all that too.

"Well sounds like you made a good choice son." My Dad cuts in once more, taking the phone from the pouting brunette. "I had the pleasure of working with All Might when he was state side and even then it was easy to see that he was cut from a different cloth."

"Pshhh… you could take him." Momma Belle cuts in from behind, not willing to admit defeat just yet.

"Hahaha I probably could, but still, you can learn quite a bit from him so be sure to take advantage of such a valuable resource. Now, if I'm not mistaken it's probably getting late for you so go on and get some sleep. You might be on a little vacation until school starts but I don't want you skirting your training." Dad playfully retorts, his words light but his intentions clear.

"You got it Pops. I'll probably try some gyms out in the area and see if I can get a temporary membership. But yea I could definitely use some shut eye."

Saying our goodbyes, some coercion attempts from the twins; their mission to get me to sneak them into Japan or come back to Texas, it was with a happy smile that I curled into bed and let sleep take me.