
The Apex (A Marvel Fan-Fic)

Synopsis: Have you ever imagined what would happen if you appeared in the Marvel Universe? Also imagine that you have special abilities like those superheroes, gods and other amazing yet terrifying existence. This is a different world, a world full of possibilities. Follow Maverick and Venom's journey as they reach for the top, and of course, for the chocolates... and heads. [The world of this book is an AU that integrates classic events and plots from comics, animation, and movies. There are no fixed versions of all the characters. You can imagine their looks according to your favorite version. Readers who are very concerned or just like the movie universe should read it with caution. ] [Not very explosive in the opening, slow to warm up, but I'd say compact in structure, if you don't like slow pace, then this is not for you] [Single love interest, I'm tired of harem nowadays] === Hungry for more chaps? Then check out our pătreon! Link: Påtreon.com/BaphometFiction I post 10 advanced chapters of this fanfic there. === I literally don't own anything here, all rights goes to their respective owners.

Baph0met · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
70 Chs

Chapter 4: Trouble Begins

At the same time, Maverick also drove his car back home.

He had a piece of chocolate in his mouth and was carrying clothes and other miscellaneous items in his hands.

For some reason, he smelled the aroma of chocolate when passing by a candy store today, and it seemed particularly tempting to him.

So he went in to browse and ended up buying a large bag of assorted chocolates.

*Crunch!* After stuffing the last piece of chocolate into his mouth, Maverick casually tossed the garbage bag into the trash can.

"I didn't expect to encounter Spider-Man today," Maverick thought to himself as he ate the chocolate.

After witnessing the strange events and characters in this world, Maverick had gained some understanding of its extraordinariness.

He remembered that in his previous life, many children in the orphanage liked Spider-Man.

If it weren't for this experience, he wouldn't have known that he had come to a world with comic book characters.

Unfortunately, he wasn't interested in these things in his previous life. If he had known he would come to this world, he would have talked to those children who liked Spider-Man and at least gained some information.

Thinking of this, Maverick sighed and said to himself, "Forget it, thinking about these things is useless. I just need to live my current life well."

In his opinion, people like Spider-Man were still far away from him. As long as he lived his life well, everything would be fine.

Putting aside his chaotic thoughts, Maverick also opened the door and returned home.

Time passed day by day. In the last week before summer vacation ended, Maverick finally got the motorcycle key back from the old man.

Maverick was extremely excited. He immediately rode the motorcycle out for a half-day ride, which annoyed Old York almost to the point of taking back his key.

With the motorcycle, Maverick also started to find time to continue helping with the delivery service. After all, the business at the store was really good, especially during meal times.

One afternoon, Maverick skipped a few familiar routes from the delivery orders, as there were shortcuts he could take.

Old York, as usual, repeatedly reminded him to pay attention to safety and checked his thermal box to prevent him from secretly taking extra delivery orders.

Because he was familiar with the roads and had shortcuts to take, Maverick had almost finished delivering the delivery orders in less than half an hour, leaving only the last one, which was farther away.

"Let me see where this is." Maverick muttered to himself as he looked at the address on the note.

"No. 30, East 15th Avenue. Why is it so far? Does the delivery service accept orders this far away now?"

Maverick scratched his head in confusion. The address was quite far from their store, and he didn't expect they would still accept delivery orders from there.

However, although he was puzzled, he didn't dwell on it too much. After all, time was limited, and the pizza would get cold. He had to quickly deliver the order to the customer.

Maverick looked around, pondered for a moment about the best route to take, and then drove off in a certain direction.

At this moment, in 30 of East 15th Avenue, a man was lying on the ground, his hands and feet bound, beaten to a pulp, with his entire head swollen.

Surrounding him were a group of people, with only one burly, fierce-looking bald man sitting in a chair, coldly staring at the man lying at his feet.

From the dried blood on his fists, it was evident that this bald man was involved in the severe injuries inflicted on the unfortunate man on the ground.

"Joey Baker, my friend, even at this point, you still want to be persistent?" The bald man's deep voice echoed.

Joey Baker, lying on the ground, couldn't help but tremble all over when he heard the voice. "Boss Harvey! There must be a mistake somewhere, there's a misunderstanding! How could I betray the Bloodhead Gang?"

"I'm loyal to the gang!"

Hearing Joey Baker's pleas and self-defense, Harvey Hammond grew impatient. He twirled his pinky in his ear, then suddenly lifted his foot and stepped on Joey Baker's bound hands.


As the hard heel of his shoe pressed down on Joey Baker's palms, screams of agony echoed in the quiet living room, accompanied by the sound of bones cracking.

After breaking his palm bones, Harvey Hammond bent down, staring into his eyes, and said coldly, "If my brother hadn't instructed me to make sure you die painfully, I would have snapped your neck half an hour ago, you damn bastard."

"The Bloodhead Gang can give you everything you want: money, women, even drugs. But the only bottom line is no betrayal."

"These words were made clear to you on the first day you joined the gang, so you don't need to be afraid or beg for mercy. After all, you should have been prepared before you made a move, right?"

As Harvey Hammond spoke, he reached into the inner pocket of his suit jacket and pulled out a small recording pen.

"Click!" As the button was pressed, the recording pen began to play.

Inside recorded a dialogue, the subjects being Joey Baker, who lay on the ground feeling desolate, and other members of the gang.

Joey Baker had sold confidential Bloodhead Gang intelligence for a good price, but unfortunately, the situation had now been exposed, and he had no chance to squander this wealth anymore.

Watching the now silent Joey Baker, Harvey Hammond also put away the recording pen and rolled up his sleeves.

"Ah!" As Harvey Hammond's punches and kicks began again, Joey Baker's screams echoed once more, only this time his cries grew weaker and weaker until they vanished completely, replaced by a lifeless heap of flesh.

"Phew~!" After beating Joey Baker to death, Harvey Hammond also breathed heavily, then wiped the blood off his hands with his jacket.

"Clean up the scene, then bring out the prepared gasoline. Today, this place burns." Harvey Hammond instructed his men softly.

After speaking, he took out a cigar from his pocket, lit it, and as the smoke rose, it obscured his fierce expression and the intoxicated look in his eyes from the pleasure of killing.

He knew he didn't have his brother's intelligence and wisdom, so he just focused on being the sharpest blade in his brother's hands.

Anyway, he loved to fight, loved the collision of flesh and blood, and was even more intoxicated by the wonderful experience of life slipping away in his hands.

As Harvey Hammond savored the sensation of smoking his cigar and his men cleaned up the scene, the doorbell suddenly rang.

"Ding dong!~"

The crisp sound of the bell, as if endowed with some sort of divine power, made everyone in the room immediately stop all their actions upon hearing it.


Hungry for more chaps? Then check out our pătreon!

Link: Påtreon.com/BaphometFiction

I post 10 advanced chapters of this fanfic there.