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Tyler looked closely at the ninjas surrounding him, he knew that this will be the hardest fight he will have to fight.

Although I had fought with a lot of ninjas before, all of them were low level and none of them handled ninjutsu, making them use only Taijutsu and kenjutsu. Something in which Tyler was an expert.

But when it comes to ninjutsus is another thing, that was very evidenced in his recent fight with unmo. He did not have a way to counteract the ninjutsus and was blocked and stopped by them, if Ko had not helped he was sure that this battle would become one of attrition.

And here, I was surrounded by 15 elite ninjas. There was no doubt of his skill with ninjutsus. But Ko in a moment of anger forgot that and ordered to attack while charging, making the ninjas believe that hand-to-hand combat was a good idea.

Knowing that this was his only chance to reduce his numbers, Tyler did not contain himself. He activated the Sharingan and realized his demonic transformation, while he saw how the world looked incredibly slow in his eyes.

I could see Ko's mad face as he charged. He watched as the ninjas surrounded him and attacked. One from the front one from behind and two from both ends of his body. But that's not all the other ninjas were behind them, to help them when they require it.

With great speed, Tyler blocked the blow of his back with his right arm and with the left blocked the blow that came from his right. I dodge the blow of the front by leaning a little to his right and counterattacking with a kick to his throat, but doing so he exposed himself to the attack to his right, having to receive it fully.

Everything happened in a blink and the next second, the ninja in front was ejected back with the trachea broken. The ninjas on his left and his back were stopped in the place without being able to move an inch to tyler. What Tyler did not expect was that the ninja on his right suddenly changed his blow and from his sleeve appeared a kunai that he directed towards his head.

Tyler was tempted to enter the mission world immediately, but he gritted his teeth and writhed in a very uncomfortable way, dropping the kunai on his right shoulder.

Tyler resisted the urge to scream and drew two swords from his mission world and waved them around in a circle.

Everything seemed normal. Until a small line of blood will begin to appear on the neck of the three ninjas.

Tyler looked at the ninja that stuck the kunai, but had already killed his anger had not diminished. In a fit of rage he kicked the ninja's head, causing it to fly straight to the ninja's hands behind him. Who was shocked by the horror, looking at the head in his hands.

Seeing this, Tyler seized the opportunity and threw one of his swords, stabbing her directly in the heart.

Ko paled at the horrible display of tyler, clenched his teeth and hurriedly shouted.

"Everyone get away from him, he's an expert in Taijutsu, take his distance and shove him with ninjutsus in medium and long distance."

Tyler did not want to waste this opportunity and Throw his other sword to a ninja, hitting him full.

Tyler smiled. But his smile hardened when he saw a small amount of smoke and the sword stuck to a small trunk.

"Curse!!" Tyler was frustrated, once he will be attacked with ninjutsus he would be in serious trouble.

"Water style: jutsu water bullets."

"Water style: water dragon jutsu."

"Wind style: wind blade jutsu."

"Fire style: big fireball jutsu."

All the ninjas began to attack immediately, some with elemental jutsus, others made some hand signals and disappeared into the air. Ko was always in the back part without daring to approach or attack.

Tyler knew that it would be impossible for him to dodge all attacks, even with his great speed. He gave priority to attacks that could kill him, such as the wind blades and the water dragon.

Even when I dodge them, there were still at least 4 jutsus approaching quickly. With no options, Tyler quickly entered the mission world and left several seconds later.

He tried to take advantage of the surprise factor and ran quickly towards a ninja and hit him with his Rasengan, but the ninja also used the blinking jutsu of the body, replacing himself with a trunk.

"Damn, I hate ninjas." Tyler kicked the ground with rage.

After receiving a new wave of attacks, tyler managed to calm down and try to solve this problem that had gotten by his stupid arrogance.

"Hey Ko, are you a virgin?" Tyler asked while trying to dodge the attacks. the ninjas took turns to attack and pressed Tyler even more, as he received one attack after another without any interruption or seconds to rest.

Seeing tyler in that state, Ko regained a lot of courage and responded to Tyler immediately.

"Humph of course not, who do you think you're talking to?"

"Well ... Then tell me ..... Who did you sleep with ... With your sister? Your cousin? Or maybe your mother?" Tyler asked in a ragged way, as he dodged attacks as he spoke.

Tyler knew that the Hyuga had a long history of incestuous relationships, supposedly to keep the lineage as pure as possible.

In fact in the story of Naruto, one of the only Hyuga who married someone outside the clan was hinata, who married Naruto.

But since he did not marry any of the clan, his children did not receive the characteristic white eyes of the Hyuga, and their byakugan even mutated, though for good. since it is known that not having two hyugas parents can be harmful to the byakugan, as happened with mukaiko hinata, who thanks to only having a Hyuga father was expelled from the clan because of his impure bloodline. not only that, his byakugan only manifested in one eye and when he activated them he was accompanied with strong headaches, it could be said that Naruto's sons were very lucky.

In short, having sex with someone outside the Hyuga clan was strictly forbidden, to keep the lineage pure.

Tyler saw how he gritted his teeth with anger, but he did not dare approach or order to approach.

Tyler sighed, it seemed like he could not count on Lo getting mad and attacking.

Seeing how the new wave of attacks came, Tyler worried.

He had already used his mission world 5 times in a row and the ninjas began to understand that no matter where it disappears, Tyler would reappear in the same place and wait for him to come out to attack him, trying to take him off guard.

Tyler gritted his teeth, knew that the only option left was to run away.

But could he run away?

Tyler thought for a moment and formed a plan.

After dodging a wave of attacks, Tyler shouted at the top of his lungs.

"Ko takes, it's a small gift." Tyler took out the Uchiha assassin's body that worked for Danzo and threw it to Ko.

"Katou Uchiha !!" Ko exclaimed, surprised to see the dry, eyeless corpse in front of him.

Tyler took this opportunity and the two grenades he had not been able to use. He threw them at the ninjas, while taking advantage of the little smoke and chaos he had created. And he ran at full speed as he left the fence.

But Tyler could not even breathe a sigh of relief as he managed to feel that the ninjas recovered immediately and pursued him stubbornly.

Tyler ran hastily as small drops of sweat began to appear on his face.

Without bothering to keep chakra, he channeled it completely in his legs, further increasing his speed and taking a bit of advantage from his pursuers.

Tyler ran for a while, until he saw the village in his vision.

But even when I enter the village, it did not stop. He was not foolish to think he was saved when he entered the village, after all the ninjas who attacked him were ninjas from the waterfall.

The reason I went back to the village was because of fū.

Tyler ran through the village and soon after arrived at the inn where he was staying.

He entered hurriedly and busily sought fū, until he found her in his room.

Tyler did not have time to explain anything and knelt in front of fū and looked into her eyes.

"Fū, do you trust me?"

Fū looked strangely at Tyler and nodded almost without thinking. The next thing he knew was that he was in an immediate meadow with a mysteriously large tree in its center.

Fū looked incredulously at that albor, even the great tree in the village of the waterfall was a sprout, compared to this immense tree.

"Fū you have to stay here for a while, when I can I'll come, but if I do not come right in. This place is full of food, do not worry and eat it if you're hungry."

Fū obediently nodded and suddenly kissed Tyler on the cheek with a smile.

"Do not delay, onii-chan."

"Yes" after saying that, Tyler disappeared in a flash.

Tyler knew he had no time to waste and hurried out of the village, but shortly after leaving, he felt again that horrible feeling of being observed.

"Damn it, why do not you give up?"

Tyler ran and ran and ran, but could not get rid of his pursuers, it would be very easy just to flee to the mission world, but Tyler had already made the promise not to do so until a real crisis of death. Besides, the ninjas can wait out there for him. He would have to live in the mission world for a long time, not knowing if the ninjas were waiting for him to come out to kill him.

Suddenly Tyler felt an incredibly large pain in his right side.

Tyler turned his head with a little fear. But what he saw left him frozen. No, it was rather what he did not see.

On his right side, his arm was missing. The only thing that remained was a stump that rubbed blood regularly.

Without his right arm to balance him, in addition to the panic of suddenly seeing himself without a tyler limb he staggered unsteady.

Tyler watched as a ninja held a sword in his right hand and his newly cut arm in the left, smiling viciously at him.

Without time to think about anything Tyler felt like two kunais were embedded in his back, but instead of weakening him the pain only woke him up from his little moment of shock when losing his right arm.

Tyler clenched his teeth and ran like a madman, blood still coming out of what was his arm.

Faster, faster, faster.

Tyler had no more thoughts in his head than to run faster to escape from this precarious situation.

Faster, faster, faster.

Tyler did not know when the time had been running, but everything was already dark. Although nobody was following him anymore, Tyler kept running like a madman, while running away.

But the physical and mental fatigue had a great effect on Tyler, causing him to slip and fall face down on the ground.

Oh I'm not going to die! I do not want to die! I do not want to die !! I'm afraid, someone please help me.

Tyler's body lay on the floor almost immobile with a small pool of blood formed beside him.

His body convulsed a little every so often, as if he wanted to keep running.

But Tyler was not alone.

From a tree, not far from Tyler, a shadow suddenly appeared and approached Tyler, his steps were very careful and silent.

When he was close enough to see Tyler the shadow stopped suddenly looking very surprised.

[New mission]

[Range: epica]


Tyler managed to see that a new mission appeared in his notifications, but when he wanted to read what it was about, he fainted.