
The Anti Hero Mage

Vishal is a hitman who takes government contracts to hunt down heinous criminals to keep innocents safe. While on a contract he gets killed by underground mafia. In the divine space he meets an entity who asks him to enter the dc universe and clean the filth with a system. He accepts easily because he is angry at the incompetence of heroes and justice system in dc. Thus begins his anti hero and a business journey.

ashwiniprasad · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
79 Chs

Taking out the rogues

Vishal was standing on one of the large towers to decide whom to take out next.

"Batman fought the Man Bat and let him escape. I'll find him later---" his words were interruped by a screech as he saw a distance to the north, Man Bat flying to escape somewhere.

"This is the power of SSS Rank luck. hehehe." said Vishal underneath the helmet.

"Now, let's get near so I can get a powerful aim." said Vishal as he made way to a skycraper and stood on top of it. The Man Bat was struggling to fly.

"Looks like he suffered an injury. Good for me." said putting his hands into an inventory.

What came out would make Batman and other superheroes puke out blood.

Vishal looked through the aim of the weapon.

"Host, don't you think this is overkill?" asked the system sarcastically.

"You think like that, you become a corpse in Gotham, system." replied Vishal.

"Against the rogues in Arkham you should always be ready to do overkill so they won't escape getting killed." said Vishal.

Vishal clicked the button and a rocket got launched from it. Man Bat sensed the sound and when it saw the missile it tried to evade by gliding diagonally to escape it but the missile followed it.

"Yeah, laser guided bazooka. How does that sound?" said Vishal.

The Man Bat kept on evading and suddenly one of its wings went stiff due to damage causing the missile to strike in its chest causing a big hole in it.

The body got cut into pieces and it tranformed back into human form dying. "Not taking any chances." said Vishal as he made way to the body and threw oil and fire. Waited until body turned to ashes.

"Now let us go and put off Croc and Bane."said Vishal giggling.

"You seem to be enjoying this host?" asked system.

"Duh. As Mystical Punisher I didn't get to hunt them down like in my previous life. But now as the vigilante I'll hunt them down." said Vishal making way to the place fighting is going on.

He saw the fight from a nearby apartment complex. He saw how much collateral damage took place after fight between the Bat family and the other two criminals.

He saw dead bodies of a boy and girl. There are corpses of middle aged men and women dying as collateral damage.

"I want to go there and murder even the bat clan." said Vishal seeing the bodies of casualties of battle.

"Stop it host. I can understand your rage but don't get irrational." said the system.

"There is a marvel movie where Punisher mocks Nick Fury. "You shield suits are so intent on winning the war that you don't care about the lives killed in the corss fire. What's the use if there is no one left to celebrate?"

"It also applies to dc superheroes and their villains." said Vishal clenching his fist.

"You should know that Punisher likes killing criminals host." said the system.

"Yes, but he doesn't hurt innocents and doesn't act like other heroes who justify their own actions when they kill." said Vishal.

System didn't reply back as it could understand what he was implying. Punisher doesn't regret killing criminals and villains and in fact he acts as if killing them is the right thing to do rather than justifying his own actions.

"What are you going to do, host? The battle looks even for others but we can see that both Nightwing and Batman are outmatched even with their arsenal." said the system.

"I think the opposite system." said Vishal.

"?" system showed the question mark to him.

"Leaving Nightwing aside, Batman may look struggling to you but his experience is his powerful weapon.

You'll see the tables turning in another 10 minutes." said Vishal.

Vishal watched the fight. Nightwin was thrown into a car nearby while Batman got a punch in his gut and went flying and hit the ground.

"I'll get my preparations done. I cannot penetrate Bane and Croc's body due to the thickness of their skin.

But the insides of Croc and the forehead of Bane isn't so tough." said Vishal.

"That's going to be tough for you host. How are you going to do what you are thinking?" asked the system.

"You'll see." said Vishal with a toothy grin.

"Wild animals should be treated like wild animals and the same applies to Bane." said Vishal.

Vishal took out a box which contained red and white pellets. He also took out darts and laced a yellow substance and other substance.

He took out the dart gun and placed it there on a stand. As Bane was about to break Batman again, "Shoot" came a voice and a dart came and hit Bane's head.

Bane dropped Batman. Vishal did not wait and aimed the dart gun at Killer croc and fired it onto his eyes.

Croc was a second late and eye got pierced. "Oooh! That hurts." said Vishal.

He put the gun back into Inventory and dropped down. "I won't take chances."

Batman and Nightwing held their heads and stood up. Batman was about to escape and cut off Bane's tubes when Bane received a dart.

Vishal saw Bane wobbling and fell down unconscious. Batman and Nightwing saw an unknown guy making way to croc and shouted. "Stop, who are you?" asked Batman.

"Just a butcher who who neutralizes sheeps called Villains." said Vishal as Croc fell unconscious.

He went there and opened Croc's mouth and dropped pellets. "What are you doing?" shouted Batman and threw a Batarang at his hands but Vishal took off his hand and let Batarang hit Croc.

He closed the mouth and lifted Croc's face making the pellets sink inside the body.

Batman ran towards Vishal but Vishal jumped a long distance when Nightwing came at him with his escrima sticks but Vishal jumped onto a building and said "I have work to do. I definitely want to beat you now Batman but you're not in a condition. I want to face you when you're not holding back." said Vishal.

Batman's eyes narrowed. "Now, ready." said Vishal.





Batman and Nightwing ran and jumped away onto a building.




Killer Croc's body exploded into pieces. "Explosive pellets, used to eliminate creatures with thick skin." said Vishal.

He looked at Bane and saw his body turning into blue. "Black Mamba poison mixed with Ketamine." said Vishal.

"Need to make sure he dies." said Vishal as he came near the body. Batman threw a Batarang that Vishal dodged and it struck the wall. It was an explosive Batarang.

"Vishal took out a sharp railing fallen near Bane and thrusted directly into Bane's face.

"Noooo" shouted Batman/Nightwing.

The vitals were gone and the Bane's corpse was left. "Do you even know what you've done?" shouted Batman.

"Clean up the mess called rogues." said Vishal.

"You're coming with me." said Batman.

"I'll surrender myself old man but not before all the rogues who have escaped are dead." said Vishal as he jumped into buildings and started running.

"Come back here." shouted Nightwing.

Batman and Nightwing gave a chase for 2 kms when Vishal vanished.

"Zsasz and Clayface are left." said Vishal.

"Zsasz will be last because I am already going to Blackgate. That leaves Clayface." said Vishal.

"I didn't need Croc's power or Bane's venom. So, system did the stats increase after touching them?" asked Vishal.

"STR and DEX up by a rank." said the system.

"Heck yeah. I will be too powerful when I face the league." said Vishal.

"What are you going to do about Clayface?" asked system.

"I know. He is most troublesome to track down." said Vishal.

"No choice. Let's use the soul reader on entire Gotham." said Vishal.

"Make sure the supreme sorcerer doesn't find out." said Vishal.

"Okay host." said the system.

"Soul Reader."

He saw all the names and inner details. He discarded most of them in mind. He saw a name "Basil Karlo" in graveyard."

"That's the bastard." said Vishal as he travelled through roofs and arrived in Gotham cemetery.

"Activate Thermal Vision." said Vishal.

He looked on the graves, walls, trees and finally saw a mud puddle separately out of place.

"Vishal took out a water gun and splashed water on mud puddle when Clayface appeared wet.

Vishal took out a taser and came at Clayface when Basil used mud body to knock him when he kept dodging and appeared on it. He electrocuted and hardened Clay Face's body.

"Now lets shatter you, sneaky rascal." said Vishal as he took out a hammer and kept smashing until he shattered into pieces.

"Nope. Not taking chances." said Vishal as he poured oil and dropped a lighter burning the pieces into ashes.

Police cars were approaching when Vishal put off the gadgets, suit into inventory and wore a T-shirt and pant.

Batman and Nightwing appeared. Vishal put his hands up and kneeled. Nightwing tried to take off the helmet but got a psychic attack to brain.

"It is part of my body. You can take me. I won't resist." said Vishal as he grinned behind the helmet.

"You're crooked host. You're making Batman and Police take you to Blackgate so that you can not only kill Zsasz but also other criminals who don't regret killing innocents." said the system complimenting him.

"Thank you." said Vishal.

Batman cuffed him and gave him to the Police. He was escorted to the Police station for interrogation. His appearance looked like an 18 year old because of a illusion spell he cast on himself.