
The Antagonist's Revenge

The Antagonist was killed by the protagonist but his soul was reincarnated back to 3 years ago. "Now then...how should i take my revenge..."

S_Takeshi · แฟนตาซี
16 Chs

Chapter 8

"Hey stop it!" A girl shouts from afar.

"Tch, she's here. Consider yourself lucky, let's go."

She was like a good luck charm to me and also my first love. She's a noble yet she cared for a useless peasant like me.

Whenever she's around, all the bullying stopped and I have a friend to talk to...

A "friend"...

Until that day, I didn't realize her true personality... I'm not sure which is even her real personality anymore...regardless, she seems like a completely different person.



Remembering it makes me sick.

Before I wipe out humanity, those demons who treat people like me MUST die!

Of course, I'm not the only one with this problem. There are also several others with problems like me...or even worse.

But all of them usually just disappear one day or commit suicide...I'm the only one who can last this long thanks to a certain someone...


"What's wrong, master?" Says Sylvia.

"!...No, nothing."

Lupus, who is sitting opposite, pouts.

"Why are you calling him master?!"

"Because he is?"

"Huh! How is he-"

"Shut up please," I say.


Wow, they are obedient.

We are on our way to Januar to meet the king in a magically powered limousine. Lupus's family tradition is to meet the king of every kingdom with the hero.

For now, I kept in contact with Orland through the phone. It's the technology century, I should make use of it.


Humans...call monsters or any supernatural being a bad omen...but the true monsters are us, humans.

The demon kind may seem evil but...they don't fight among each other. They don't discriminate. They are far better than humans...

Yet humans say they attack people cruelly...as if humans haven't attacked demons cruelly

...they, demons...have a life as well...

this race makes me sick.

It makes me sicker about the fact that I'm a human too! Damn it.




Every night after this reincarnation. Instead of nightmares which I usually have...i see a girl this time. She's half of my size, wears a white dress and has white hair.


I can't see her face.

However, that place was truly peaceful.

I wonder when I can go to that place in person.

After I wake up, my memories of the dream become foggy and the only thing I remember is "I want to meet you...find... a church...Januar."

...that's my second reason for coming to Januar.

To investigate this weird dream of mine.


"We arrived." Says the driver.

"Thank you." Says Lupus.

A servant opens the door for us and leads us into a huge door.

The door is decorated with beautiful ancient designs and is as tall as 100 average humans. It is probably constructed by giants but after they left, Januar took over the place.

The servants nod to the guard and the guard nods back. He then channels mana into a socket and the door slowly opens. It's a spectacular view.

Januar is surrounded by a tall and huge dark barrier, protected by magic so penetrating it is impossible, even for a demon lord. The only way to enter is through this door

"Amazing..." Says Sylvia.

I completely agree with her.

Behind the door is what seems like a sci-fi world. It is completely dark yet the neon lights and all the stylish lights lits our way. The stylish magic train flying by hums a soft tune. The advertisement uses holograms.

The first thing to fascinate me other than killing is officially the beauty and uniqueness of Januar.