
The Antagonist's Revenge

The Antagonist was killed by the protagonist but his soul was reincarnated back to 3 years ago. "Now then...how should i take my revenge..."

S_Takeshi · แฟนตาซี
16 Chs

Chapter 7


A burst of aura unleashed from within and he summoned countless magical daggers. Instead of the ordinary blue, it's now in red. That's enraged mana and is stronger than regular mana but will take a toll on the user.

His hand held high up, with a swift slash down, the daggers dash towards me at high speed.

I purposely stand there and did nothing.

The daggers pierced my skin, none have missed.

Normally anyone would have died but...

Skill activate:(Instant recovery.)

Unless you finish me off in one stroke at the speed of light, there is absolutely no way you can win.

Since the daggers are made of mana, I absorbed it and my wounds instantly disappear. Using the mana I obtained, I channel it to my fingertips and point my index finger at Kazuki.

Kazuki didn't even blink but he already lost an arm.


I can't use magic but I have intense knowledge of how to manipulate mana too. trying to fight me against something I'm good at? Dream on.

I fired the most basic attack, the mana bullet just now but I grind so much that my mana bullet is now lvl 9999.

It is now as powerful as a tier 8 magic and 10 times faster than light.

Kazuki falls to the ground and coughs blood before pulling himself back up.

"My oh my, you sure are disappointing, Kazuki."

"S-Shut up."

"Hey, Kazuki...want to know what happened to your beloved Yuki?"


Kazuki's expression froze. He did not move a single muscle and tried to say something but can't.

"She was sold as a slave."

Of course, that's not true.


Kazuki dashes at me and thrusts his sword. I sidestep and trip him again, the same technique from last time. However this time, Kazuki fell.

"You don't learn your lesson," I say.

"Shut up!"

Kazuki got up and attacks me again with a swing from the top but this time I grab the sword and breaks it with my bare hand.

To teach the difference between us I shoot another mana bullet and vapourize his other arm.


He was thrown back by the impact of the blast and collided into the wall of a cavern.


Looks like the mana bullet this time also vaporised some of his organs and his ribcage.

He falls onto the ground and coughs more blood out.

With the injuries, all he can move is the head. Using his remaining strength, he asks, "...why...why did you frame me...what...did I do?..."

I did not reply.

Sylvia appears at that time with a group of knights. Surprised by my appearance, she orders the Knights to stand by.

"Take care of him. He is the guy who has been slaying people all around this kingdom."

Sylvia looks at the dying boy and nodded.

I look at my own bloody body. For some reason, I don't feel excited.

Kazuki...is enjoying the thrill of killing. If he hadn't lost his cool, I would have taken in him as my companion.


It's almost nightfall. Everyone is preparing for the night market in this district. The lights lit up and crowds can be heard.

I sit on top of a mountain nearby. While the breeze blows past, I wonder what happened to me.

I completed one of my objectives and that is taking revenge on Kazuki and killing him. Yet...i feel empty after that, like a mindless monster without an objective.

I clench my fist and raise it to the sky. The moon is bright today.

Letting out a huge sigh. I decided my next main target for revenge.

Without some sort of target, I will never have the strive. That's why...my next target will be the girl who has tricked me into thinking she is a kind girl in the past...

The daughter of the Januar Baron, Lily.