
the Anonymous

A bunch of college students want to expose the dirty secrets of the government. Fortunately for them, the famous hacker group, The Anonymous, is on their side...or are they?

NaRaiJu · ไซไฟ
18 Chs

Chapter 14: Secret

Xeno's POV

I run around the court in full sweats as I dribble the ball. I stop outside the three point line and get into my throwing position before releasing the ball. Three points! I slump on the cold floor, laying on my back and gasping for air. It's been a long time since I played here. I can't even remember what it feels like to sweat so much, not until now.

I stand up as my breathing normalized and scan my eyes around the whole court. The hoops are suspended in the air, and the ceiling looks like a galaxy due to the twinkling small lights scattered on the caliginous background. They changed the design; it wasn't like this before. My mind can still remember how every corner of this place looks like before they turned it into a basketball court.

There's no way I can forget. Every single memory of her, with her, is engraved in my mind.

I walk towards the top of the suspended score board, push the middle part and enter my code. The ceiling slowly opens and reveals the original purpose of the whole place. I watch as the suspended basketball hoops slowly turn into target boards, the middle of the court elevates, and different weapons appear. The score board earlier becomes a small space made for the audience. It still pains me everytime I see this practice room, but the pain feels so good. Especially if it's about her.

I'm not really a friendly person but she helped me mold myself into a new one. Funny how she also became the reason why I'm back to being the old me. I walk towards the far end of the practice room and stop in front of a small narrow space. I'm not sure if I should pull the fabric that is covering it, but the nostalgia is far greater than my hesitation.

I sneeze as dust infiltrates my nose. My heart feels alive and I can't control its rampant beating. I can't help but to reminisce about the past when I saw the small toy cars and board games inside. I try to enter but the opening is too small for my tall figure. I can't believe that Ed and I can fit in here before. I manage to pull out a big pouch containing different coloring materials. I feel ecstatic upon touching it. This is her pouch. I feel like she's still here beside me. This place used to be our safe haven.

We would hide inside this tiny, constricted room whenever I don't want to train or when I just want to disappear and not be found. We would play in here until we got tired or hungry. I can't help but to smile upon remembering her funny face every time she complains that she's famished and that we should go out.

I was supposed to grab another remembrance when I heard a footstep approaching. I immediately run to the emergency lever on the opposite side, and pull it downwards. I'm panicking inside as I hear the footsteps getting nearer, but the last basketball hoop is still not yet in position. They can't discover my secret place. If my father learns about this, I'm sure he'll destroy this place in no time.

I sprint to the front door to buy time, but the door already bursts open. I quickly lay on the ground and shut my eyes.

"Young master!"

"Argh!" I put my hands on my leg and put my acting skills to play.

He immediately goes on my side. "Is everything okay? What happened?"

Instead of listening to him, I open one of my eyes and simply glance at the last basketball hoop to see if it's already in place. When I saw that everything was deemed normal, I stood up and shook off the dust on my sweaty shirt.

"I'm okay now. What's the matter?"

"Young master, your father is on the phone right now," Tyler, my butler says.

I stretch my neck as I turn my attention to him and reach for the phone.

"Yes, father?" I greeted. I motion Tyler to clean the area before walking out of there.

"Have you found out who organized that incident?"

"Not yet, sir," I formally answer as I enter my room.

"Continue doing your job and don't forget to get information regarding the new recruits of the Society that are not siding with us." he commands before cutting the call.

I grit my teeth and try to calm myself down. He should never discover that my friends are also part of the Society. I lean my back on the comfortable backrest of the sofa and close my eyes. I sigh and console myself that what I am doing right now is for the best.

I treasure my friends so much, they are like real brothers to me, but I have to trust father with this issue. I drop my phone on the coffee table after relaying the fake mission to Wyn. I feel guilty for fooling him and betraying the rest of the squad, but I have to follow my father's commands so that the past will never occur again.

Fuck. I should have known from the beginning that joining the Society will never do us any good, but I didn't restrain them from joining because I thought my father would find out. Of course he would know, Xeno, he has people everywhere! I underestimated him, I'm so stupid.

I walk myself to the private bar area of the mansion and grab a few bottles from the wine cellar. I hate myself for feeling this empty whenever I'm alone. I laugh bitterly after sipping my favorite rum. The hard, bitter taste of alcohol is not enough to surpass the bitterness of my life. Ever since she died and left me, everything has fallen apart.

"I miss you, Ed..." I whisper to the wind.

I continue to drink tirelessly and no one dares to stop me from getting wasted. The house is so quiet, so big, yet so empty.

I scan the whole area before hissing. Fuck this mansion! I never considered this house as my home. Ever since I was born, I never felt safe and comfortable whenever I'm here. That is why I rarely visit this place, because the only good memory I have here is her existence.

I grab a new bottle of cognac and wobble towards the outside of the mansion. I sit down on the old swing and smile in melancholy upon reaching the garden. I can still vividly remember my guileless and exuberant memories with her as if it just happened yesterday.

"Ed! Come on, let's play with my new toy car!" I urge her further.

I've been asking her to play with me for a good few minutes, but she's just shaking her head because she's busy drawing again. But due to my obstreperous persistence of not letting her have her peace, she finally agrees. She closes her sketchbook and fixes her cap before standing up to join me. I smile victoriously as I walk closer to her.

"I don't have a car, Xeno."

"No problem! I have lots of toys inside my tent, let's get it!"

I grabbed her hand and held it while running towards the end of the garden. I know she doesn't own that many toys since she's not really into those. She loves art, that's why all she has are coloring materials.

After getting her a toy, we decided to play underneath the Naraiju. It's crown sways slightly due to the wind, leaves occasionally falling. Today has such fine weather, perfect for hanging out in the garden.

We are in our own little world, playing happily when my trainer, Mr. Arthur, catches our attention and greets us. "Oh! The boys are here!"

We look up to meet his gaze and bow our heads. "Sir, why are you here? Do we have any training today?" I ask.

Mr. Arthur is my personal trainer. He was hired by my grandfather, the president of the country, to teach me multiple skills. My grandfather wants me to learn a lot of things so that I'll be a deserving heir of my father's position once the time comes. Aside from private tutoring for advanced study of different languages, laws in politics, business topics, I also have physical and sports training. I actually don't know why my father and grandfather are so strict with me and my classes, especially since I am just 9 years old.

"Yes, with Kendo, young master."

I look at Ed and feel disappointment. We're just starting to play but we have to stop already because of my training. I've never felt bored with my training before, but now that I have my best friend here, I suddenly don't want to attend any of it.

Mr. Arthur seems to understand the sudden shift in my mood, so he suggests something. "How about you join us, Ed? It would be fun to see you guys in a friendly competition"

I am extremely hesitant at first. I am confident with my skills, but I am still wary because I know Ed is new to this.

"But what-" I am about to refute when Ed cuts me off.

"Sure! But can you at least teach me the basics first?" she says enthusiastically.

I am not thrilled with her decision of agreeing to this. Mr. Arthur and the rest of the house employees don't know that Ed is actually a girl. I don't really have any idea why she and her family is keeping her gender a secret, but since she's still a girl, I don't want her to get hurt even if it's unintentional.

I watch her as she attentively listens to Mr. Arthur's lectures. If someone looks at her, they will definitely think that she's a boy; her hair is cut short, she is always wearing baggy clothings, her name sounds like a boy's and she also acts like one. However, once they stare deeply into her eyes and listen closely to her sweet angelic voice, there is no doubt that she's actually a girl. Everything about her screams purity and gentleness, and that's the reason why I want to protect her.

Her father is a loyal friend and employee of my father while her mother is a house helper in our mansion. Hence, she is always here in our house. And because I was always locked in our huge mansion, I had no one to consider a friend. That is until she came.

We spent most of the day being together and playing with each other, and maybe that's how I found out about her secret. She still doesn't know that I am aware that she's not a boy, I am afraid that she will leave me if I tell her. I really like her and I don't want her to leave me alone in this cold mansion again.

Unfortunately, she did.

Even though I already have new friends now, still, no one can replace her.

"Why do you have to leave me, Ed?" I let my words be carried by the wind to the vast nothingness.

According to my father, Ed's dad was a police investigator at the time and he happened to come across a notorious serial killer. He managed to arrest the killer, but was freed by his gang members and they sought revenge. He killed Ed's father, her mother, and her.

I abominate that criminal who killed my very first friend and my first love. However, I also loathe those people who helped him in running away and vanishing like a smoke.

"Things would've never ended up that way if Ed's father never helped the victims- the peasants," father says.

Maybe that's why he doesn't want me to join the Society, since the group is siding with the poor. I am confused as to whether that's a sensible reason, but if I can prevent that tragedy from happening again by following my father's advice, then I am very willing to betray my friends in order to save their lives.