
the Anonymous

A bunch of college students want to expose the dirty secrets of the government. Fortunately for them, the famous hacker group, The Anonymous, is on their side...or are they?

NaRaiJu · ไซไฟ
18 Chs

Chapter 12: Speculation

Shannon's POV

I immediately exited the Galleria after the clip ended. Everyone is ranting to the mall's personnel but I choose to leave the place. I'm not an elite and the thought that I might get discovered the more I stay here scares me. It even shocked me because before going out the guard asked for my ID again. I don't know why they are still implementing that regulation when the whole system is not working properly, but I am more surprised when my ID worked again.

"Is it because it's fake?" I ask myself.

I am now inside the bus heading back to M58 to get home. I've been thinking why my fake ID is working well when the legit IDs are not. Maybe I should go to Neron's place and ask about it. But the problem is, I don't think I can go as far as M14. From what I remember correctly that is where their family house is located. I really can't believe that Milly has plutocrat relatives because she's so down to earth. Unlike those other commoners who act like an elite just because they have relatives on the higher ranks.

What should I do now? It's not like I can just barge in the higher messier holding a fake ID, I can't risk being exposed. I'm running out of options, me and my curious mind won't let me rest until I have the answers.

I get off the bus and the commotion outside the building only increases my curiosity and fear.

"Argh! I can't believe this is also happening here!"

I hear numerous complaints as I reach the building. I clench my fist and hope that my ID will work as the guard asked for it and scanned it in the system.

"How come her ID works? Argh! I hate this! Let's just go to the lower messier."

I can't help but to smile and wonder at the same time. I'm busy contemplating the answers to the questions in my head when I suddenly remembered something. I heard from Milly before that her cousin has another penthouse in M69, I think that will be fine. I really need to know what's happening and how come my ID works but of course, I'll have to call Neron about that before going to his place.

When I reached home, I arranged all the goods that I had bought. When I'm all done fixing and cleaning the house, I get my phone and browse the oasis.

The trending topic in the portal is about the failed system scanners for the first trial of CDRID. There's a lot of hate comments by the upper class students who're blaming all their inconvenience to the lower class and the Anonymous.

I chuckle reading their posts. How come they are this angry for not being able to buy things and get in some restricted areas for just a day, and yet they can't understand our sentiments for enduring the same situation since the day we were born? They are unbelievable. Rather than feeling emphatic for us because they've also experienced that kind of treatment, they instead sided with the unjust government and still blamed us for their inconvenience. What a bunch of hypocrites.

After cooking my dinner, I text Milly and ask for his cousin's number. Looks like she's still busy so she didn't ask me more as to why I'm suddenly asking for it and just gave me the digits.

Before calling I text Neron first to inform him that it's my number.

"Hey Neron! It's Shannon, Milly's friend. Do you have time? I just want to ask you something."

While waiting for Neron to reply, I read some comments under my recent blog posts. There is a lot of positive feedback, but there are also some who hate it even without understanding the whole context of my illustration. I don't hate those kinds of people, I pity them rather. It is because they are close minded and are afraid to admit to themselves that not everything they believe is right is actually the truth. They are stuck on believing those ideals because that is what other people and their environment wants them to believe. They choose not to educate themselves, and it is not because they can't, they just don't want to, because they are afraid of change.

I am washing the dishes when I hear my phone ring. I dry my hands with the kitchen towel and immediately answer Neron's call.


"Hello… Shannon?" Neron greets back.

"Yeah, it's me."

"So what's up?"

"Uhm... It's about the ID that Milly gave me. She said it was from you and I have some questions regarding it?" I say as I fidget my hands nervously.

He stays quiet for a minute so I have to check my phone if he's still on the line. "Hello? Neron?"

"Yeah, the fake ID. Sure, I am at the M69 right now, I'll visit you after doing my thing."

"No, you don't need to. I can just go there instead. After all, I am the one who's asking for a favor so it will be quite atrocious of me to have you waste your time just to travel here." I suggest. Messier 58 is near M60 but knowing that he's busy, I have to adjust and work within his free time.

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, no worries. Just send me your address and I'll text you when I'm already at your door front." I get out of the house quickly so that I can arrive there immediately. It's getting late now but I can't just cancel our meeting since Neron already spared me his time.

I decide to ride the train instead of the bus since it's faster, even though it's much more expensive. That's why most of the time, I prefer to ride buses than trains. It's also a bummer that there are times when the bullet train isn't available due to some modifications they're doing. Just like that time when my dorm was burning, the bullet train wasn't available that day.

It took twenty minutes for the bullet train to reach my destination. Only when I got into the building did I realize that there will be no door front since Neron's place is a penthouse. That is why there's a separate elevator for him since the whole top floor is his place and is exclusive only for him.

"I'm in the lobby now. I can't access the elevator so I'll wait for you here."

After updating Neron that I'm already at the waiting area, I sit on the single couch near me.

Not long after, a hotelier approaches me and informs me that the owner of the top floor already gave permission for me to go inside. "This way, my lady." He leads me to the private elevator and types the passcode once we enter. I focus my attention in front of the digital screen, watching how the number changes as we pass by the floors. Up until now, it really amazes me how rich Neron is. And despite that, he's still kind and helpful.

When the doors slide open, the hotelier extends his arms, motioning me to enter the penthouse. I bow at him and step outside the elevator. I waited for the door to close again and watched the screen at the top that shows that the elevator is now heading down.

I calm myself first before turning my back to see the huge matte open door that freely shows the luxurious view of the whole penthouse. I can't believe that this place is just used as a hangout place of Neron and his friends.

"Neron?" I call. The huge living area is quiet and the only sound I can hear is the tic-tac of the metronome. I walk carefully while surveying the whole area. The marbled floor looks perfect with the sleek interior of the whole house. From where I stand I can see that there's a balcony outside that surely has a glorious view to offer.

"Neron? I'm already inside! It's Shannon!" I added as I tiptoe inside. Where is he? Should I just wait here and sit down? Should I call him?

I scan the whole flat. There's a gaming area where various gaming consoles are neatly arranged, then there's also a home bar and a kitchen. Wow, this is a real man cave. I am sure there's still a lot of space within the house that I haven't seen.

I am the type of person who doesn't tamper with the belongings of other people, but something caught my attention while looking around. I carefully approach the leather couch and lift the black jacket on top of it. The familiar symbol on it piqued my curiosity and I can't help but to examine it closely.

7YX - אֲצִילִי

I am sure this is the exact same symbol on the jacket of the suspicious man from the CDRID protest. Why is this here? Is this Neron's jacket? Or maybe one of his friends? What does this symbol mean anyway? Are they connected to The Anonymous?!

"What are you doing here?"

I almost froze in place because of shock but immediately calmed myself. I turn my head to see the annoying landlord of my new house. How can I forget that he's one of Neron's friends?

"Where's Neron?" I ask back.

His brows furrow due to my question then shifts his gaze down to my hands that are still holding the black jacket. "Why are you looking for him? And why are you holding that?"

I roll my eyes because of his endless interrogation. Why can't he just answer my questions so that our conversation will immediately end?

"None of your business."

"It is my business. That's my friend's clothes, are you perhaps stealing from us?"

My mouth hangs open and I laugh humorlessly because of his invective accusation. I know I am just a mere commoner compared to elites like them, but how dare he judge me like that?

"What's funny?" he says tartly.

"You asshole. I am not stealing anything nor will I ever steal in my life. I am no thief. I am only holding this jacket because it looks familiar." I scoffed when I saw the lack of belief in his eyes. And here I am thinking that he's somehow kindhearted. "Okay, then let me tell you a story, your majesty. Once upon a time, a young girl joined the biggest protest in her country. In the middle of the protest, she noticed this man wearing a black jacket with a unique symbol while trying so hard to be inconspicuous. Oh! Would you look at that!" I raise the jacket near his face to clearly exhibit the symbol. "It looks exactly like this! Continuing on, the man suspiciously stared at a building with a humongous display screen. And do you know what's so special about it? It's the very same screen where the greatest group of hackers played their video, not long after that suspicious man stared at it. Hmm… Isn't that interesting?"

I notice how his eyes widened because of my long narrative, but he immediately covers his emotion with a blank face. He just stares at me with eyes void of emotion and remains silent. I can't grasp what's going on in his mind right now.

"Care to explain why your friend has the same jacket?" I look at him curiously.

He tries to avoid my gaze at first, but after a minute, he nods and sighs.

"The truth is..."

I apologize for the late update. I was sick yesterday so I wasn't able to post the update. Enjoy!

NaRaiJucreators' thoughts