
the Anonymous

A bunch of college students want to expose the dirty secrets of the government. Fortunately for them, the famous hacker group, The Anonymous, is on their side...or are they?

NaRaiJu · ไซไฟ
18 Chs

Chapter 11: The Other Side

Sadashi's POV

"Ugh! What a boring day!" I say, tossing myself on the huge Cleopatra couch inside my room. I grab my phone and dial my friends' numbers. I'll just casually go out on a date with my girls at the Galleria. We have no classes today so I'll invite my girl friends to do some shopping with me. I'm so bored inside our mansion and nothing really interested me, so I've decided to look for something that will catch my attention and ease my boredom. After three rings, they finally picked up.

"Why did it take you guys so long to answer?" I say showing my irritation on the screen.

"I'm busy doing my nails, girl. Look!"

I roll my eyes upon seeing her nails painted in red.

"Quit doing that. Let's go to the mall. I'm so bored and I need to shop to ease my stress." I've been so spent these past few days because of the endless bickering with my father and his lectures about the things that I should be doing instead of partying.

"OMG! I'm so in! I've been eyeing this bag that I saw in Qamsion Boutique last time, and now is my chance to get it. My father is outside the country so he won't nag me about it," Naira, one of my friends, says.

"Later at two in the afternoon, let's meet in front of the mall then. Toodles!" I say before dropping the call.

I stride towards my walk-in closet and pick up the bodycon red dress that I bought in the country of Ferveur last month. I match it with a pair of black heels and my black LV bag. I placed my chosen clothes on the bed and went inside the bathroom for a nice luxurious bath.

After an hour, I decide to go out of the tub and get myself ready. It didn't take me too long to prepare myself. I text my friends that I'm on my way and they replied that they are already in front of the mall. Those freaks are really fast when it comes to shopping.

"Ash, I think that red heels from Osiris is such a steal!" Olivia comments.

I smirk with her remark. Of course, the shoes that I chose look gorgeous, because I will never choose an item that looks average. I don't settle for less, I deserve the best. "Well, I saw the same exact pair of this badass in a runaway show that I visited last week," I boast.

"So, it's a limited edition huh?" Charlotte says.

We continue visiting every designer boutique inside the Galleria, and people can't help but eye us enviously. We go from one boutique to another, and we always go out with another paper bag added on our bodyguards' hands. I held my head up high as I walked with my friends.

Actually, my original plan for this day is to travel to the country of Pagua and shop all day in their famous floating mall. Unfortunately, my dad wants me to stay inside Huxley because of the first wave of trial for the CDRID.

I don't really care about that ID. Whether the council continues its plan for the restriction of different social classes or not, I don't mind it. It will not benefit nor will cause me any disadvantage since my dad is the head of the military. You see, power is everything and I have that power in my hands.

I'm trying on a new pair of shoes when this peasant of a sales attendant walks stupidly in front of my raised leg. Since she's not looking where she's going, she stumbles upon her steps which resulted in her colliding with my leg.

"Ouch! Don't you have eyes? Look ahead when you're walking, dumb bitch!" I yell.

She immediately bows down her head and murmurs her apology. I get more irritated upon seeing her pitiful face. I really hate their fake tactics. I hate their class because they always act like they are the good ones, like they deserve our mercy, like they are real, but they are not.

I can never forget how this peasant in front of me and the rest of her kind killed my beloved brother. My first saviour and my first best friend who trusted them, yet they didn't return the favor.

I was still in 2nd grade when my brother got in the military. Ever since I became aware of my surroundings, I noticed our dad constantly forcing my brother to join the army and continue his legacy. At first, my brother was very adamant against it when he found out that he'll be working against the oppressed. I don't really know why my brother trusts those peasants so much. But dad never gave him peace until he agreed to join the service.

I always remembered the kind words my brother always says whenever he tells me a story about the people of lower rankings. I think he made a friend, who's a commoner, back in College that's why he learned a lot of things about them. At the time, I was so amazed with how passionate and hard working the people are under the hierarchy. My brother always reminds me to be fair and never judge a person just because of their social class.

Being the only daughter of the head military leader, I was showered with all my materialistic needs. I can get anything and everything even without lifting a finger. However, with all my brother's preaching about life, I tried to live with an unbiased mindset. I treat everyone equally regardless of their social class.

My dad obviously doesn't agree with my brother's outlook in life. He teaches me the exact opposite of what my brother always taught me. My dad said that the lower class have the worst attitude and therefore deserve all the unfair treatments they are receiving from those on the top. That they are nothing but a bunch of criminals playing victim so that they can get sympathy and do whatever they want.

At first, I always contradicted my father's opinion but then, the tragedy came. According to my dad and my brother's comrades, my brother was doing his service and guarding the last gate of Messier 75 when the rebels— made up of all peasants and paupers, attacked their team and killed my brother brutally.

That day completely changed me. I was so furious and couldn't believe that my loving brother died in the hands of those he wants to protect. From that day on, I cannot stand any paupers and peasants for they remind me of the painful death of my dear soldier.

After he died, I realized that dad was right, the lower class does deserve the unjust treatment they are receiving. They are the worst and they are not fitting to receive any amount of my respect nor any other person's respect.

After the annoying scene inside the Beryl Boutique, my friends consoled me and suggested that we dine to calm my mind. We walk past the luxury shops and enter a corridor full of fancy fine dining restaurants.

"Let's try a new place. How about the Sphynx?" Margaret suggests.

"Oh, I heard a lot of good reviews from that restaurant from my other friends. Let's choose that," Charlotte adds.

I think the shop has a beautiful exterior design. I bet that the interior must be pretty too. But when I was about to walk inside the restaurant, the huge security guard blocked my way and asked for my CDRID.

I hate interruptions, so I quickly call for my bodyguard who's holding my satchel. My bodyguard gives him my ID immediately. I thought we were fine on entering the place, but the security personnel suddenly blocked our path again.

"What is it this time?!" I say tartly.

"Ma'am, I think there's something wrong with your ID. I'm sorry but you can't enter the place," he states.

I laugh sarcastically. "How is that my problem? Look at your system, there must be something wrong with your scanners. My ID is completely fine. Now, let me in!" I say impatiently.

The guard calls his colleague and they both scan my ID repeatedly. The scanner keeps on beeping and that sound just irritates me even more. I am not really in the best mood before going to this place, but the feeling I have right now surpassed what I felt a while ago.

I try to pass the security personnel but he rudely pushes me back. "Ma'am, I'm sorry but we can't let you in unless your ID says you are permitted to enter this area—" I did not let him finish his sentence. I am so mad right now that I snapped again. This time, I didn't even bother to look at the other people walking around.


My friends try to stop me from further causing a scene. They gave their CDRIDs too, but none of our IDs worked. See? The problem here is not our ID! It's their trashy scanners!

"Let's go, Ash. We can find another place," Olivia tries to pull me but I did not let her.

"No! We are eating here." I say, emphasizing every word.

The manager must have noticed the scene that is happening in front of the restaurant that's why he came outside to ask what's the commotion all about. "What is happening here?" the manager of the restaurant intervenes.

"Sir, her ID is not working. The system said she is restricted in this area," the security personnel notifies.

"The hell are you saying? My friends' IDs are not working with your scanners too. It's definitely your problem!"

The manager tries to calm me down and examines my ID. They gave us a seat but didn't let us in.

While we are still in the middle of our discussion, another interruption comes in. Suddenly, a loud squeaky irritating sound barges in. I hold both of my ears and cover them tightly. This mall sucks! I will never shop here ever again! I should've gone to Pagua and ignored my father's interdiction.

I thought the harsh strains were enough, but I was wrong. After the irritating sound, a famous glitching sound follows. Suddenly, all advertisement screens' displays change from commercial videos to a clip of a masked man. Everyone becomes quiet and attentive. I remain stoned in front of the huge holographic screen that is showing a very familiar man.

"The walls you are trying to build against the oppressed are now stacked against you. We are condemning any form of discrimination because Good is Not Good when Better is Needed. We are The Anonymous."

I storm out of the car and march vehemently towards our house. I am beyond pissed! How dare those poor garbage people block my way! Argh! I freaking hate that Anonymous shit! They are nothing but a bunch of cowardly people, hiding inside each others' pants. They can't even show their faces. How dare they mock this government and break the rules!

"Fucking peasants!" I curse under my breath as I remember how embarrassing I looked earlier. If someone took a video of me and posted it on any SNS, my father will surely kill me. I made quite a scene earlier and father will surely scold me for being a war freak and dirtying his name. I just really hope that no one took a video.

I exasperatedly climb up the grand staircase and make my way towards my father's office. Those people will surely pay for not letting me in. I'm in front of my father's door and was supposed to knock, but I was startled by the loud sound of what seems to be a glass breaking.

I charily take a peek at the small opening of the door. There I saw him pacing back and forth inside the room talking to someone on his phone. I hold the doorknob and am about to gently close the door, but his next sentence stopped me from doing so.

"I will never let the past repeat itself. Sadashi will never face the same situation as her brother."

Upon hearing that, thousands of questions suddenly appear inside my head. What does he mean by that?