
the Anonymous

A bunch of college students want to expose the dirty secrets of the government. Fortunately for them, the famous hacker group, The Anonymous, is on their side...or are they?

NaRaiJu · ไซไฟ
18 Chs

Chapter 10: Condemn

Shannon's POV

I add one last shading before putting my pencils down and deciding to rest for a bit. I've been working on some sketches and most of them are based on the famous areas inside M58. I just realized that since I'm going to be living here for a while, I should use this chance to gather up some images that I can use for my future artworks and draw some scenery I wasn't able to draw before because I couldn't see them. I guess living here isn't that bad after all.

One by one, I stare at the pictures I took as I look for another image I can make use of. My first sketch features the expensive prices of the food in here and how the workers in this messier are enduring everything. I'm not planning to post this on my platform, I just needed some daily reminders so that I will not forget that I don't belong in this messier along with the cruelness and unjustness of this country.

I drew Neron's penthouse one last time, before deciding to call it a day for my fancy arts. I collect my things and put them back to their rightful places before grabbing my sketchpad and getting out of the room. I tiptoe my way to the kitchen, trying not to make any noise. I hid behind the kitchen wall and carefully scanned the area. After making sure that that guy wasn't here, I proceeded to my business.

"Ugh! Seriously?" I scoff when I see the notes plastered on every single thing in the kitchen. From utensils to appliances, there's a note saying, "Private property. Do not use it unless granted permission."

"Argh! That dumbass! I hate him!" I march back to my room before I explode and break his things. I don't plan on spending a single penny on anything useless but I'm left with no choice! The things here are so fucking expensive and my savings will surely be wiped out but I need to live. I grab my phone and calculate everything as I list down the things that I need for now.

I look at my phone's notepad to check one last time if everything I need is written on my list. It's been a week since I moved in here, my new temporary home. Since I have no choice, I have decided to finally go out and buy all my necessities. I've been planning to buy all the stuff that I needed anyway so maybe this is a good time. I've gotten so busy for the past few days that it left me with no choice but to wait. I even lost track of the date. I also may have nearly forgotten about the important event that this day has in store for Huxley, if not because of what Milly said yesterday.

"My cousin said I have to give this to you. Tomorrow will be the first wave of CDRID trials. You can't just stroll around the M58 with only just a golden badge now. They'll find out that you're a commoner based on your CDRID,'' she reminds me.

Unfortunately, our protest and the warning of The Anonymous resulted in nothing. The bill still continued to become a law and today is the trial of the first batch of CDRIDs. I am so disappointed with the court's decision, but what can I expect? Of course, they'll never let the paupers and peasants win this battle. I just got my hopes up because of the interference of the Anonymous, but even with their support, still, nothing happened.

I take out the fake CDRID from my wallet and analyze it carefully. I don't know how Neron made this ID but I am so amazed by how detailed and legitimate it seems. However, even though this looks really similar with the authentic ones, I still can't help but to feel nervous using it. What if it suddenly stops working? What if the security becomes suspicious and check my card thoroughly? Argh. I'll just hope that everything will work well.

After exiting the building, I walk to the nearby bus stop and ride the bus to the nearest mall of the area. I've been living in this city for a week now but I still haven't gone to the other side of it so I'm still not familiar with the route. Aside from the fact that I have no time to go sightseeing, I don't really like the idea of getting comfortable in this messier. I am not originally from here and I have no plans staying here longer than I need to.

I stay silent in my seat and just busy myself with my phone. Minutes later, the holographic attendant shows up and notifies us.

"Welcome to Dovizia Galleria. The next stop will be within 5 minutes. May the passengers with Station 23 as their destination prepare for departure. Thank you for riding with us."

When I heard the announcement I grabbed my hobo bag and waited for the bus to stop. From the huge clear window, I can already see the broad entrance of the mall.

I walk out of the vehicle slowly while my eyes are still stuck on the colossal shopping center in front of me. Malls from the lower messier are already big but upon seeing this Galleria, it seems they are just bungalows.

Even though I am living in this messier, I can still see the big difference that I have compared to the residents of this area. Just by a glance, you'll easily get suspicious of me because of my clothes and maybe that's why the security guard eyed me doubtfully.

"The ID, ma'am," the guard asks.

I hand him my ID and pretend to look oblivious, although the truth is I'm feeling so anxious right now. I straighten my posture and act like I'm confident that my ID is legitimate.

"Welcome to Dovizia Galleria, ma'am," the guard bows at me.

I take my ID from his hands and promptly walk away. Only when I got farther did I manage to calm myself. I take a deep breath before proceeding to the department store to buy the things on my list.

I really have to thank Neron for all the help that he's giving me. I know I sound absurd because I proclaimed that I hate elites but now I'm thankful to Neron. Well, I didn't expect him to be this kind to me despite knowing the fact that I'm nothing but a commoner and those types of guys deserve respect. He really is my best friend's cousin. Kindness runs through their veins.

I check my phone and start picking the items I've deemed a necessity. The coffee maker and waffle maker are the first ones on my list, but I'll skip them for now. It takes time to choose those things so I just start with the utensils. I grab two pairs of spoon and fork, a kitchen knife, and a few pans. I push my cart through the baking section as I start putting items on the cart that I mostly use whenever I bake.

I'm on the way to the toiletries section when I saw a cute tumbler. I put it in my cart without any second thoughts. What happened to just get the things you needed, Rei? But the tumbler is too cute to resist! It has this cute minimalistic design all over and the blending of colors is so majestic! Argh! I sound like a small kid.

I pick a coffee maker and waffle maker cautiously. These two are the most valuable items I have in my cart right now, well, plus the tumbler. I can't live a day without coffee nor waffles, so I really need these.

"Thank you!" I chirpily say to the clerk as I get the items in his hand. He seems to be taken aback by my kind gesture but still smiles afterwards. I fish out my phone to take a look at what else I need.

"Last stop, food." I push my cart to the food section. I'm half way through it when Milly calls.

"Rei! Where are you?" she asks with her panicked voice.

I stop pushing the cart to focus all my attention to her. She was also as alarmed as this when my dormitory was burning. "The mall. Why? Are you okay?" I worriedly ask.

"Right now? Oh my god, Rei! The students in our school are talking about the error of their IDs! Is yours fine?"

I look at my ID and confusingly answer her, "I've been here for about thirty minutes now and so far everything is smooth sailing. Maybe the errors are caused by the system of M60?"

"No, I checked the oasis and it seems like even the higher messiers are getting the same problem. You should get out of there now! What if someone catches you using a fake one? Come home, Rei!"

I look at my nearly filled cart and sigh. I'm already here and almost done with grocery shopping, maybe I should finish my errands first? "Calm down, Milly. I'm almost done so I'm about to go home too."

We argued for about a minute before I finally convinced Milly to agree with my plans. After the call, I quickly get all the remaining items and proceed to walk to the counter.

I was near the cashier when I heard someone yelling at the security of a nearby fine dining restaurant. I immediately recognize the girl who's creating the scene not too far from where I stood. It's Sadashi.


My eyes roll because of the scene that I am witnessing. Is she not getting embarrassed with all her shouting? Really?

I fell in line on the counter and waited for my turn. While waiting, I continue watching the scene being created by my beloved classmate.

"What is happening here?" the manager of the restaurant intervenes.

"Sir, her ID is not working. The system said she is restricted in this area," the security personnel explains.

My eyes widen upon hearing the root of the commotion. Milly was right! There's something wrong with the IDs.

"Miss, your ID please?" the cashier lady asks. I did not notice that she already swiped all the items inside my cart. I also didn't know that I have to present my ID before paying for my bill.

"Do I have to show my ID? I can pay it. How much is it?" I nervously ask.

"Sorry, ma'am, but some of the items are restricted to some customers. Can I have your ID scanned, please?"

I hesitantly gave her my ID. I looked around the next counter beside me and heard a beeping sound from the system when the other customer gave his ID to the cashier lady. My nervousness doubled because of that. I closed my eyes and waited to hear a beeping sound from my card but it never happened.

"Here's your card, ma'am. The bill, please?" the lady smiles at me.

I am so confused as I give her my payment and until I exit the department store. I heard countless beeping sounds while walking towards the exit of the mall and as time went by, chaos slowly envelops the fancy area.

I am crossing the windowed wall of the appliances center when a loud squealing sound booms throughout the whole Galleria. I stop myself from walking to cover my ears because of the loud sound it created. After a second, a familiar warning tone barges in and the famous glitching sound follows. Suddenly, the display TV in front of the appliances center changes the video it's playing from an animated video into a clip of a masked man.

I hear loud gasps from everyone inside while I stand there shocked but happy at the same time. Everyone shifts their attention to the nearby television displays and the big holographic screen in the middle of the mall to hear what the notable man wants to announce.

"The walls you are trying to build against the oppressed are now stacked against you. We are condemning any form of discrimination because Good is Not Good when Better is Needed. We are The Anonymous."