
The Annihilator

 Karsha, deep in his sleep, felt something poking and tracing a circle on his face. However, being deeply asleep and with his battered body failing to respond, he disregarded it and continued slumbering.

Nevertheless, the persistent sensation of something brushing against his face kept unsettling him. Slowly, he began to exert his will over his body. Eventually, he managed to open his eyes slightly, but all he could see was a blurry figure.

He attempted to adjust his eyes in hopes of clearing the blurriness, but no matter how many times he tried, he couldn't compel them to obey. After several attempts, he relinquished the effort and decided to focus on his hearing instead.

"The Annihilator." He heard giggles followed by the word he heard before losing consciousness. 'Was I dreaming, or is this all reality? What is going on?' Seeing he couldn't do anything, he started wondering about what he saw and heard.

'Was that lady real, or am I just losing it.'