
Chapter 3

After class

Yuna " Yun did your family live here "

Yun " No , they did not know that im alive again "

Yuna " did the high tell before that our family will not remember the we died "

Yun " were different Yuna "

Yuna" why"

Yun" because like i said before that i died a long time ago its already to late for me so i just live here in this world as an student who lost her family when in grade 5 thats my new identity now"

Yuna" sorry i didnt know "

Yun" its fine "

Yuna" how can we identify the devil Yun "

Yun" if you see a person who change there eye in front of you that mean they need to eat a soul , they have power that can kill us .

Yuna " ahh before i died Yun , i see a people who they have a light power , did there another people like us "

Yun " we need to know if there is another erson who like us "

When we having a chatting , someone call me " Big sister did you already eat " i introduce Mizu to Yun " Yun this is my little sister Mizu and Mizu she is Yun my friend , she i the new transfer student her " " so thats why its my first time see her but i feel like i already meet her, are you sure that its our first meet " Yun -" its just first meet i just live here few weeks ago " and she smile . Mizu-"sorry i just feel that way , so big sis do you already eat " Yuna -" im already eatwhy do you ask " Mizu -" ahh nothing i just want toeat with you but you already eat " Mizu said goodbye to go back to her classroom"

Yun " i think your sister cry a lot when you died Yuna "

Yuna " no she not like otjer person "

Yun" what do you mean she not like the other "

Yuna " Mizu was not like the other because she special child , Mizu she cant cry "

Yun "she cant cry why "

Yuna " when she was born she didnt cry my parent said that , she born without expression , i reamember when i was 8 , someone call to our house and when my mother answer the phone call , she almost fainted , the person who call was from ******* hospital they said that Mizu was got into accident , we went to the hospital where Mizu was admitted , After we arrived, I saw Mizu lying in the hospital bed , she full of blood , but thanks to god Mizu was here with us but she lost her memory after that happen "

Yun "its really hurt for you Yuna to see her like that but i see her smile "

Yuna " after she lose her memory we starting to see Mizu smile but now its okay now "

Yun" you really a great sister " i smile to her and thanking her for praising me .

The day was so fast today is sunday and i will meet Yun , i was walking but someone bumped me when i look at him i feel a strange aura it freak me out when Yun came ,I immediately pulled Yun's arm away from there and i immediately told her what happen , Yun i look shock when i told her and she tell me that person i saw is devil , she helping me to clam down i feel again the strange aure and i saw the man i bumped was following us , i taugh him to Yun and the man was starting to run Yun was chasing him , when she caught the man with a strange aura that man eye was suddenly change into red eye and he super strong he kicked Yun , so Yun lost consciousness , he took out a knife and tried to stab Yun .