
the angel next door and the cupid's helping hand

suddenly transported to an anime world after dying with a system, sounds ridiculous to me at least, but seems like god had something else in mind suddenly giving me quests to be a matchmaker, at least pay me to do these, I have to live you know ;--; =================== bored and wanted to write a fan fic after watching the anime, if you like it that's good, if you don't whatever, this is ultimately me curing my boredom whiles trying to find any good novel to read, anyway peace

ashenlight · สมจริง
8 Chs

(un)usual day

From a very young age, I've always been fascinated by the concept of love, and with the fascination comes the curiosity of wanting to experience it myself, but not all things go what you want

After countless failures of trying to love someone with all my heart be it my childhood friend or my best friend I cannot bring myself to appreciate someone to the fullest

So if I cannot love, I will watch love stories and do my best to help them. that's what I told myself, so growing up I always tried to help the friends I made while in middle school find a girlfriend

"Haru wanna go to the arcade later" a voice snapped me out of my daze, I looked over and saw Genji approaching me from behind

"We can go after I finish this homework" I replied returning my attention to the math questions in my book

"Doing homework at school doesn't make it homework anymore," Genji replied as he walked over and glanced at the book.

"Well if I consider schools my home it does apply"

"Well, do you?" a question mark floated above his head

"Nope, just did not have enough time to finish this homework since I've been watching animes"

"Animes? What have you been watching?"

"The new ones like Otonari no Tenshi-sama ni Itsunomanika Dame ningen ni Sareteita Ken"

"Ohh what is your opinion on it master of love" Genji smirked

"Don't call me that it's a cringe name, also The anime was fine though the love progression is too slow"

"But you deserve the title, You hooked up Denji, Hayate, and even that loner Haruka to their current girlfriends and you even introduced me to Itsuki so don't be shy from the truth"

"I did it because I saw a good match that's all" Finishing the last question of the math answer I closed the book and packed it inside my bag "OK let's go" picking up the handbag

"Let's invite Itsuki as well, see if she wants to join"

"Hm" I nod in response, walking out of the classroom and passing several more We come to a stop with students already exiting the classroom wanting to go home and do their own agenda, After scanning the room Genji spotted a red-haired girl

"Itsuki!" Genji said to catch the attention of her

"Genji?" Itsuki looked at the source of the voice

"Wanna come to the arcade with us?"

"Sure just give me a minute," she said while packing her belongings, after a minute she was done and ready to leave

"lets go" she said with an enthusiastic expression

"Arcade here we come" Genji shouted while we walked to the entrance of the school

"Please don't do that again" I facepalmed my face trying to hide my embarrassment, Even Itsuki blushed a bit and told him not to do that

=time skip=

stopping at a crossroads the three of us waited till we could cross While I was watching the light, Itsuki and Genji were showing their affection to each other, and after a while, the light turned green for us and we crossed the road, a sudden screech to my side, a sudden truck fast approaching heading is our way, while the driver tried to press the break it was too late and in a last-minute effort to save the teenagers crossing the road he swirls the wheel right making the truck change the trajectory to the side of the arcade we were going to, but a sudden snap was heard and the trailer behind the truck struck loose and rolled over us, seconds before our heading towards us I pushed the couple to the ground, and luckily the trailer rolled over us barely grazing us

The three of us were speechless and lay on the ground for a few seconds unsure of what to say and passerby was screaming and was calling the ambulance for the man in the truck

"So how many possible deaths have we avoided" I said trying to break the ice

"Two" I heard Genji to my right say trying to process what just happened, Itsuki was the same

"How can you two even joke at times like this!?" Itsuki at my left looked at us with a surprised eye

"Just build different" I said indifferently

I heard a stiffened laugh to my right and I joined along

"Well how about treating me to a meal after saving you guys" I got up and extended my hand to help both of them up

"Yeah let's do that, The arcade won't be operating anyway, with the truck suddenly appearing and all" Genji replied grabbing my hand

"You guys really need therapy, You can't just shrug off almost getting ourselves killed" Itsuki said while grabbing my hand as well

Truthfully I was scared, but I didn't show it on my face or my voice, and Genji knows it, We were both scared but we didn't show it to divert our attention off the possibility of death

Dusting off my clothes we head off in a random direction to find something to eat, after sometimes we found a restaurant not far away, but hearing a loud creak above our head I looked to see a heavy sign about to hit us, I pushed the duo again but I was not as lucky as I my lower body was instantly crushed under the heavy metal sign

""HARU!!"" I heard the duo scream but under the immense pain I could not focus on anything else, with my vision blackening and soon turning to black

"HARU HANG IN THERE" I heard Genji's faint voice but it was futile as the voices stopped

=====author's corner====

hah, you thought Truck-kun was going to strike again? think again

well ill see how this goes if I find the spirit to continue this anyway, ja ne!