
Beginning of Journey

There was once a king that so heartless that he even force his subject to war with the gods and even ignore his subject scream or cries and he was called The Tyrant King Gilgamesh

He was the son of the Priest-King of Uruk a human and the minor Goddess of knowledge Wildcow Ninsun.Even if his parent were not great in the rank of god or anything. He manage to climb the rank of the god by his knowledge and his training.

At young age his Talent has been shown to the Gods by showing his powerful magical power and manage to impress the first Gods An and Ki.

But even being a two third of a god the other major gods felt jealous of him and start using his one third mortal self to make fun and even to degrade him from the rank of the gods.

He manage to put a gap between the god with his knowledge and to use his magic efficiently and prove himself to be a worthy as a god and even beated some of the god in a festival that held by the gods as an entertainment

But because of that he also making an enemy with the other gods that does not feel inferior to him. Which is Anu,Enlil and Enki.

These three gods was a mid god back at the time where the first gods were still alive.But they willing to use despicable method to seize the throne of The Major God to themselves and the despicable method was indeed a plan to kill the Major gods and secure the throne but they felt that Gilgamesh is a threat for them to reach their objectives and they send a puppet to handle their problems

The Goddessess Enki created her puppet named Enkidu from a mud and clay then she put a soul on that clay to bring it to life. He was created to rival Gilgamesh.

Enkidu was just like and animal with human figures. It even doesn't have any feeling so Enki by sending a human named Shamhat to teach him about human and after two weeks

After two weeks with her, he becomes human, intelligent and understanding words, however the beasts flee when they see him. Shamhat convinces Enkidu to face the tyrant Gilgamesh in combat. Meanwhile, in Uruk, the king has two dreams prophesying the arrival of his enemy.

Enkidu learned to behave like a man and Upon reaching Uruk, Enkidu closes the path to Gilgamesh who was going to sleep with a newlywed. Enraged, they fight brutally until the two end up tired, but at the end both appreciate each other's strength, and decide to be friends. Enkidu is depressed by having abandoned his old wildlife, to which Gilgamesh proposes an expedition to the Cedar Forest to kill Humbaba. But his friend explains that he knew the forest while he was a wild being, and that the expedition is dangerous. At the end, Gilgamesh decides to start a jouney without fear, the decision is agreed by the elders and advisers.The elders asked Enkidu to protect their king because the their king may be heartless but he never forget his duty as a king and constantly find ways for all of his citizen to escape poverty and planned many plans to benefitted his citizen and this make him a successful as a King. Thus they felt worry for the king's journey