
The 14000 Mile Journey VIII

I wake up as the heat makes me sweat. This is a hot morning, and now I'm going to be taking another bath. I lean up in the tent and see that Hailey is still knocked out, heavy sleeper much. I open the entrance to the tent and feel the warm air. Talk about weather getting better, I walk over to the fire and it has no warm coals this time. No matter, I walk over to the stream we set up camp by and unequip my items. 

I dive in and enjoy the cool relief. I find water to be the greatest thing ever, not only does it have several uses. Its the main thing people have to stay alive. I begin to scrub my armpits and attempt to clean them, while its not perfect its better then nothing. To bad I don't have any soap, man that would be awesome. "WHY IS IT SO DAMN HOT!!!" I hear my sister yell from inside the tent. The reaction is reasonable in opinion.