
The Ancient Vampires

Lovee_Monay · แฟนตาซี
3 Chs

Where It All Began...

Long Ago in a town called Red Lawn humans lived among vampires. There were multiple covens with different supernatural creatures but mainly the vampires. In 1865 the supernatural creatures got bored and wanted more power so they had a council meeting of what to do. To gain power and control they could either fuck up their reputation and kill humans all over the town or start to work jobs and make money so they can make new buildings, parks, houses and etc. In their eyes with money you can do anything.

So the council thought that it would be safer for the creatures to work jobs because it would gain them a title or a name for the town. Once half of the Town started to work the other half was sneaking in the council houses basements to create plans of how they are going to kill and destroy the town for power. 6 months later news started to get out that humans were getting killed 10 times a day and there was fear all around the town

In 1866 the chaos got even worse. At this point humans were either fleeing the town or staying to fight the supernatural off. Over half the populations of humans were dead and it had to be stopped. Aria Oak ( The Original witch) sent most of the problematic covens to the parallel (the other side) and there were only 5 remaining unproblematic covens left. Aria let them live if only they don't drink human blood, If they do then there bodies will disintegrate and their souls will be in the parallel.

After the covens left Red Lawn and went on with their lives the rivers became the most successful covens in the history of covens and moved into the town called Blue Wood in 1918. Nothing about the supernatural was to be mentioned ever again. Of course there's books, movies and tv shows but no one really believes them...right?.