
The Ancestral Power

Arthur is an orphan living in the countryside. He lives in an orphanage with many other kids just like him. He isn't very popular among the other kids and usually gets bullied. Until one day, the bullies take it too far. Arthur goes through a change that will change his future. For better or worse? Only time will tell... Prepare yourself for the most unsightly release schedule you've ever witnessed.

Sir_Shamu · แฟนตาซี
21 Chs

A Controllable Monster

Arthur stood there, staring at the stats screen in front of him, trying to process everything that had just happened. He couldn't believe that he had gained such incredible abilities just by consuming a single creature. As he looked up from the screen, he realized that he was still in the prison.

He wanted to get out of there and explore the extent of his new powers.

Arthur quickly made his way out of the cell and into the dark, empty halls of the prison. As he explored, Arthur couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement and wonder. He had never experienced this kind of power before, and he was eager to see just how far he could push himself. But as he continued his exploration, he couldn't shake the feeling that something was off. Cobwebs littered the prison, the floor was of dirt. The prison was... empty.

Continuing to wander, wondering how to escape such a cramped and disgusting prison Arthur heard a faint scratching sound coming from one of the nearby cells. He approached cautiously, his senses on high alert. As he peered inside the cell, he saw a small, trembling creature huddled in the corner. It was covered in fur and had big, innocent-looking eyes.

The creature frankly looked like a small monkey, two horns growing out of its head as well as a sharp pointed tail made out of bone. Arthur's stomach rumbled at the sight of the creature, and he couldn't help but feel a sudden urge to consume it. He reached out to grab the creature, His mind in conflict with his body. Controlling this hunger was harder than he thought. His senses begin to dull, his now orange eyes shine with hunger. Acidic drool begins to drip from his jaw, bestial features unconsciously growing out of him as his stomach rumbles.

He tries to tear his gaze off the adorable creature, but his hunger won't allow him. His arm once again reaches forward, his eyes deepen with sorrow, pain, and hunger as he grabs the tiny creature around the neck and bites a chunk out of its leg, piercing the skin and digging into its tender, delicious flesh. It screams in his hard, cold grasp. It screams and cries out for help, Arthur hears every second of it but continues eating.

His hunger refuses to give up. Biting the last piece of the left leg he had been ripping apart, the little monkey has lost a lot of strength, and it's hitting Arthur with all the strength it has left, desperately clinging to its dear life. Arthur gets hit in the back of the head

"The gods Verlachó, what are you doing?!" Arthur turns and stares at the mature woman, now with tears littering his eyes and face, tears fall as he regretfully considers consuming the rest of the little monkey.

The woman looks at him with pity. He turns around, brandishing his teeth and mandibles to bite into the creature once more. "Listen to me, if you bite into that thing again, you're not going to stop until it's dead. Stop now, before it's too late" she says with her voice laced with sadness. Arthur's face scrunches with self-control and difficulty.

Drool piling in his mouth his jaw widens slightly. She holds his shoulder and says with a sad tone "Only you can help yourself" The creature is now barely alive, it has stopped hitting Arthur and is now lying limp in his arms. Arthur can hear its heartbeat getting weaker, if he doesn't do something now, it will die. His jaw closes, the bestial features receding as he swallows. His hand glows a mild white as soothing light envelops the tooth-torn leg.


Mild healing activated


The flesh around starts to grow together, binding into a closed wound, the bones in the creature rapidly produce new blood cells, and the heartbeat of the creature grows a bit stronger. The entire leg doesn't come back, however. The wound has closed and now, only a stump remains, Arthur's tears glide down his neck as he reflects on his actions. He puts the unconscious creature back into the corner.

The woman helps Arthur up with a proud smile and reaches her hand out to him

"Savúl, nice to meet you, Arthur."

He shakes her hand and whispers

"Thank you"

She pats him on the shoulder "It was the least I could do, Bill put the thing here as a test, but do not be fooled, he did not want you to succeed." Arthur looks at her with a confused and horrified expression. "What do you mean by that?" Savúl's eyes darken

"To put it into words is difficult for me, but i think this makes sense: He'd rather have a controllable monster than an uncontrollable soldier."