

  Jason's POV

  "Son, I know you don't like these town meetings, but it is our responsibility to ensure our pack's safety, and we can only do that if we work with the towns on our borders. It's an hour out of our week to hear their issues and report to them any trespassing and concerns we have." Maxwell explained, his tone relaxed, but his face left no room for argument.

  As the Alpha to the Blue Moon Pack, Maxwell had a fierce reputation despite the rumour mill, started by his enemies trying to destroy his name. He was known as the Alpha who killed first and asked questions later; as his first-born son, I wasn't ashamed to admit the apple didn't fall far from the tree.

  Nodding to my father in acknowledgement, I refused to voice that I found listening to the complaints of the humans in this town tiresome and futile. If they were too weak to defend themselves, let them die out. As far as I was concerned, a few less humans was hardly an issue.

  Crossing my arms, I leaned back against the wall of the hall and observed the humans as they piled through the doors and began taking their seats, finding myself assessing each of their strengths and weaknesses as they filed passed. The room filled quickly, turning my attention to my Father, who looked every bit the alpha male that he was, coming in at 6'1, a few inches shorter than myself, but there was no mistaking that we were Father and son, we had the same dark hair, sharp eyes, and squared jaw. 

  Cracking my knuckles, I sighed as my Father began to address the town, thanking everyone for taking the time out of their days to come to the meeting. He had just started talking about the repairs made to the building we stood in and how impressed he was with the craftsmanship and care that had gone into the renovation. Thanking the residents for honouring his pack with the colour scheme, he was careful to use the word 'family' instead of 'pack' in case there were some mundane's present that were unaware of exactly who he was.

  Hearing the light laughter echo through the hall, my attention twisted to the doorway, as did everyone else's.

  "Who the fuck is disrespectful enough to turn up late to a meeting and then interrupt it" I growled inwardly to my wolf Archer who was whining uncontrollably, desperate to see the face behind the laughter.

  "Don't you fucking start!" I warned my wolf, who seemed to be in heat at the moment finding every young female shag-able. "I am not going to hump a human; I am not that desperate! I don't care what she looks like." My jaw stiffened watching the petite redhead stroll in, suitcase in toe and two town members on either side of her, narrowing my eyes at the wheel that squeaked with each movement it made. Her arm was linked with an older woman who seemed displeased with her; I couldn't help my cock twitching at the beautiful blush that spread across her cheeks. She seemed to sense everyone staring and bit her lip nervously, which didn't help Archer's winning.

  "I want!" He growled possessively, watching her apologise. "NOW!" He roared, almost pushing to the surface. It took all my strength to fight him back; tightening my jaw and trying to breathe slowly, I watched her interact with her companions. The male she had arrived with disappeared into the hall, but my eyes locked on the redheads.

  "Who?" My wolf whined.

  "Since when did you lose the ability to talk in full sentences?" I quizzed Archer confused at his impulsive behaviour. "I have never seen her before, buddy; calm down. She must be new to town."

  "I want her." He expressed as he tried to push forward to get a better look at her through my eyes. Suddenly, I could feel anger ripple off him, and it took me a second to fight for control seeing the male return to her side. A male I knew all too well.

  "KILL!" Archer's voice boomed through my head, causing me to wince as I watched the exchange between them.

  "Why is he touching her? KILL!" He growled, his jealousy quickly escalating to rage as he dropped his arm around her; a growl rumbled from my chest that she must have heard because her eyes caught mine and Archers.

  "Careful, Buddy, we are around humans; Pop's will kill us if we ruin today." I tried to soothe his anger, failing miserably. I offered the only thing I could think of to calm his crazy ass down.

  "Control yourself, and I promise I will find her later." Relief spread through my body, feeling him relax but staying present; I could feel him watching her through my eyes. I just prayed the stupid male would keep his hands to himself before Archer removed them from him in the middle of the town meeting and started another war.

  I let my eyes fall over her body; she was curvy, which I liked, but very pale, almost transparent; her hair looked like fire as it bounced around her neck, falling loose from its restraints, but her eyes shone like enormous emeralds. Sensing me eyeing her, that gorgeous blush returned to her cheeks, causing my cock to strain against my jeans. Not all of me was opposed to bedding a human, after all.

  She turned to where her friend's arm sat on her shoulders and looked back at him with sass, the message in her eyes clear. 'Remove your arm,' a shrug from her ensured that he did as she wished. Clearly not getting the hint! Running his thumb over her blush like he was some sort of God, whispering in her ear! He was a slim ball. How she rolled her eyes had him laughing, leaning in far too close to her honeyed lips was too much for Archer who lost his mind.

  "MINE!" He roared from my lips. Everyone turned, startled by the sudden anger, to look at me, even my father, who had at some point started talking again; when did that happen? Realising I had dozens of eyes on me, I nodded toward the redhead and spoke clearly.

  "MY father is talking; show some respect and continue to talk to your friend after the meeting," I snapped.

  "Dead friend!" Archer added in my mind, making me chuckle.

  "Not yet." I steadied him.

  "Sorry, Kiddo, my bad." The large male added, his eyes shining with sarcasm; he was unquestionably challenging me. 

  "We will behave… for now." He added with a wink towards me, clearly not giving a damn, as he draped his arm back around her, all the eyes on her returning to the front with knowing grins and laughs. Given how she leaned into him she was evidently nervous.

  "NOW?" Archer growled, feeling my rage meet his at the asshole's clear challenge.

  "Soon," I confirmed back to my wolf, both of us spending the next hour imagining ways to remove his limbs slowly and painfully.