
Disappear Like Dust

Nia's spirit watched the two men from where they were standing, at that time she wanted to communicate with Arya, but she canceled her intention for fear of surprising Arya with her ghost form. While Arya and Darren were still conversing while occasionally Darren opened his cellphone screen, waiting for a reply to a text message or call from Anne.

"What are you doing, Darren? You look like a confused and agitated person. Are you waiting for someone?" Arya asked curiously.

Darren shook his head, then smiled faintly at Arya, "No. I'm not waiting for someone, I'm just waiting for a call from Anne."

"Maybe your fiancé is busy, didn't you say yesterday that Ryan told Anne and Irwan to go to Santorini to find Ryan's girlfriend there, as well as take their things at the Aetna Hotel?" Arya asked again.