
Two lies and a truth

My heart fluttered looking at the face he was giving me, his forest green eyes looking at me with more heat than he ever has before. Unconsciously I reached out and grabbed his hand still staring back at him. He flinched but took my hand as well, Fallon was jumping around practically screaming with joy.

"Does any one know how we're going to do that?" Ash's voice came from the door way. He was leaning casually against the door frame.

"I have my ways." Finn responded not taking his eyes off of me.

"Well now that, its settled any one want to start on a more serious situation we have?" Val paused for dramatic effect causing everyone to look at her. "Dinner. Duh." she laughed but no one joined in with her. "tough crowd."

She got up dragging Dustin be hind her, Ash followed them out. I looked at my hand still being held, it looked so small in comparison but it fit all to well. I couldn't help but smile looking at it. He wanted to protect me, he wants to help me. I looked up at him and it was almost as if seeing him in a new light, he no longer scared me to the bone. Although his energy is still intimidating, I didn't want to run. I wanted to fight along side of him.

"He gives off bad vibes cousin." Emma said in a small voice, she was staring off towards the direction the others went.

"Dustin? No he's my beta he would never do anything to hurt the pack." he answered sounding so sure.

"Ash?" I exclaimed shocked, she just nodded in response. "Oh no he is harmless. What makes you say that?" I laughed at the thought of Ash intimidating any one.

"Well I thought you might know seeing as we hail from the same pack." I looked at her confused. Same pack? Was she from the large southern pack?

"Your from the south?" I asked trying to understand exactly what she meant.

"You really don't know? Have you ever asked your parents about your wolves?" she said just as confused as I was.

"They said it was just due to us being workers for the pack, that we didn't need them." I said remembering all the times I had wished I could run with my friends.

"I'm sorry to have to be the one to tell you this but.. You've been lied to." she said bowing her head respectfully.

Why was she bowing her head to me? Was this since I was going to be the new Luna? That didn't feel right, I kept looking back and forth between them. She looked at me with so much sincerity but my parents would never lie to me. Especially about something like this. I could feel myself starting to get panicky when a small squeeze of my hand, the warmth managed to calmed me. Finn just looked at me like he knew the big secret already but didn't want to be the one to spill it.

"W.. What do you mean? And please no need to be formal with the bow. F..Finn and I haven't completed our mate ceremony yet." I said shakily not sure if I even want to know the truth.

"Well, there was once a small pack mainly consisting of females but not all. We called ourselves the Children of the Goddess. The moon goddess had always gifted the females in our pack with some sort of present of power or something similar. I for example can read auras and intentions." she stopped looking at Finn to see if I was alright. When satisfied she continued.

"Well quite a long time ago the pack dispersed after being cursed by a witch so we could no longer commune with our wolves. The goddess enraged found a loop hole. When we meet our mates we finally can feel our wolves." she said causing me to stand up.

"My mom and dad are mates but they do not have access to their wolves." I said my voice shaking.

"Well there is a reason for that but I do not wish to be the one to say." she bowed her head again showing respect before continuing. "Although I will say it is a pleasure to meet the next Alpha for our pack. It truly is an honor." saying this she looked up at me with a beaming smile.

Alpha? My legs faltered, I was ready to crash back into the chair but was caught by the large arms of my mate. The warmth of his arms radiated tingles every where they touched. I looked up to see his face, he looked so sad. Seeing that Fallon surfaced just a little giving me her strength to stand up and let him know I could handle this.

"My parents would never lie to me." I said, it sounded more like a question than a statement.

"I did not mean to upset you, please forgive me." she said again looking scared. Her head whipping back and forth between our faces.

"I think I need to go home." I said moving to walk towards the door, my legs threatening to give out beneath me.

"I'll drive." Finn said catching me as I lost a little bit of my balance. I felt like my whole life had been turned upside down.

"Oh and Finny, your moms going to be mad I dropped the ball on this. I think I'll stay at the omega house tonight." she called out as we headed to the door.

I stopped in the hallway leaning against the wall just trying to stop my head from spinning. Even Fallon was shaken and trying to get a grasp, how could I know who was telling the truth. My breath was still shakier than it should be so I closed my eyes and tried to steady it. I felt the warmth of his hand fall and a small warning growl left his chest.

"What did you do?!" Ash yelled dropping the snack tray he was holding and rushing to my side. "First the girls, and then you play like you like her. Just leave her alone already." he said as he tried to take my arm.

Finn's eyes flickered back and forth in color as he tried to gain control of his wolf. He let out another low powerful growl causing Ash to back off. The energy radiating off of him was immense. Ash whimpered dropping to one knee as the it grew in intensity directed at him. I felt so sorry for him, I knew exactly what it was like to be facing an alpha with no wolf. I tried to speak but it was barely a whisper so I tried again.

"ENOUGH!" I yelled in that same voice that came to me before, causing the threatening aura he was emitting to lighten. "Can't you see you scared him." I said helping Ash up from his kneeling stance.

"You're my mate." Finn growled at me but I stood my ground.

"He's my friend, we've known each other for years. He is allowed to help me if something doesn't seem right. I don't care what she thinks he has always helped me." I said letting go of Ash, turning my confused emotions on Finn.

"He's right ya know. Make up your mind." I turned and walked out of the house to my car not stopping for either of them calling out to me. This time my anger overpowered my fear and confusion, my strides were long and faster thanks to Fallon's strength that was easily mixing with my own.

I had gotten in my drivers seat and started my car when Finn opened the passenger side door and hopped in. I need to start locking my doors as soon as I get in if he keeps this up. I didn't look over at him I just kept my eyes straight and drove off. I could feel the anger and something else coming off of him.

"You know, I've never let someone talk to me like you have now.. Twice I count." his voice was strained but he continued. "Your my mate so I let it slide this time. Do not disrespect me in front of other people. Or even at all." the command of an alpha setting on his tone causing me to pull over so we don't crash. I just breathed in and out trying to stay calm and not run from the car.

"Yes, young alpha." I whispered causing him to groan. I looked at him confused, he was pinching his nose between his brows with his eyes closed.

"You going to drive or we going to sit here all night?" he said meeting my gaze. His anger still rolling off of him but now mixed with something new.

"I.. I think you should drive." I said not sure I could, my heart was racing and my head still reeling from earlier. He just chuckled and got out of the car. Why he was laughing was beyond me, his mood is constantly shifting I was starting to get dizzy from all the directions it goes. The mate bond only conveyed them to me even more strongly than any one else.

He took long powerful strides around the car opening my door before I could. Instead of getting out I climbed over the tattered center-console and sat cross legged in the passenger seat. Laughing still he got in and started driving again, he seemed a little more relaxed noticing I was starting to calm down too. He looked so out of place in my beat up old car, it was nothing like his new truck. I suppose that's the luck of the alpha.

"We are a future luna and according to that girl a alpha of our own pack." Fallon said annoyed with my actions tonight. Ignoring her I went back to staring at him.

"Mate is something wrong?" he said pulling me out of the trance I was starting to fall under. He peaked over at me catching me, I could feel the blood rush to my cheeks causing them to go bright red.

I shook my head and turned to look out the window. The trees were flying by in the darkness that was slowly starting to take over. I wondered what my parents will say when I ask them about this. How will I know what to believe if they have been lying to me this whole time. What ever it was I'm sure they must have had their reasons.

We approached my house and my nerves threatened to take over again. I let out a sigh and prepared for what ever outcome waited for me. His giant black truck was already parked out front of my house waiting for him. I wonder what poor wolf had the job of playing taxi for him. I could only imagine how tough job that must be, the long string of girls constantly with him trailing through my mind at the thought. I groaned internally at the different faces I had seen him with.

"We're here." he said as he got out and walked around the car opening my door. I got out eyeing him, the thought of the others still fresh in my mind.

I smiled and thanked him quietly starting towards the house. I must have been making a face because he grabbed my hand, turning the normal tingles to fireworks on my skin.

"Daliah, you want to.. uh.. Do you want me to come in with you?" he said stuttering slightly. My brows knitted together I was ready to refuse when he made this small innocent face. He looked like a puppy who was about to be told no to a treat.

Still not fully ready to talk I grabbed his hand and tugged him in the direction of the back yard. Instead of talking I knew exactly what I needed, I needed to run. We walked through the small gate and to the tree line as I had before.

"Would you like to go for a run?" I looked down at my feet waiting for him to say no and go back to his normal cold self. A grin spread across his face, which surprised Fallon and I. "Stay here I'll let you know when its time." after saying that I stepped into the darkness.

I shifted faster than I have before, Fallon was excited to run with our mate and that he was behaving as he was. I let out a small howl coming out from behind the trees. He smiled at us, Fallon felt giddy knowing he was looking at her. She did a small strut to him with her head up high. He laughed at her mock elegance.

"Okay my turn." leaving us he disappeared where we had just come out. He let out a loud howl causing me to answer it.

One by one all of the wolfs in the area responded to his howl. He huffed in delight at the melody of their song. Fallon couldn't resist him she followed his scent behind the tree line looking to play. When she finally saw him she got down in a downward dog letting out a playful growl. He matched her stance before turning and running in the other direction getting deeper into the woods.

We ran fast, jumping over fallen logs and through the over grown brush. It didn't take long before we were at the river near my house. Fallon went over to get a drink thirsty from exerting so much energy, she had only been out a few times and was keeping up with him. Her happy thoughts were interrupted by a splash, her head shot up to see our mate prancing away, if he were in human form he would definitely be whistling.

With out making noise she jumped closing the distance before tackling him into a barrel roll. We ended rolling and Fallon stood over him with one paw on his chest. His wolf just turn his head slightly opening his mouth causing his tongue to fall out making him look like the happiest wolf in the world. Seeing him like this Fallon was elated, with out a second thought she licked his face.

"Really?!" I yelled at her not sure we were even ready for that. His wolf just laid there still. "Come on! That is enough please." I was mortified I wondered what he would think when we shifted. She huffed at my thought and got off of him slowly and laid down.

I do apologize for the delay on the realease non of these chapters are pre-written and sometimes life has a way of taking us away from what we love. Hope to realase a few more chapters this week! Thank you for your patience:)

Nyxxuscreators' thoughts