

Alpha king killian, 388 years old, The lycan created by moon goddess herself, is the strongest werewolf ever exist. he is immortal, not even silver effects him, he is feared by all. but without a mate his life is meaning less. he searched for his mate for 388 LONG years but found no one, but everything changes when he visit a pack called green Valley, there he meets 7 year old little girl name daisy and found that, this little human is his mate. killian thought he will never leave this little human, his little mate alone but goddess has written something else. On Daisy's 8th birthday rouges attack on green valley pack, killed Daisy's mother and abducted daisy but somehow daisy manages to escape them,After ten years destiny put daisy and killian again in front of each other. Will they be together forever or will they be seperate again?.

The_loneshewolf · แฟนตาซี
13 Chs

chapter 11-


"I am not letting mate out of my arms," I said to Kraken and he purred in response.

"Wait daisy? You mean this daisy, the daughter of my beta Charlie, is your mate, alpha king?" Alpha Samuel asked, stunned by the news.

"Yes, she is my mate and your future queen too," I announced.

"I will be a queen?" Asked little daisy in her angelic voice, "Yes, little princess you will be my queen when you grow up into a beautiful woman" I told my little angel, she is just so adorable.

She started giggling while saying I will be a queen.

"Alpha king, alpha Samuel" My beta Simon and third in command William came towards me with their mates and for the first time I was not jealous or raging like I used to do instead I felt happy, I nodded towards them and focused on the little sleepy head in my arms, her beautiful blue eyes were closed and there was pouting.

Moon Goddess she looks so adorable

While sleeping and that pout, Bless my eyes.

" Beta Simon, gamma William, Lilly, Julia" alpha Samuel and Charlie greeted them all.

"And who is this beautiful girl you are holding in your arms alpha king," Simon said while raising his arm to touch my daisy.

A terrifying growl escapes me, my wolf and I were in rage that Simon was going to touch OUR mate.

"You dare to fucking touch my mate again and I will skin you alive" I snarled harshly to Simon and watched, the look of pure terror settled on Simon and everyone's faces.

everyone near me whimpered and took a step back, they knew better than to anger me further.

Suddenly realisation hit me that daisy is in my arms sleeping and because of my loud growling and harsh snarling her sleep would be disturbed.


Because of me, her sleep would be disturbed, I can not even control my fucking anger.

But To my surprise, the little angel in my arms did not even budge, instead, she was now more nuzzling up to me, a sign of relief escaping past my lips and I smile gently at my mate and pat her hair lightly.

I was brought back to earth by Simon and Lilly's gasp.

"This child is yo-ur mat- Alpha-ki-ng your mate" Simon stuttered and was not able to form a whole sentence.

"I feel you bruh I feel you, I was just as surprised as you are," Kraken said sarcastically.

This dumbass wolf can not keep his mouth shut.

"Ahhhhhhh you found your mate alpha" Lilly squealed and hugged me and my mate, "who is fucking sleeping, get this dramatic woman away from mate now" Kraken screamed at me.

Oh fuck, mate is still sleeping.

"Lilly get away, daisy will wake up," I said harshly, " oh I am so sorry alpha king, I got so excited that I did not see that luna is sleeping," she said

In a sorry tone." but I am so happy for you alpha king, finally now we will have our luna to guide us, isn't that great Simon" she said nudging Simon who still was in shock.

"Congratulations dude, I can not believe you finally found your mate, I am so fucking happy for you." Simon beamed happily and like Lilly, he also hugged me and my mate and I can't help but snarl making him back off instantly.

"Fucking happy" daisy said suddenly and my eyes widen.

"Daisy how many times do I have to remind you that you can not use the f-word " Charlie scolded her sternly and I growled.

I know that Charlie is right that she is too little to use abusive words and most of all he is daisy's father but her father or not, no one can say a word to her, now that I am here only I can scold her.


"You dare to scold or raise your voice at my mate again and I will not be responsible for the consequences you will face" I snapped at Charlie and again they all whimpered, I turned to my little one to scold her but all my determination of scolding her vanished the moment I saw her.

She has that pretty little pout on her face that melts my heart instantly.

"Killian, see paa is scolding me for saying something he says all the time, is this fair," she said pouting.

"Baby I know it's not fair but you can not say bad words baby, bad girls say bad words and I do not like bad girls, are you a bad girl baby?" I said and her eyes widened "no, no I am not! I am a good girl " she said quickly, and she continued.

"I will be a good girl killian and I will be so good that you will give treat me daily, I will not use the f- word again and I will be a good girl, I will be you, good girl," she said softly and my heart was filled with joy at what she said.

She wants me to think that she is a good girl and she is even ready to stop using abusive language for me, that means the mate bond is working miracle on us and even if she is not 18 yet it is still working but because of me being an alpha it is working this instant.

"Yes, little princess you are a good girl and you are my good girl".

"MY GOOD GIRL" hummed Kraken.



If anyone was waiting for an update, sorry for the late update, I am just having a really bad time right now and if you don't know what I am talking about you can check my profile's conversation section to know more about it.

I will be more than happy to talk to you guys so please feel free to dm(or whatever it's called) me any time you want.

Hope y'all are doing great.
