

Mona Roland is a talented make-up artiste working as an assistant in one of the most renowned make-up company in LA. Her life took a different turn when she was given a contract to do makeover for a royal princess who is to be married a day before Christmas. Little did did she know her decision for accepting the contract lies a deeper bond she won't be able to break off, and that was no other than the Alpha King Damon himself. Will she be able to escape the claws of this Alpha King, when she barely found out werewolves exist, since she was just a human?. But what if she finds out a deeper secret leading to why she was to be with him?. Let's find out!.

Imma2city · สมัยใหม่
150 Chs




Mona was busy sorting out some files firvher business when she suddenly felt dizzy.

She's been feeling bthese way fjrcdsys now, and she just did not understand why she was feeling this way.

Still she didn't let that bother her as she was too nusy trying to wrap everything up so she could go see her husband.

She's been away from him for a month now, all because she wanted to see the compsny fjr herself and since sge made Necca her assistance CEO, there's ee still some things sge wanted to educate Becca on.

"Becca, I've had all the files arranged and documented fjr yiu."

Becca ego was so engrossed I'm goi g through some of the things Mona hsd written down raised her head uo instantly.

"Oh thank you Mona. What woukd I have done of you weren't here."

"It's okay Becca. The company's growth is solely in our hands, so we should strive to make it better."