

Mona Roland is a talented make-up artiste working as an assistant in one of the most renowned make-up company in LA. Her life took a different turn when she was given a contract to do makeover for a royal princess who is to be married a day before Christmas. Little did did she know her decision for accepting the contract lies a deeper bond she won't be able to break off, and that was no other than the Alpha King Damon himself. Will she be able to escape the claws of this Alpha King, when she barely found out werewolves exist, since she was just a human?. But what if she finds out a deeper secret leading to why she was to be with him?. Let's find out!.

Imma2city · สมัยใหม่
150 Chs



Damon was in his office, so lost in thoughts when Patrick  walked  in. 

"Alpha Damon, you have a visitor." Damon raided his head up lazily, with created brow 

"Didn't I tell I want no visitor?"

"I know, bit you need to see this one, since she was coming  from a far away place."

"Who the hell  is that?!"

"Oh come on Alpha Damon, you dint have to get too pissed up. It isn't  good for business you know."

Damon's  rage gradually  erased when he saw Erjca. Sge wasn't  an enemy and neither was she a threat. She was just a woman  who only wanted to make her pack stand out. 

And honestly, he like women  like her who do everything  within their powers to stand out from the crowd.

"I heard you went on a long business  trip." Damon instantly  took a quick glance  at Patrick, who gave him a yes signal. 

"Well.., yeah. I just came back not quite long."

"I see, no wonder  it was hard seeing you ti dicuss some issues."