


Kiss me like you need

To feel safe

Because my lips want to know

All the places

You have been hurt

So, they can make all the pain drift away.


I was lying beside you

And you had this half smile

Because my hands

Were drifting down your spine.

And you looked at me

And I lost track of everything

Because I realized 

Just how badly

I want under your skin.


*** Pillow Thoughts; Courtney Peppernell *** 


"I want you, Iris, will you give yourself to me?"


The words were heard by her ears and echoed in her heart. Above them, the cloud hid the moon, as if it was too shy with the bold declaration of the alpha. 


He wanted her, he wanted his mate. 


He took her away from the pack house, so they wouldn't be bothered and for tonight, it would be only the two of them that matter. 

