
The alpha blood revenge

DaoistCkxgQf · แฟนตาซี
5 Chs

Chapter 5

CHAPTER 5 • The Task

•••23 YEARS, 7 Months.•••

The village of Felin and many kingdoms had improved in all those passing years, and things had changed a lot. 

At night, the town lights came on in Felin and shone on the road. A number of people would be out in the street, doing whatever they wanted to but when the clock struck nine o'clock, things began to get dangerous all over the kingdoms.

Many people in their kingdoms, towns, and villages, were terrified to be out at that time. When a person stepped out of their house around nine o'clock, they were assured he will never be seen again. 

People were so fearful of that time of the night that they stayed indoors till the sun bloomed in the sky. People had never seen his face, some said he was a demon that lurked around for the soul, while some said he was a human but more powerful than a normal human. Once he struck his arrow to the evil being or sensed it, that day would be the end of the person and he wouldn't be seen again. Even though they feared him, there were some poor people that adored him because he sometimes gave them valuable things that made them to rethink what kind of human being he was. 

At the town bar and also a restaurant, a famous bar-restaurant in the town of Felin, owned by the chief's daughter… 

Scarlett Gabriel was a stunning, cunning, and big-headed girl, she's twenty years old with blonde hair, hazel eyes, and a beautifully curved body. Her father was the chief of the town of Felin, in the kingdom of Elorerin. Scarlett's mother passed away when she was ten years old so she was raised by her lovely stepmother together with her stepsister, Nina, who thought of Scarlett as her role model. 

Scarlett's dream was to open her own dream bar and restaurant, even though her father wasn't in support of it. Despite his initial misgivings, he couldn't refuse his precious daughter her desire, besides she stubbornly kept insisting on her dreams. He built her a big cafe close to their house which had now become one of the latest bars - restaurants in the whole kingdom. 

Her friends and those she hired adored her, not many other people liked her but Scarlett didn't care. She was trying to live life on her own terms despite the secret of her real identity which haunted her at times and made her feel like less of a normal person. Thankfully, her family was always there to support her through it all, especially her father. 

At night, around 8:49 pm, everyone started returning back to their houses before nine o'clock hit. The customers at the bar - restaurant were slowly leaving, some did not even finish eating their meals while some packed whatever remained of their meals and took it back home. 

Scarlett's friends and a few of her workers had already gone home, the only people left were Scarlett; Nina; Mrs. Rachael, the cashier; and Mr. Ramsey, the chef. 

Nina and Scarlett cleaned and fixed the place. They put the chairs on the tables and took the plates to the kitchen, then came out of the kitchen and stood in the lobby, like they were waiting for something.

"What time is it?" Scarlett asked Nina. Nina looked at the big clock on the wall. 

"It's 8:56 pm." She replied. 

"Well, we're done, let's go home." Scarlett and Nina walked toward the door when Scarlett touched her dress pocket and felt something. "Wait!" 

Nina turned and looked at her, Scarlett brought out the thing inside her pocket. She looked astonished to see the envelope given by her father. He had earllier given her the task to take the envelope to Mr. Hudson, the mailman's house, on his behalf as he was out of town. She had  been caught up in so much work in the cafeteria that she had forgotten.

"Oh no! I forgot to take the envelope to Mr. Hudson's house. Oh, dad is going to be furious." Scarlett slapped her head and muttered, feeling scared of her father getting angry for not completing his work. 

"Why don't you take it there tomorrow." Nina said to her, and Scarlett gazed into her eyes. 

"Are you crazy? By the time I arrive at his house, Mr. Hudson will be gone. Dad assigned such an important task to me and now I have now. What should I do?'' Scarlett looked disappointed with herself, knowing that it was impossible for her to go out there on this cold night, but she had to figure out a way to take this envelope to Mr. Hudson at any cost.

"I'm going to take this envelope to him right now!" Scarlett said and Nina looked at her, astonished by her words. 

"You must be crazy! Do you see the time? It's almost nine o'clock, and Dad and Mom have warned us to never go out at this time of the night or else-"

"Ugh!" Scarlett rolled her eyes and grunted. "You and the town people's spooky story, there is nothing known as the Nightwalker, okay." Scarlett scowled and crossed her hands, looking to the other side. 

"Oh really!? But many kingdoms know about him, some even say they saw him-" 

"If you're done, can I go now? I'm going inside the house to get my medieval cloak. If you're coming with me then let's go, if you're not then don't waste my time." Scarlett said to her. Nina pouted her face, thinking about it. She was afraid to go outside at that time but also scared to let Scarlett go alone. She folded her hands and furrowed her eyebrows, quirked her lips, while Scarlett stared at her, waiting for her answer, 

"Fine! I'm coming." Nina said with a pout on her face. Scarlett smiled and grabbed Nina's wrist as they went inside. 

They went into their room and wore thick clothes; it was very cold outside. They put on their medieval cloaks and put on the caps, covering their heads. 

Soon enough, they were ready to go, so they stepped out of their room. Scarlett made sure that the envelope was kept safe with her and even took her small handbag with her. Then they sneaked out of the house without their mother's knowledge…