
The alpha blood revenge

DaoistCkxgQf · แฟนตาซี
5 Chs

Chapter 4

CHAPTER 4 • Fake News

Every word that came out of his mouth was genuinely from his heart, the pain she saw in his eyes was the same pain she was going through right now. She never thought that losing a mate could hurt like hell. She felt like she was set on flames that will never extinguish till the day she took her last breath on earth. 

"But why do you ask?" Jasper turned his head to look at her. She was sobbing, clenching her fingers as tears flowed from her eyes. 

He grabbed her right arm gently and turned her around to face him. "Hey, why are you crying again?" She looked at him and abruptly hugged him tightly as she burst into tears. 

"They took him away from me!" She said while whimpering. "Dad and Caddel's brother murdered him." Jasper felt sad and angry, he couldn't believe Gregory could stoop so low as to killing his brother. But what surprised him the most was that his dad was involved in it. 

"Don't cry, okay? We will punish those murderers."Jasper comforted Caitlin. He felt furious and hurt, seeing his sister's condition. He felt infuriated with his father and her brother-in-law, mostly his father, he had just widowed his daughter and rendered an innocent pup fatherless, his grandson at that. "Don't worry everything is going to be alright." Jasper whispered softly to Caitlin. 

Caitlin stared at her pup, he looked so adorable as he slept peacefully. She knew that this peaceful day will be over when he found out his father was taken away from him. It will break him, but she was determined to teach him how to stay strong. That was her promise to Caddel and she intended to fulfill it.


They poured vodka inside their glasses, as Gregory and his men drank to celebrate Alpha Caddel's death. He was enjoying himself to the fullest; he had never felt this much joy and happiness till this day.

He remembered how his brother always got everything that he ever wanted, from birth to their adulthood, but now he felt free, he could do whatever he wanted to.

"Aren't you supposed to be mourning your brother's death? But here you are partying." Gregory turned and saw King Berry, Caitlin's father standing at the door with hands crossed and a frown on his face. Gregory grinned as King Berry came inside to meet him, he kept the glass on the table and stood to face the King.

"What a pleasant surprise, welcome! Join the celebration." King Berry glared at him without a smile on his face. Gregory figured out why King Berry gave him that look, his guess was that his words had spread all over the kingdom and others. 

"Why for heaven's sake, did you say what you said to your people? Now your words have spread to every kingdom." King Berry wasn't happy at all, but Gregory was filled with joy knowing people believed his fake news. 

"Oh c'mon, why are you angry? I simply twisted the story and added a little bit of spice to how my brother died."

"I'm not angry because you framed my daughter for her mate's death, I'm furious because my reputation is in jeopardy." King Berry said while Gregory rolled his eyes and sighed. 

"You don't have to worry about your reputation because it is in the same place as it was, okay? Now come enjoy the celebration." 

"No!" King Berry replied with a straight face. 

"Okay! Then will you come to my brother's funeral?"

"I have a better plan than attending a stupid funeral." King Berry glared at Gregory and stormed out of the room with two of his men behind him. 

Gregory was irritated and annoyed, he felt like ending King Berry's life too. He took a deep breath and controlled his anger, he was not going to let him ruin his mood. 

In the morning, it was drizzling and everyone was wearing black winter clothes and holding umbrellas so as not to get drenched as they attended Alpha Caddel's funeral. Some were crying from their hearts while some were just shedding crocodile tears from their eyes as Alpha Caddel was laid to rest. 

"May I ask you something?" Gamma Brian said and Gregory glanced at him. 

"What is it!?" He asked him icily. 

"Tell me! What if Luna Caitlin comes back, what are we going to do?" Brian asked anxiously. Gregory looked straight and calmly at his brother's grave. 

"Can you believe she killed her mate, who would do such a thing?" Two women were gossiping, and Brian and Gregory listened to their conversation. 

"I guess some people aren't satisfied with what they have. I pray she suffers the same fate as our Alpha king." Said the woman wearing a long black feathered sweater and cloche hat.

"So…?" Mr. Brian looked bewildered, not getting why they were listening to the women's conversation. What was Gregory trying to add up? 

"It's simple, she suffered the same fate as her mate. We're going to send her where her mate is right now if she tries to come back here." Gregory answered. 

"Oh, haha! I get it." Mr. Brian chortled.

"Shut up!" Mr. Brian immediately shut his mouth and lowered his head while Gregory continued to gaze leeringly at his brother's grave… 


Caitlin stood near the window of her room, her hands folded beneath her bosom, as her mind wandered to thoughts of Caddel and the special moments they had spent with each other. It was all gone now, they were all nothing but memories. 

Raizel was inside his cradle sleeping as the door to her room opened. She didn't turn to see who came in, she already knew who it was. Jasper walked toward her, he stood beside her and glanced at her then looked out the window too.

"I heard some rumors all over the kingdoms, that you're the one who killed Alpha Caddel." Caitlin arched her brows and gazed at him, Jasper looked back at her.

"What!?" Caitlin exclaimed. "Who spread such fake news about me?"

"Who do you think?"Jasper looked at her and folded his hands.

"Gregory!" She whispered his name angrily.

"The news about this is spreading all over many kingdoms." Caitlin felt a wave of outrageous anger burning inside her. She clenched her fists tightly; she felt like going to Gregory, and stabbing him in his chest with a knife.

••You don't know who you're messing with, Gregory!••

"I suggest that you don't step out of this place for you and your pup's safety, okay!" She looked at him and nodded her head in reply.