
Chapter 1

A girl in a small Mini Cooper was hectically driving on a long dark street. It was raining heavily and thunder was heard through the sky. There were tall trees surrounding both sides of the street. While driving she could hear wolfs howling. She continued looking back in her review mirror.Her breathing went heavy when she turned to the passenger side and saw a wolf. The wolf had gray fur with red eyes. The wolf had come in contact with the side of her car. Making her car flip multiple times. The car had landed upside down. The girl had red blood coming down her brown skin.She looked to the right to see if the wolf was still there but it was gone. When she looked to the left there was a man in front of her. The man pulled out the hinges of the door. Throwing the car door into the woods. The girl had started screaming. The man had picked her up and looked at her face with anger.


The girl's body had gone limp in the man's arm. The naked man walked with the girl in his arms into the woods. The man ended up in front of an enormous mansion. A man in a suit opened the door with a worried expression on his face. The naked man went up the stairs into a long hallway. At the end of the hallway, there was a giant wooded double door. There were initials engraved with the letters S and A.He kicked the doors making both hinges fall back. There were brown wooden floors and black walls. A nice old fashion chandelier in the middle of the room. There was a king-size bed with black Datsun sheets ruffled up in a ball. On the wall, there was also a big screen tv. The man had laid the woman on the king-size bed.He caressed her face until he heard movement coming from where the doors should be .He grabbed a metal black chain from under the bed.He opened the shackle at the end of the chain cuffing it to the woman's leg. He stood up walking to the door way .

"Sir it would seem that two of our men were injured".The man  in the suit from earlier named Sebastian said.The still naked man sighed and said"Get the doctor to check on them. I will be there to see if they are alright once I put on some clothes. "Also get someone to fix the doors. "."Yes, Sir "Sebastian said.The naked man walked into the bathroom. He began to shower.The water rand down from the ceiling mount pouring on his strained muscles. He continued showering until he heard a noise.

The girl on the bed had woken up. She shook her head as she felt groggy. She got up out of the bed slowly. Her body felt heavy but she walked around to the other side of the king's size by the window.She slowly pulled the window up but was thrown back to the floor. The man was standing above her. He had a black shirt and joggers on. His long curly hair was wet dripping little droplets of water on the floor.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?" the man screamed. He grabbed her neck holding her to the wall. She grabbed at his hand to get him to stop but he squeezed her neck tighter.

"STOP STRUGGLING AND STOP TRYING TO LEAVE ME." the man said. He dropped her to the ground and carried her to the bed.

"Tobias pls just let me go."

"No. I love you and I will keep you here till you accept that You love me too."

"You know I will never love you."

Tobias walked away towards the doorway.

"Then you won't have any freedom until you do".He walked out of the room. The girl turned over facing the window with tears streaming down her face. She continued crying until she fell asleep.The sheets gripped to her sweaty body as she moved left to right.She began to grip the covers her eyes shedding tears but her eyes were still closed.She was whimpering as if she was in a bad dream.


I remember Blake and I were on our way to the pack chapel. I had on my white floral glimmering off-the-shoulder royal princess wedding dress. Blake had on a simple Black tux. We ran faster hearing the church bells ringing. Right, when the bell stopped ringing we entered the church. All eyes were on me and Blake. We walked to the end of the aisle to see my dad the Alpha of our pack at the head of the church. My mom was sitting on one side of the church while Blake's parents sat on the other side.

"We are gathered to celebrate a new union of true mates to our pack. Blake Edwards and Lily Gilmore will become one " my father said.

My father pulled the chalice onto the table in front of us. He grabbed the ceremonial knife from the table and held it in his hand.

"First we shall bind their blood"

He cut Blakes's hand and then mine. We both watched as our blood dripped into the chalice.He mixed our blood then the alpha marked our temples with the blood.

"Before we consummate the union of this true mate couple. I ask does anyone reject this union, my father asked".Blake and I looked around the room to see no one rejecting until we heard a loud sound. A room of wolves busted into the church. Our warriors turned out of the fancy clothes into their wolves. My father and Blake changed into their wolves attacking the other wolves. My mother guided me, the women, and the children to our safe hold.After two hours we heard the metal door open.My mother the Luna of our pack stepped up first.She was standing in a protective stands trying to hide the rest of us.She began to growl until she sniffed the air.My Mom ran up the steps to my dad and hugged him.The other men of our pack came running down the steps to there families.Many of the children hugging there fathers and mothers.I looked around trying to find Blake but I didn't see him.I went up the steps to meet my father and mother.I asked "Where is Blake"? My father looked down at me with a sorry expression."He is okay but he's hurt.He's in the infirmary."

I ran straight out the door.Some of the of the pack houses looked torn apart.The pretty Vally grass looked damaged.The clouds began to thunder and started pouring down raining but I continued to run.I made it to the infirmary all soaked with rain.The nurse ran to me"why are you all wet Lily.Come in and dry off." "I can't I said I need to see Blake.My father said he's hurt."

She handed me a black soft silk blanket as we walk to Blakes room.We arrived and I walked straight to the door.I saw Blake laid out on a white hospital bed with cast on his arm.I ran straight to hug him and he excepted.We hugged each other until we both let go."I was so worried about you I said."Me too I don't what I would do if you got hurt.""So what happen was it rouge wolves?how did you get hurt?"

"It wasn't rouge wolves.It was the Lycian pack.There Alpha strangled me and beat me until your father came to speak with him."

"What did he want I said."He wanted something from our pack but me and your father won't let him have it.He negotiated a deal and gave us 3 days to either give in or a war Blake said." "I don't want the pack to get hurt.If we have to fight I'm gonna fight with you and papa.""No"Blake said."I'm gonna fight and I will protect you.""No I'm supposed to protect you""We will protect each other and our pack i said."Blake smiled at me while he caressing my face."You know I love you right ?""Yea".Blake leaned his lips closer and closer to my lips.Until finally we kissed.His soft lips moved against mines until we heard the door open.We abruptly parted from each other looking at the door to see my parents.My mother was smiling while my father looked annoyed.I began to blush as Blake rubbed his neck aggressively."You may be dating but you're not true mates yet so don't do any funny business my father said.""Dad!Stop" is said."And you get up I know your arm is healed up by now my dad said.Blake got out of the bed and took off his cast.It looked good.Blake was smiling while I looked annoyed."You made me worried for nothing I said." I started playfully hitting him across the chest until he grabbed me and spanned me around.His arms had me caged in."I'm sorry I just wanted to see your reaction.I'm happy to see my lovely Lily is still caring for me Blake said."

I started blushing and Blake began to quickly peck my neck and cheek.I began to laugh so did my mom and dad.We all left to the main house.The main house has a stone wall exterior.It was three stories high.The main door was a wooden French door. I was about to grab Blake to our room to cuddle until my father and mother took Blake into there study.They told me I wasn't allowed in.

Lily's Mom POV

My husband open the door as me and Blake sat down in the study."So what's this all about?Why do we have strange wolves coming on to our territory" i asked.

"Well The alpha known as Tobias from the Lucian pack wants our daughter.He said that he is her fated mate my husband said".

"We're not letting that monster get anywhere near our daughter I said"

"We're going to war" I said.