
[Bonus chapter] Triplets

Triplets. Triplets. Triplets. 

With wide eyes, Eltanin was looking at his three pups. Two sons and a daughter. In his dreams he had never imagined that he would get two pups and now suddenly he was a father of three. He thought of the day he married her, and announced to his people that she was his mate and his wife. It was one of the best days of his life. He remembered how his mother, Taiyi, married them in Stourin. And he thought that he was the luckiest man in the world. 

That was a year ago. Every day since then, he had fallen in love with her a little bit more. He never cried even though Tania cried when they got married. 

It was nine months ago when they found out that they would be having a baby. He wasn't trying to impregnate her, but he wasn't even not trying to do so. When she became pregnant, she said, "If I am pregnant, so be it." She cried that day but still Eltanin didn't.