
[Bonus chapter] Pups

Taiyi tossed the blanket away and got up with a start. "What happened to her?" she asked, her eyes wide with unknown dread. She got out of the bed and grabbed her shawl as she walked towards the door. "The last I saw her she was doing fine. Her contractions had started. But she hadn't gone into extreme labor!" 

"I think she has gone into the last stages of labor," Eltanin rasped. "She is getting contractions at shorter intervals. Flora isn't allowing her to go to the healer's room. And Tania is only listening to Flora. You must convince Tania to go to the healer's room. The pups will pop out soon!" 

Taiyi was so worried that the pace of her footsteps increased to a marathon. Alrakis joined her. Soon, the king along with his two parents were seen running down the corridors of the palace. When they reached Tania's room, they saw her eating porridge and chuckling at Flora's jokes. "And then instead of two, there were three!" Flora said and she laughed.