
The Alpha's surrogate

Forced into a marriage of surrogacy by her stepfather's debt, Melinda gets entangled with the brute of an alpha, Lambert. She undergoes the most inhumane treatment a wife would ever go through in history at his hands and even more channeled by his side piece. Melinda discovers that she is pregnant and realizes they plot to kill her during childbirth and flees with the pregnancy. She eventually encounters another alpha who apparently is her mate but there is more, he is the halfbrother of Lambert. A lot of secrets must be uncovered and buried truth revealed. What happens when Lambert comes for his woman after searching the entire world for her nearly only to find her with his half-brother? What happens now that he is ready to love her?

Regin3ly · สมัยใหม่
57 Chs

chapter four - cutting her off


"This way, my lady." The polite woman had said to me, and I allowed her to lead me through the corridors and then to a beautiful bedroom. It was more of what I would call a princess dream as it was way larger than my bedroom back at home.

I was swept with awe but could not forget the fact that I had been coerced into being here. The woman smiled at me as she turned away.

"Thank you," I said to her,

However, she probably was not used to the 'thank you' from strangers because she bowed quickly and left the bedroom.

I stood there in the middle as I wondered to myself what next I was going to do right now, knowing fully well that I had to find a way of escaping what would seem to be my fate. This man, whatever his name might be, really scared me.

Great... I don't even know his name or pay attention to that part of the contract. How silly of me? I wondered.

Well, I would not blame myself, as it is not every day that a girl wakes up to discover that she is about to be wed to a total stranger, she had barely any knowledge of who he was or anything.

Letting out a sigh, I made to move around the room and suddenly realized that I was there with just my blanket around me.

My cell phone was nowhere to be seen, and so was my dream. The tickets and all. They had been with me while I tried to flee the man, hoping I would get away from him that time.

How could I have known he would catch up with me soon? They probably were lying somewhere on the ground in the woods, to be forgotten.

There goes my dreams and the only chance I had to escape.

I went to the bathroom and dipped myself in the warm water in the bathtub as I rested my nerves.

To think that the man had hurt me was something to chew thoughts on. This meant that he probably did not care.

How could I probably stay with someone that had no care in the world about me? I needed to find a way out of here as soon as possible. However, before entering the bathroom, I noticed the windows were barricaded, which meant no escape. Not to say the least or mention, the presence of plenty of bodyguards in the area was also not helping matters.

I was stuck here as a baby-making factory for the rest of my life, as there was no telling if this man would meet his end of the bargain.

I decided to play it cool until I found my way out.

I finished my bath and climbed onto the bed naked, wrapping my body with the duvet to shield my nakedness. We wolves were basically warm at all times, so I could not catch a cold. Soon, my weariness won me over as I had fallen asleep so easily. It was a really good sleep that I needed.

However, it was short-lived as the morning suddenly came like some criminal and stole away my lovely moment of rest. The maids suddenly came to my bedroom and opened the curtains wide to let in the sunlight.

I groaned heavily as I sat up. My eyes were still sleepy, and I would have done anything for a moment of rest. I yawned heavily and watched as the maids dropped stuff for me. The woman that had brought me in last night led them now.

"You should change into these, and please be ready in an hour." She said and turned to me.

"But..." I began.

"The master tolerates no form of lateness. Please be ready when I get back." She said and was gone.

How rude?

I had been caught off from speaking since the previous night when I tried talking to him and he walked out on me instead.

Now, the maid was doing the same. I wanted to ask how she had known my size as I had not been measured the previous night.

Anger riled me up as I got off the bed and went to look at the dress that had been sent to me. It was funny as I could not remember the last time I had worn a dress. It was usually me and my jeans.

However, I did not want to discover what happened to those who defied the man, even as I was tempted to try and see what happened. I had an inkling he might not punish just me but the maid included, and I certainly did not want to get on the wrong side of the woman.

So there I was, in the bathroom soon enough as I washed myself up grumpily. I finished with my bath and went back to get ready. The dress was something else for me as it made me feel both weird and reminded of my chances of servitude. I stared into the mirror and kept turning from one side to the other as I scrutinized it. It was beautiful, as the flare made me look more girly. I decided to let my hair flow down, which would certainly complete the look. If there was anything to reckon about me, it was the fact that I knew some stuff about fashion. My mother used to be a fashion designer, after all.

I had just set aside the brush when the door opened.

"I take it that you are ready, Ms." The woman said as she peered into my bedroom.

"I'll take that..." I began.

"Follow me." She said quickly and was already walking away.

Seriously? Not again!!!

I nearly groaned with frustration at not being allowed the chance to finish. I was not going to take that as I caught up with her and fell in line.

"Tell me. What is your master like? Does he enslave? Is he kind?" I asked sporadically.

She did not spare me an answer or a glance as we went through those corridors and stopped in front of a door. Only then did she turn to face me.

"Go inside. The master awaits you." She said to me,

She sounded so solemn about it that I nearly gave into worrying. Nevertheless, I summoned courage and opened the door.

I had not knocked because I thought he was only waiting. However, I walked onto the scene of a woman seated on his desk facing him as she patted his chest seductively, or perhaps I was imagining it. She turned to glare at me.

"Couldn't you knock?" She demanded.

"Hello, Miranda." The man that had kidnapped me said to me, and I frowned.

He made calling my name sound casual like we were best buddies.

"You sent for me," I said to him,

"Oh yes. I presume you still remember my name?" He asked me.

"Your name?" I muttered.

Letting out a sigh, "I take it you have forgotten at the moment of your injury." He said to me,

It flashed before my eyes now that he had introduced himself, and perhaps in my state of weakness, I had lost the shamble of memory.

Thinking deeply about it, I remember it now.

"I do remember. You are Lambert and an..." I began.

"Good." He cut me off. "Jessica here would assist with picking your bridal train." He said, referring to the lady who had already left his desk to face me.

He said it like I was supposed to know her. I just wanted to hope they were family or something. I did not want to admit to the answer that was screaming in my ears.