
The Alpha's Obsession

Check out my new novel " Captive of the sea" .................................................................... My heart bled for them, my tears soaked my body. I swallowed every sob, digesting the horrific sight before me. My eyes widened when he took hold of my mother, she didn't fight back. " Who are you? father asked. " I'm Kale Oliver, Alpha of silver moon pack. I have longed waited to pay you back for killing the werecreatures. " This is your wife, right? Kale asked with an evil smile. " how much do you love her? " Please, if there is anyone you will kill, please don't harm her and my daughter, I beg you " Dad pleaded. Mother sniffed, her eyes finding mine. Her eyes held so much warning, so much love. Kale's claws Pierced into her throat, digging into her windpipe. He yanked out her oesophagus and vocal cord. Blood gushed out of her throat and eyes, her mouth Sharing the same fate. " Bring the girl out of the Barrow.." " busted! " busted! Did I care? No, I didn't. The moment I felt my mother life leave her body, something in me snapped, something was destroyed. I couldn't still shake as their leader commanded them to take me. " Burn down this island " I watched as the whole island was drowned in flame, the spirit of my people rising to Hades for their crimes. " Goodbye Vanessa, I love you " mother's voice whispered. Goodbye, mother........ Trapped in her fate, Vanessa tries to overcome her fears, stop the evil darkness and also try to untie herself under the claws of love she never opted for. ...

Phenomenalx · แฟนตาซี
38 Chs

Chapter 38: Darkness ||

  " Why are you telling me all this?".

Vanessa struggles to understand this man, what is he trying to say? Why show me such a thing when he knows it will push me further away from him, make me want to run from darkness, the one thing I could never stand is darkness. 

  " Because you will soon be part of my life Vanessa " he title his head to my direction" I like you Vanessa and I want you to know who I am…though  I won't permit you to run even if you want to " standing up he move to my direction, his both hands on my waist, he lean close and whisper " am Werewolf" he chuckle softly " a dead one " and then he continue laughing. 

   " How disgusting!" I growled.

   " What's the difference between him and those lunatics that killed my kind? That many years of grudge I have against this were creatures can't be forgiven. 

   Immediately, my mother's last words ranged In my ears like a clanging cymbals;

     " Goodbye Vanessa".

 Does he find this funny?

 Does he find killing people funny ?

 Lifting my hand up to slap him he caught it mid air leaving me confused as to when he moved his hand from my waist.

  " Do you think you can change me Vanessa? Do you think you have what it takes? '' Alexander furrowed his brows

   " Do you think you have it in you to change me or I will change you " 

   " Why will I wish to change you when all you deserve is death " I growled, his expression didn't change.

   " For all the people you have killed, you need to die, you need to feel death " 

    " And why shouldn't I kill those that wished me dead?

    " Besides, I wasn't the one that killed your kind thereby making me different from them" He snapped.

  " If only you realized who you're, you wouldn't just stand and watch all your kind slaughtered.. It's better to kill than get killed"…

   " Who am I?"

   " I don't get that statement of yours"

  " That won't be necessary now" He smiled.

   " And you think I haven't felt death " his expression is void.

  "Do you think I haven't felt something more than death?" He let go of my hand.

    " Like I said Vanessa, you are mine, today was fun…it was the first time in centuries I smiled so freely but that doesn't change who I am " he shot me a glance. " You can't run from me Vanessa, you are mine and you have to accept it…I will never let someone else touch what's mine, not now, not ever " and with that he walk away.

   " You said you will punish me" what am I saying, do I wish to be punished" have you lost the nerve master " this however made him stop, he chuckled loud.

   " lose my nerve " he flash me a smile;

   " Oh I plan on punishing you Vanessa but not tonight, you have a lot to think about before I punish you again, take your time and believe me when I say none is forgiven " his voice calm.

  " I will punish you alright and trust me, you won't enjoy it…go home for now " 

What a bastard…