
Chapter 95

"Really? I have the right too and you ignored me, how the hell dared you?" he spoke back and took one step to them.

"Are you a son of mine or a traitor? I didn't raise you to act so stupidly." He continued pointing Kyle who was staring at him with a blank expression.

Alex growled and stood next to Kyle with Dean on his side and Navid took a step to George with her eyes turning black from anger. Ann, Dillon and Henna were standing opposite of everyone as Fern and Albert were still blocking George. Isaak had gone to the pack house some time ago to check on Kara, Tia and Nick and he wasn't back yet.

"I think that you are pushing it George, stop it." Navid growled.

"You shut up. You are not family to me anymore and soon my own son won't be either." George replied shaking from anger.

"I had enough of you!" Fern roared and pinned George on the closest wall catching everyone off guard.

"Fern!" he protested but she punched and stopped him.