
Chapter 141

"Do you have any idea how difficult it was for me to stay strong in order to support you all these years when I was dying for Nate, your mother, Ember, Eleanor, Kyle, Tia and you? Do you have any idea how patient I was trying to be in order to stand your anger that Ember had left? Do you know how much courage it took me to see my son two meters under the ground and stand on my feet for all of you? How much I tried to support Kyle without your help? How many times Tia was waking up panicked after a nightmare asking about Ember and Nate? How much my heart broke when we almost lost Ember and Eleanor one day after they came back again? Do you?" she almost screamed and began sobbing burying her face in her hands.

George took some steps and fell on his kneel gasping for air right in front of her.

She was right and he knew it, Fern was his rock all those years, she was replacing him, she was doing what he had to do.