
Chapter 140

"Ember, you love Bryan, you are in love. You always were but you had convinced yourself that you weren't. You loved Navid as well, I know you did and he loved you back. Your feelings for each other were strong but not that strong as it was, is and will be for Bryan. Take your time, talk with Bryan when the right time comes and do not pressure yourself. Everything will come out naturally when the best moment comes. I am here for anything you want, you can talk to me about anything in any time. Okay? Calm down now please!" he tells me softly smiling encouragingly and I nod.

"Thank you Alex! I will follow your advice. Thank you!"

"Good Alpha. Now go, wash your face a bit and come for a walk with me and Henna. We will have fun, we will take Dean to tease him a bit and we will laugh. Okay?" he asks smirking wickedly when he mentions Dean and I laugh.


~some time later~

Third person's pov