
Chapter 123

"You are very cute when you blush. Do not worry babe. Okay? Behave however you want to!"

"Hi everyone!" Bill yells while getting inside the living room.

"It was about time to come, great to see you again bro!" Alex says excited and walks to him with Nick giggling in his arms.

"Hey young man! You look like mommy, good for you! I am glad you took nothing from your stupid dad!" Bill says teasingly opening his arms to take Nick while we all start laughing and Alex rolls his eyes.

"What an idiot man I call my friend! You are not touching my son tonight!" he states smirking.

"Hello!" my dad says while getting inside with El in his arms and George walks to him to greet him personally.

"Good to have you here my friend! How are you doing?"

"I am great George! How are you? Where is Fern?"

"She is going to be here in a while. Where is Wendy?" George asks looking around us.