
Chapter 117

I turn and walk back to the pack house. I am glad I have Albert, Dean, Cai and Alex with us. These men are true family and I know that I can count on them now that I am going to leave. My uncle will be also a big help, he is a great man and Bryan will surely play the biggest role. Ember and El need him more than anyone and I am sure that Tia and my mom like him a lot and he is willing to try and support them in my place.

Only Bryan and Derek know about what I am going to do and to be honest I feel very safe with them knowing my plan and intentions because they really understand and respect my wish to stay away for a while.

I reach the pack house and go straight up to my office where Derek is already waiting for me as I got a bit late with the training and I had to stay a bit longer at the field to help Albert. I get in the office without knocking and find him sitting already on the couch waiting for me.