


"You think you're all that, huh?!" Leo laughed as I chased after him to the backyard. "How dare you think you're capable enough to defeat me?"

A smirk crossed my lips. I didn't expect to defeat him but I sure as hell wanted to take his life while betting on my own life.

I didn't want to live anymore, I had no mate and I was sure I would no longer be a good Alpha in the state I was in.

So basically this was a suicide mission and I was going to take Leo down with me. Only then can the battle be worth it.

I had to kill him to avenge my father.

To ensure the freedom of my sister and the entire werewolf realm. Our victory was on me.


Leo let out a growl and half-shifted. Claws grew out of his hands and his eyes glowed a bright yellowish color.

I did the same and attacked him first but his speed was immaculate. Just when I thought I got him, I was holding the air and next, I felt him punch a hole into my already bruised back.